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Natural treatments and home remedies for osteopenia

When someone has osteopenia, then it means that he or she has lower than normal bone density. This means that you will have brittle and weaker bones than the normal ones. People are diagnosed with osteopenia when the bone density is not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis but it is not high enough to be considered within the normal range.

Osteopenia is more of a relative disorder or state than a disease. This is a warning sign that this condition can progress, and it becomes worse as time passes if it is left untreated.[1]

Women are having more chances to have osteopenia and osteoporosis than men. But both sexes can develop osteopenia. It is natural for women to have lower bone density compared to men. Also, there are some reproductive hormones, especially estrogen, which affect the rate at which bone mass is lost or created.

There are many people who have osteopenia, but they do not have symptoms, so they are not aware of their condition. The most common signs and symptoms of osteopenia are trouble exercising normally due to pains or injuries; dealing with bone pains and other aches that affect the tissues near the bones, including the joints; suffering from one or more bone fractures or breaks. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from osteopenia before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for this condition.

15 Osteopenia home remedy treatments

Get enough sunlight

It is known that Vitamin D can improve calcium absorption. You can get Vitamin D with natural sunlight. You should aim to get 15–20 minutes of sunshine on your bare skin on a daily basis because, in this way, you will allow your body to make enough Vitamin D to protect your bones. You should be careful when you expose your body to sunlight because UV rays can increase your risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin K2

We need to consume Vitamin K2 to form a protein that is critical for bone formation. You should eat more Vitamin K–rich foods, or you can take a high-quality Vitamin K2 supplement.[2]

If you are taking supplements, then you should take 100 micrograms on daily basis.

Vitamin B12

This vitamin is very important for elderly people because they can have a hard time with Vitamin B12 digestion due to stomach acid changes, and for vegans and vegetarians who do not consume enough Vitamin B12 from their diets.


You should consume foods that supply iron because they can help in the prevention of anemia. Foods that are rich in iron are chard, kale, spinach, seeds, nuts, eggs, fish, beef, chicken or turkey, bison, and lamb.

Natural cures for osteopenia

Collagen protein

Collagen is a component of the bone that can help to build its framework, and it provides a flexible structure that can withstand pressure. Bone broth is a natural source of collagen. You can take protein in supplement or powder form.

Vitamin K

You should eat foods that are rich in Vitamin K on daily basis. Green leafy vegetables are the best sources of Vitamin K, but most vegetables are good sources of this vitamin.


This is a mineral that your body needs for proper calcium metabolism.[3]

You should aim to get between 300–500 mg of this mineral on daily basis. One of the best ways to consume magnesium is to eat foods that are high in magnesium, such as lentils, broccoli, almonds, tofu, and spinach. Also, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are good sources of magnesium.

Vitamin D

There was one study in 2006 in which was said that Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are very common in people who suffer from osteopenia and osteoporosis.

This vitamin is essential for our bodies because it helps the body to absorb calcium which is the mineral key to forming and maintaining bone. It is recommended by experts to take a Vitamin D supplement on daily basis for people who have dark skin, elderly adults, those who never spend time outside, and who have a history of deficiency.

The daily dosage recommendations vary a bit, but most experts recommend taking about 1,000 IU of Vitamin D on daily basis. Older adults who have some problems with synthesizing enough Vitamin D via their skin may need higher amounts of this Vitamin.[4]

Green tea

There was one study in 2009 in which was said that the consumption of green tea can improve bone mineral density by stimulating the activity in the bone-forming cells and inhibiting activity in bone–weakening cells.[5]

Osteopenia diet

It is very important to eat a varied diet with adequate calories to fuel all your body’s processes because, in this way, you will get all the vitamins and minerals which are needed to build and maintain strong bones.

It is known that undereating for many years to achieve the desired weight or low body fat percentage can cause osteopenia which can result in long–term problems. Also, there are several nutrients that can support bone health, especially Vitamin D and calcium. There are other nutrients that are needed to prevent bone disorders, such as magnesium, Vitamin C, and iron.

Anemia (iron deficiency) is one risk factor for osteopenia because iron is important for collagen synthesis and Vitamin D metabolism.[6]

Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen formation. This vitamin can help to stimulate the cells which build bones, help Vitamin D to work properly, and enhance calcium absorption.

Foods to avoid

You need to decrease your sodium intake. Also, you should avoid consuming fast food and salty processed food. You should not salt your food before you taste it. You need to limit your caffeine intake. You should quit smoking. You need to avoid alcohol, or you should drink it only in moderation.


You need to obtain calcium from foods in your diet. You should choose quality and organic dairy products such as milk and yogurt. You should eat more dark green vegetables (such as broccoli, bok choy, and collard greens), sardines (with bones), calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice, and whole soy products (like tofu). If you know that you are not getting enough calcium, then you can take calcium supplements.

Most adults need 1,000 mg of calcium on daily basis. You should choose calcium citrate because your body absorbs it best. If you have a family history of osteoporosis, if you are a postmenopausal woman or if you are not eating at least 3 servings of dairy per day and/or calcium-fortified foods, then you should take calcium supplements.

Practice osteopenia exercises

It is very important to stay active because this can help to maintain skeletal strength. This is also beneficial throughout older adulthood. Exercises can help the body to reduce the decline in bone mass which is associated with aging.

Also, it has many other health benefits, such as contributing to healthy body weight and hormone balance. It is very important to do exercises because they can keep our muscles strong. Also, they can help with balance and coordination. Also, they can prevent falls or slips which wind up causing serious injuries or fractures.

The most beneficial exercises for your bones are the weight-bearing exercises, but this term is confusing to people. This type of exercise includes any type of exercise which forces you to work against gravity and which you can practice with an upright posture.

Some weight-bearing exercises are tennis, skiing, dancing, walking, and running. You should aim to do weight-bearing exercises at least three to four times per week for about half an hour to one hour at a time. Also, you can do these exercises more often. Also, it is very beneficial to do weight training exercises, such as resistance cables/bands, free weights, or body weight, about 3 times per week for thirty minutes.

Vitamin C

This vitamin plays an important role in collagen formation. You should eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C, such as kale, broccoli, kiwi, peppers, berries, papaya or guava, and citrus fruits.

Maintain a healthy weight

It is a known fact that obesity can increase inflammation and it can lead to hormonal changes that can damage bones. You should maintain a healthy weight because it is easier to exercise and to stay active in older age. Also, there are many other ways that can help you to reduce inflammation, such as not–over-consuming alcohol, controlling stress, getting enough sleep, and quitting smoking.[4]


[1] Silva ACV, da Rosa MI, Fernandes B, et al. Factors associated with osteopenia and osteoporosis in women undergoing bone mineral density test. Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia. 2015;55(3).

[2] Akbari S, Rasouli-Ghahroudi AA. Vitamin K and bone metabolism: A review of the latest evidence in preclinical studies. BioMed Research International. 2018.

[3] Briscoe AM, Ragan C. Effect of magnesium on calcium metabolism in man. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1966;19(5):293-306.

[4] Eriksen EF. Treatment of osteopenia. Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders. 2012;13(3):209-223.

[5] Ko CH, Lau KM, Choy WY, Leung PC. Effects of tea catechins, epigallocatechin, gallocatechin, and gallocatechin gallate, on bone metabolism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009;57(16):7293-7.

[6] Pan M-L, Chen L-R, Tsao H-M, Chen K-H. Iron deficiency anemia as a risk factor for osteoporosis in Taiwan: A nationwide population-based study. 2017;9(6):616.

Merlin Joy
Merlin Joy
Holding a doctorate degree, Dr. Merlin Joy AKA Sinatra developed passion for home remedies from her mother, grand father and grandmother. Sinatra loves to read books and hiking. You can contact her through [email protected]


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