Friday, July 26, 2024

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Health benefits of apple juice

Apple juice is one of the most used, popular and widely used juices. It has many health benefits such as support respiratory health, help with weight loss, strengthen the metabolism, aid cognition, stimulate the immune system, increase hydration, detoxify the body, prevent cancer, lower blood pressure and improve digestion. This juice is made through the pressing of apples. As we know there are hundreds of varieties in the world. One of the most common types of apples which are used to create delicious juice are the Mclntosh apples. China is the largest producer of apples in the world. It takes 2 medium – sized apples to make one cup of apple juice and this is a reason they are grown in such huge numbers. After the apples are pressed, most juices are further pasteurized or filtered which can help to remove any particulate matter which is resulting in a thinner consistency of the final apple juice.

Health benefits of apple juice

  • Improves respiratory health: Apple juice has some anti – allergenic and anti – inflammatory substances which can soothe the respiratory system and they can decrease the irritation in your lungs and throat, prevent respiratory infections and help to relieve asthma attacks.
  • Detoxifies the body: Apple juice has malic acid which can improve the liver function which can speed the process of toxins being eliminated from your body. When they are combined with the large amount of water in this juice, then it can stimulate the urination and it can promote the release of excess fats and salts which our bodies do not need.
  • Boosts metabolism: The long – term research has been linked to consumption of apple juice with lower blood pressure, lesser chances of developing diabetes, lower cholesterol levels and smaller waistlines and all of them are risk factors known as metabolic syndrome. This is a reason why the apple juice can optimize your metabolism and it can protect your heart.

Apple juice

apple juice

  • Aids digestion: Malic acid is component in the apple juice which can improve the digestive rate and support the liver function. When it is in combination with fiber and other stimulating minerals, then the apple juice can give you a quick relief from the symptoms of diarrhea, bloating, cramping and constipation.
  • Treats Alzheimer’s disease: Apple juice has antioxidants which can protect against cancer. They can also prevent the oxidative stress in other parts of our bodies such as the brain. There are some studies in which is shown that apple juice have antioxidants which can lower your risk of neurological disease such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  • Improves hydration: Apple juice is rich in water. You will get a burst of excellent nutrients but also you will have a refreshing dash of water into your diet. This can help you in many problems from cognition and kidney function to energy and toxicity levels.
  • Promotes weight loss: Apple juice has low levels of fiber. Also it has dense nutrient content. All of them are making the apple juice quite filling along with its high water content. This can reduce your appetite. Also it can release satiety hormones in your body – leptin. Also it can prevent overeating. It can help with weight – loss goals.
  • Regulates blood pressure: Apple juice is rich in potassium which is good news for our heart. Potassium is a vasodilator which means that it can lower the tension in your blood vessels and arteries. It can relieve the pressure and strain on the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  • Prevents cancer: Apple juice has polyphenolic compounds such as quercetin and procyanids which are extremely powerful antioxidants which can help our bodies to fight the effects of the free radicals. When you are eliminating the oxidative stress, then you are lowering your risk of skin, breast and colon cancer.
  • Boosts immunity: This juice has a notable amount of Vitamin C which is the key component of the immune system. This vitamin can stimulate the immune system. Also apple juice acts as antioxidant component which can reduce the inflammation and prevent oxidative stress.
Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]



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