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Dyspnea natural treatments – beetroot, ginger and black coffee

One of the most common problems which most of us complain about from time to time is shortness of breath. The medical term for shortness of breath is dyspnea. When you have dyspnea, then it means you have difficulty breathing and feel suffocated.

Breathlessness can vary, and it can be mild, moderate, or severe. There are some people who experience stress or anxiety, which makes this condition worse. When you climb to high altitudes where there is less oxygen in the air or when you exceed your usual activity level, then it is normal to experience some shortness of breath. In these cases, breathing returns to normal after a rest period.

But there are many health issues that could lead to shortness of breath. Dyspnea can be caused by allergies, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, respiratory infection or disease, and anemia.

People who suffer from lung cancer have shortness of breath as a symptom. [1] In most cases, episodes of shortness of breath are not serious. But you should talk with your doctor if the dyspnea happens suddenly without any obvious reason, happens while you are resting, keeps you awake all night, and you have symptoms like wheezing, tightness in the throat or chest, chest pain, and fever. Talk with your doctor if you suffer from dyspnea before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for this condition.

11 Dyspnea home remedy treatments


If your dyspnea is caused by iron deficiency, then you should eat beetroot because it can improve your condition. [2]

This natural cure is rich in iron as well as potassium, calcium, fiber, and many vitamins. You should extract the juice of one medium–size beetroot, ½ sweet potato, three carrots, and a handful of spinach. You should drink this home remedy once per day. There is another option, and that is to roast one to two beetroots along with their peels on the stove. You should allow them cool. Peel them and then eat them with salt and pepper. You should include more iron-rich foods in your diet.


This is a very effective home remedy for dyspnea. It can help to treat chest or nasal congestion, which may cause breathing difficulty. There are several components in ginger that help to inhibit the secretion of mucus, and this will help you to breathe easier. It can help to fight off any kind of respiratory and throat infection. You should drink two to three cups of ginger tea on a daily basis

.You should add one tablespoon of freshly chopped fresh ginger slices to two cups of boiling water. Cover it and simmer for five to ten minutes. You need to strain this mixture, add a little honey to it and then sip this tea slowly. Also, there is another option, and that is to chew small ginger pieces or ginger candies to rid of the congestion. [3]

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation is a good home remedy if the respiratory problem is causing breathlessness. This home remedy will help to keep your nasal passages decongestant.

The moisture and heat from the steam inhalation will help to break up and dissolve mucus for easy elimination from the system. You should fill a bowl with very hot water. You should add a few drops of some essential oil, such as peppermint or eucalyptus oil.

You should place your face over the bowl and put a towel over your head. You should inhale the steam and take deep breaths for a period of several minutes. You should follow this home remedy whenever you have nasal congestion. When the congestion clears, then you will notice fewer episodes of breathing difficulty.

Drink black coffee

If you drink one cup of black coffee, then it can help to cure shortness of breath. Caffeine can help to reduce respiratory muscle fatigue, and it will improve airway function modestly. Also, it can help to reduce the symptoms of asthma. You should drink one to two cups of strong black coffee to get relief from the shortness of breath and to restore normal breathing. You should not drink coffee in excess amounts because it can raise your blood pressure and heart rate. [4]

Natural cures for dyspnea

Pursed–lip breathing

This is a very common breathing technique that can help to ease the shortness of breath. This technique can quickly slow your pace of breathing, and it can help to restore your normal breathing.

Also, it can help you to get relief from anxiety and stress. You should sit comfortably and then relax your shoulder and neck muscles. You should keep your lips pressed together tightly, except in the center. You should inhale for a couple of seconds through the nose. You should exhale slowly and gently through the pursed lips while you are counting to four. You should continue to inhale and exhale for another ten minutes. You should try this breathing technique any time you begin to feel short of breath. In a period of a few minutes, you will notice that you will start to feel much better.

Relaxation therapies

Meditation and yoga are relaxation therapies that can help to deal with breathing difficulties. These therapies will increase the oxygen and blood flow throughout your body, and they can slow down your heart rate. Also, they can help to reduce anxiety and stress, which can worsen your condition. If it is possible, do meditation and yoga in an open area where you can breathe fresh and pure air. You should do these techniques on regular basis and in the correct way because in this way you will get the benefits of them. you should learn these techniques from an expert.

Diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing can help you to manage your breathlessness. It is a very helpful technique when your shortness of breath is caused by COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

You should lie down on your back, put your hands on your abdomen and relax your muscles. You should breathe in deeply through your nose, expand your abdomen, and then fill your lungs with air. You should hold your breath for a couple of seconds. You should breathe out slowly through your mouth and empty your lungs completely. You should repeat it for five to ten minutes. You should do this breathing exercise two or three times a day.

Enjoy walking

It is a known fact that walking is a great natural cure for shortness of breath which is very common in overweight people. When you are walking on a regular basis, then it will improve your stamina and will reduce episodes of breathlessness. Walking can help you to lose weight. Also, when you are walking, then it will provide distractions to help your subconscious mind to restore your normal breathing. You should walk at a moderate pace for thirty minutes to one hour, five times a week, because this will boost your metabolism and it will increase your stamina. [5]

Quit smoking

If you are an active or passive smoker, you should stay away from cigarettes because it is known that cigarette smoke can cause many breathing problems, including dyspnea is also included.

Cigarettes have harmful chemicals which are contributing factors to the development of respiratory and breathing problems. This is a reason why you should quit smoking, and you should avoid secondhand smoke. This will help you to breathe with ease, and also it will reduce the risk of lung cancer. Shortness of breath is one of the major symptoms of lung cancer. If you cannot quit smoking without help, then do not hesitate to ask for help from your doctor or close friends and family. [5]


In Ayurvedic medicine, fennel is used as a natural treatment for breathing problems. [6] This natural cure has expectorant properties which can help to break up phlegm and to treat respiratory disorders, such as coughs, bronchitis, and congestion. It has iron which can help to treat anemia.

You should add one teaspoon of fennel seeds to one cup of hot water. You should cover it and steep it for five to ten minutes. You should strain it and then add raw honey to it. You should drink this home remedy two or three times a day. Also, you can chew a spoonful of dry roasted fennel seeds.


This herbal remedy is very effective for curing dyspnea, especially in people who have dyspnea caused by some respiratory disease, like asthma. This natural cure will improve the flow of air into your lungs. It can oxygenate your body, and it will help you to breathe naturally. There are some studies in which are said that asthmatic people who take butterbur are having fewer chances to experience problems during an asthma attack. [7]


[1] Laviolette L, Laveneziana P. Dyspnoea: a multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach. European Respiratory Journal. 2014;43:1750-62.

[2] Balsalobre-Fernandez C, Romero-Moraleda B, Cupeiro R, et al. The effects of beetroot juice supplementation on exercise economy, rating of perceived exertion and running mechanics in elite distance runners: A double-blinded, randomized study. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0200517.

[3] Ziment I, Tashkin DP. Alternative medicine for allergy and asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2000;106(4):603-614.

[4] Lindholm D, Storey RF, Christersson C, et al. Design and rationale of TROCADERO: A Trial Of Caffeine to Alleviate Dyspnea Related to ticagrelor. American Heart Journal. 2015;170(3):465-70.

[5] Hopkinson NS, Baxter N. Breathing SPACE—a practical approach to the breathless patient. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. 2017;27(5).

[6] Abdolahinia A, Naseri M, Eslaminejad A, et al. Breathlessness from the perspective of the persian medicine. Tanaffos. 2016;15(4):191-196.

[7] Pundir P, Wang X, Kulka M. Asthma in the 21st century — Unexpected applications of ancient treatments. Using Old Solutions to New Problems – Natural Drug Discovery in the 21st Century. 2012.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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