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10 Great health benefits of nut grass

Nut grass is also known as musta. It is great for the digestive and urinary system. It can help you in the fight against metabolic disorders, like diabetes and inflammatory conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis. Also, it can help you to manage weight and fight against obesity. The botanical name of nut grass is Cyperus Rotundus. The nut grass is a perennial shrub. It grows in the subtropical and tropical climates.

Nut grass grows up to 40 cm. It is best used for skin diseases. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and from there is spread all around the world. Nowadays, it thrives in 90 countries. It is considered as invasive in many places. Nut grass has bitter taste. You should take this grass cautiously if you have constipation. This herb can increase the vata dosha.

Health benefits of nut grass

nut grass

Lowers blood pressure: It has been found that the extract of this grass can lower the blood sugar levels in diabetic rats. This plant has anti – diabetic properties which are attributed to the high levels of antioxidants in it.

Protects the liver: There are some studies in which are said that the ethyl acetate which was given to rats can help to induce the liver damage and it has shown protective effect on the liver by lowering the serum levels of total bilirubin and enzymes like glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, alkaline phosphate and glutamic pyruvic transminase.

Antiemetic properties: There are some studies in which are said that the nut grass has antiemetic properties which are a reason why it is effective against nausea and vomiting. It has found that the ethanolic extract of nut grass can help to prevent the amorphine induced vomiting in dogs.

Reduce fever: It has been shown that nut grass is beneficial for reducing fever and body temperature. In one study was said that the alcoholic extract of this grass was found to display significantly high antipyretic activity against pyrexia or fever in albino rats.

Promotes weight loss: There are some studies in which are said that the nut grass can help to prevent weight gain. In one study with rats were given daily doses of this grass extract in a period of sixty days. In the results was noticed that these rats shown a reduction in the weight without any challenge in the food. This is a reason why this grass is beneficial for preventing weight gain.

Manage high blood pressure: There are some studies in which are said that the alcoholic extract of this grass caused slow and persistent lowering of the blood pressure. This herb has been used for long period in the traditional medicine as a home remedy for managing high blood pressure.

Anti – spastic activity: It has been found that the nut grass have a relaxant action on the smooth muscles. There are some studies done on rabbits in which was found that the ethanolic extract of nut grass has the ability to produce relaxation of ileum and also, it has produced spasmolytic effect against chemical induced contractions.

Relieve pain: There are some studies in which are said that the essential oil and petroleum ether extract of nut grass is having powerful analgesic properties and this is a reason why it can be used to get a relief from the pain.

Anti – inflammatory properties: There are some studies in which are said that the alcoholic extract of nut grass has anti – inflammatory activity which is very effective against carrageenan induced oedema. Also, it was found that is effective against formaldehyde induced arthritis in albino rats.

Good for skin care: It has been considered that the nut grass is beneficial for the lightening and reducing the effects of aging. It can help to lighten the skin tone by preventing the formation of skin pigment known as melanin. Extrapone is made from the powdered extracts of nut grass roots and it is used as ingredient in many skin whitening creams. Nut grass is a natural way to lighten your skin without causing toxic side effects. It can be used for the treatment of different skin conditions, like herpes, rashes, fungus infestation and itching.

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ramesh kumar, BAMS is naturopathy doctor who is well versed with health benefits of all fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants


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