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Best 8 Lunch Ideas for Bodybuilding

High protein cooking is very important if you are actively making bodybuilding. It can be an easy and delicious part of your daily life. When you are doing your workout, you need to replace the lost calories with some delicious foods. It is very important to eat a lot of muscle-building protein, which also will be clean, so you will take the much–needed nutrients. You can cook food on your own at your home.

But, you surely do not want to spend all night in the kitchen preparing lunch and after that cleaning your dishes. The bodybuilding lunch ideas will help you to have good lunch without much cooking.

Bodybuilding Lunch ideas:

Below are given some of the best foods which you can prepare for your lunch:

  • Buddha bowl:

Lunch for Bodybuilding
Buddha bowl

From this type of lunch, you will get 943 calories, 135 grams of carbs, 36 grams of protein, and 29 grams of fat. You will cook this lunch for 25 minutes, and it is for 1 serving. You should steam ¼ cup of one piece of loosely packed kale and ¼ cup of quinoa for about 4 minutes. If you want to buy them together in a steam-able bag, then you need to follow the directions from it. Then, place this mixture in a large soup bowl.

Then, you should add ½ cup salsa, ½ cup kernels of corn kernels, ½ cup chickpeas and ½ cup of low–sodium black beans in the previously mentioned mixture in their own small sections of the bowl or plate. Then, dump the sliced or chunked 1 avocado on the top and enjoy this lunch.

  • Baked potato extreme:

From this type of lunch, you will get 353 calories, 47 grams carbs, 32 grams protein, and 4 grams fat. It is easy for making. You will cook it just for 15 minutes, and remember that the dosage is just for one serving. You should bake 1 medium potato in the microwave until cooked through. When the potato is reduced to half, then you can spread it open for filling.

Then, sprinkle over 2 oz of low–fat cheddar cheese and if you have an oven, then put it under the broiler for about one minute until melted slightly. Top it with ¼ cup salsa and then spoon on ½ cup fat–free cottage cheese and ¼ cup green, chopped onions. If you want the cottage cheese to be melted, then you can layer it on before the salsa. You should, it, eats this lunch immediately.

  • Pizza Rustica:

From the pizza Rustica, you will get 485 calories, 46 grams carbs, 31 grams protein, and 20 grams fat. You will cook it easily. It will take you 55 minutes. This breakfast is for two servings, so you can share it with someone. You need to preheat the oven to 400. Then, bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Then, add ¾ steel-cut oats and 1 tablespoon granulated Stevia. Then, reduce the heat and cook it for 10 minutes, or until the mixture thickens. Then, remove the food from heat and allow it to cool for 5 minutes.

Then, stir 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 large egg white and flatten onto the pre-sprayed pizza pan. You should bake it for 10 – 12 minutes, or until the crust is lightly browned. Now, you should make the pizza. You need to brown the 4 oz lean ground beef in a pan over medium heat and set it aside. Then, mix the ¼ cup of ricotta cheese (skim – milk) and ¼ cup of marinara sauce in a small bowl.

Then, top the pizza crust with sauce and ricotta mixture, ground meat, ¼ cup of raw arugula, 2 slices prosciutto, 2 tablespoons mozzarella cheese, and bell peppers. Then, return the pizza to the oven for ten minutes, or until the cheese is melted. You can modify the toppings to fit your dietary needs, but usually, these are recommended.

  • Egg and veggie muffins:

From this lunch, you will get 55 calories, 1 gram of carbs, 4 grams protein, and 4 grams fat. It is easy to make, and it will take 50 minutes. This lunch is for 12 servings. You need to preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Then, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a skillet in medium-high heat.

You should add ¼ whole red onion, diced, and ½ whole diced red bell pepper and sauté them until cooked through the set-aside. If you want to add meat to your muffins (like 1/8 serving of turkey sausage), then you can cook it in the same unwashed skillet. Then, in a medium-sized bowl, whisk the eggs and 1 salt and pepper to taste.

When the veggies are cooked through, then you should add them to the eggs and mix them well. Then, grease one standard muffin tin with cooking spray. Then, spoon the egg mixture into the tin and distribute it equally. You can add a tablespoon of optional ingredients to each individual muffin or row of muffins if you want to.

For example, you can add 1 slice of bacon strips and 1 tablespoon reduced-fat cheddar cheese, which is shredded, to some of the muffins. You can add 1 and 1/8 cup reduced-fat feta cheese, 1/8 cup spinach, and 1 whole mushroom to other muffins. You should cook this food for 15 – 20 minutes until the center of each muffin is cooked through. You should allow it to cool before removing it from the tin.

  • Avocado tuna melt:

From this lunch, you will get 308 calories, 7 grams of carbs, 28 grams of protein, and 18 grams of fat. You will need just 15 minutes to cook this lunch. It is for two servings. You need to preheat the oven broiler. Then, slice 1 avocado in half lengthwise, remove the pit, and scoop out the flesh. Then, chop the flesh coarsely. Then, flake 6 oz albacore tuna into a bowl and mix it with the chopped avocado.

Then, add 2 tablespoons of flat-leaf parsley, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, ½ teaspoon of paprika, ¼ teaspoon of table salt, and ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper. Then, scoop the tuna and avocado mixture onto a greased baking sheet and shape it into patties. You need to broil it for 5 – 8 minutes, or until the patty’s edges start to be golden. Top it with ¼ cup of shredded Gruyère cheese and broil again until the cheese is melted (it will take you about 1 minute). You should serve this food garnished with 2 tablespoons of chopped chives.

  • Italian shrimp pasta:

From this type of lunch, you will get 124 calories, 20 grams carbs, 6 grams protein and 2 grams fat. You will do it for 20 minutes, and it is for 4 servings. You need to bring the water to boil in a pot and then cook ¾ cup spaghetti whole – wheat pasta according to the package direction.

Then, heat two tablespoons of Italian salad dressing in a pan. Then, add 1 cup chopped or sliced red bell pepper, ½ cup broccoli, and 15 small shrimp, peeled and detained, and lightly stir-fry for 2 – 3 minutes. You can add this mixture to your spaghetti, and you can add 1 oz low–fat Parmesan cheese.

  • Tuna burger salad

From the tuna burger salad, you will get 114 calories, 6 grams carbs, 10 grams protein, and 6 grams fat. You will need to cook it for 30 minutes, and it is for 4 servings. You should mix 1 can tuna (tuna canned in water), 1 large egg white, and ¼ cup raw oats and form into a patty. Then, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a non – stick skillet on medium heat. When it is heated, you need to put the patty on and grill and flip at half-time. You should serve this patty with 1 tablespoon salad dressing, 2 cups shredded romaine lettuce, ½ cup mixed salad greens, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, and ¼ cup raw oats.

  • Cheddar avocado gains’ burger:

You will get 825 calories, 24 grams of carbs, 77 grams of protein, and 47 grams of fat from this lunch. It will take 25 minutes to cook it, and it is for two servings. You need to beat 1 egg, then mix it into 1½ lb lean ground beef. The egg can help the patties to cook up nice and evenly, and it will add an extra six grams of protein. You need to form the meat into four 6 – ounce patties. They will be 4 ounces when they are cooked. You should be sure that they are less than half an inch thick.

This meat is so lean, and you may want to cook it quickly and evenly, so the burgers are uniform and juicy. To make the avocado spread, you need to mash 1 avocado with 1 pinch of sea salt and 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Then, put 2 tablespoons of squeezed lime juice and 1 teaspoon of cilantro until the desired consistency is reached. Then, put the burgers in a skillet on medium-high heat. Season it with salt and pepper to taste.

You should use your finger to place a dimple in each patty. This can help them cook evenly and stay flat. When your patties have cooked on one side, then flip them over and sprinkle them with cheddar. Then, add a bit of water to the pot and cover it. This will create steam to melt the cheese. Then, put both burgers on a bun and top them with tomato and avocado spread. You can add 1 oz prosciutto and 2 slices and thin slices of red onions.

Elene Jordanova
Elene Jordanova
Elena Jordanova is a medical researcher from Macedonia with specialization in Internal Medicine


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