Thursday, July 25, 2024

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6 Amazing benefits of Nag Champa Essential Oil

Champa flowers are pretty flowers which have a pleasant sight. But many people do not know that the essential oil derived from these flowers can uplift your mood and it is acting as a stress buster. The nag champa essential oil has a unique and heavy but yet fascinating aroma which has made the oil and the products made from it popular worldwide. There are several ingredients which are used to make the nag champa essential oil but the base of it, are champa flowrs. The evergreen plant which blooms the champa flowers is considered as sacred and it is cultivated mostly in India. The Halmaddi (this is a type of resin), cinnamon, black pepper and sandalwood are other ingredients which are used to make the nag champa essential oil. This oil was sacred in the ancient Buddhist and Hindu monasteries in Nepal and India. Nowadays, you can find it in stores or buy it online. The heaviness of this oil can turn out to be a little overpowering at times, especially for children who have respiratory problems. If you are buying nag champa based incense sticks at home, then you should be sure that there is an option of proper ventilation. When sticks are burned in closed rooms, then this can make the atmosphere overpowering and this can be uncomfortable for some people. Here are some health benefits of nag champa essential oil:

Natural aphrodisiac

The nag champa oil is not exactly used as an aphrodisiac but it has sandalwood in it and this aroma appeals to the amorous self of both genders. After you have bath yourself with nag champa based soap, then you can find that stimulating your partner is easier.

halmaddi essential oil

Good for skin health

You can use the nag champa essential oil to get a relief from many skin problems. This oil has sandalwood as its component which is very beneficial for our skin health. It is working as an insect repellent and antiseptic agent on the skin. This oil has anti – inflammatory properties which work well on the skin problems. If you use it for a prolonged period, then you can notice improvements in your skin textures and if you have any rashes, then they will disappear.

Helps in focusing

When you are performing certain tasks, such as meditating, reading or driving, you may find several distractions that are affecting your mind. This can make your work hard. You can burn nag champa incense in your room because it will be helpful for you. The aroma of this essential oil will help your mind to relax and it will focus on a specific thought or work. This is a very helpful when you are practicing meditation. Also these benefits can be seen when you want to study and you find that your mind is distracting your thoughts.

Acts as a stress buster

The nag champa essential oil has a fragrance which can help to relax your nerves. This is possible due to the sandalwood in it. When you are stressed or when you are returning home tired from a work, then you can use products based on the nag champa essential oil. You can burn nag champa incense sticks in your room. Also you can use this essential oil as a diffuser in your bedroom. You will find out that it will leave you stress free. Also this essential oil is a very effective aromatherapy product. It has sweet odor and relaxing property which is making it very popular in yoga studios.

Acts as a room freshener

You can use sprays made with the nag champa essential oil so you will not have to use any other room freshener. This essential oil has a heavy and lingering aroma which overpowers the bad odors and unwanted smells for a long period. You will be able to avoid the usage of chemicals if you use this essential oil as your room freshener.

Masks unpleasant odors

This essential oil has halmaddi and sandalwood as its component and these components are giving this essential oil an aroma which can mask any unpleasant odor at your home. In religious worship in India, this essential oil is used because it can give people calming effects of their minds. It can create an aromatic ambiance in the places where it is used.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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