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Queen’s flower assists in curbing cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels

The queen’s flower is known more popularly as the Banaba and Giant Crape Myrtle. This is a delicious tree which can be found in Sri Lanka and India. In Hindi is known as Jarul. It is a very popular herb which is used in folk medicines. It can curb the spiraling blood sugar levels, regulates blood pressure levels and it has many other health benefits for our health. It is rich in gallotannins, corosolic acid, ellagitannin Lagerstroemin and tannin which are reason why you should use queen’s flower. There are no many long – term studies on the use of queen’s flower and this is a reason why you should consult with your doctor before you start using it to avoid unwanted negative effects. The seed extracts have antibacterial properties. The ellagic acid extracts can keep you safe from HIV infections.

Queen’s flower health benefits

Aids in weight loss: It is known fact that the leaves of queen’s flower can aid in weight loss. You can make a mixture of green tea and caffeine with these leaves to give your metabolism a quick boost and it can keep your appetite level under control.

Innate anti – inflammatory properties: If you leave the free radicals untamed, then they can trigger painful inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. It is known that the leaves of Jarul have potential to scavenge the free radicals. Also it has many anti – inflammatory agents to treat many ailments.

Natural antidote for metabolic syndrome: We know that the metabolic syndrome is a cluster of medical conditions and if the care is not taken in time, then it can escalate the cardiovascular conditions, such as atherosclerosis and stroke. There are some studies in which are said that the banaba leaf extracts can help to combat many different medical conditions, such as diabetes that fall under metabolic syndrome, hypertension and obesity.

Health benefits of queen's flower

Queen’s flower benefits and uses

Keeps your heart safe: This plant has a powerful impact on curbing cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels, which in turn can shield your heart from conditions such as myocardial infarction and arteriosclerosis.

Anti – cancerous properties: The leaves of queen’s flower have corsolic acid which enables it to be used as a natural treatment for many different types of cancer, such as blood, cervical, breast and hepatic cancers.

Antidote for high blood pressure level: There are some studies in which are said that this herb has positive effect in curbing down the levels of blood pressure and it can ease the hypertension and other associated health conditions. You should drink two cups of this tea made from dried leaves because it can help to ease the hypertension. Also it can help to prevent unwanted health conditions.

Cure for urinary conditions: A decoction or infusion prepared using the banaba leaves is having a positive impact on many urinary disorders, such as renal inflammations and dysuria. There are some studies in which are said that aqueous extracts of banaba leaves in the diet can help to prevent and cure hyperuricemia.

Natural diuretic: Queen’s flower has diuretic properties which enable it to be used as a powerful antidote for high fever. You should drink a decoction made from the roots and flowers of this herb, 3 times per day because it can help to bring down the spiraling temperature.

Cure for aphthous stomatitis: This condition is known as canker sores. They are painful blisters which are appearing on the edge of the tongue and cheek walls. Canker sores are reddish in color and they have slight inflammation. You should try a gargle which is prepared by using the roots or fruits of banaba. You should gargle 3 times per day to get a faster recovery.

Natural remedy for constipation: It is rich in dietary fibers which are a reason why people who suffer from hard stools or constipation can use the flowers, leaves and bark of Jarul to ease the stools and smooth the bowel movements. This can give you a relief from the constipation. A decoction which is made using the banaba leaves has been very popular as a purgative.

Atchuthen Ponnumuthu
Atchuthen Ponnumuthu
A septuagenarian, who has a wide knowledge on various health aspects of common ailments and their home remedies, loves to share his knowledge to the younger generation especially on the foods and their health benefits. You can contact him through [email protected]


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