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Natural treatment & home remedies for necrozoospermia

The necrozoospermia is the medical term which is used for when all the sperm is dead in a fresh semen sample. The incomplete necrozoospermia is when many, but not all of the sperm in a semen sample is dead. The complete necrozoospermia is when all the sperm in a semen sample are dead. The complete necrozoospermia is a very rare condition and it is considered that about 0.2 – 0.5% of infertile men suffer from complete necrozoospermia. You should not confuse the necrozoospermia with asthenozoospermia which is abnormal swimming of the sperm.

There can be different factors which can cause necrozoospermia, such as varicocele, spinal cord injuries, infection in the male reproductive tract, problems with the testicles, spinal cord injuries, prolonged periods of no ejaculation, anti – sperm antibodies, early testicular cancer, etc. There are no clinical symptoms which are associated with the necrozoospermia or dead sperm. Some men who have necrozoospermia suffer from other directly related diseases or disorders which have a series of symptoms.

In these cases, the most common signs and symptoms which are derived from other pathologies that can lead to a necrozoospermia, such as lack of sexual desire, spermatorrhea, abdominal discomfort, perineum pain, prospermia or premature ejaculation, orchialgia. It is very important to talk with your doctor about any of the mentioned home remedies for necrozoospermia because we do not guarantee you that they will help you for sure.

Home remedies for necrozoospermia

Home remedies for necrozoospermia

Get your sperm tested

It is very important to get your sperm analysis test every third month. In this way, you will be sure that you not suffer from necrozoospermia or if you are diagnosed with it, then your doctor can help you with the early treatment.

Eliminate stress

It is known fact that the stress is one of the biggest factors which lead to hormone imbalance and this is affecting the production of sperm. It is very important to find the perfect way of avoiding stress as much as you can. In this way, you can help yourself in the treatment of necrozoospermia.

Stop smoking

If you smoke, then you should quit of it because it can worsen the necrozoospermia. There was one study done in 2016 in which were reviewed the results of over 20 different studies with a total of nearly 6,000 participants in which are shown that smoking is consistently is reducing the sperm count. If you want to have better quality of sperm and improve the symptoms of necrozoospermia, then you should not think about smoking again.

Avoid alcohol

It is very important to stop drinking as soon as possible if you suffer from necrozoospermia because alcohol can worsen your condition.

Avoid exposure to triggers

You should avoid your exposure to some triggers, such as radio frequency electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic frequencies, pesticides and insecticides because they can worsen your condition. Also, you should not eat food rich in soy or canned or packed food because they are not good for your health if you suffer from necrozoospermia. It is known that soy products are rich in isoflavones which means that they can lower the semen quality. You should not use plastics, utensils and carry bags because they can worsen your condition. You should not wear tight undergarments. Do not stay for a long period in a hot tub bath. Also, avoid riding bike for long period. All of the mentioned triggers can worsen the necrozoospermia, so you should avoid them as much as you can.


In many cases, exercise is recommended as one of the best things which you can do. Also you can talk with your doctor which is the best type of exercise for the necrozoospermia. You can go on walk, make moderate exercises or aerobic exercises, but your doctor will tell you which is the best for you. It is known that exercises can help to improve your confidence and physical performance, but also it can raise your testosterone levels.

Add walnuts in your diet

You should eat a lot of anti – oxidant rich foods, such as walnuts. There are some studies in which are shown that walnuts can improve the fertility. You can use them in your treatment of necrozoospermia.

Healthy diet

It is very important to eat healthy diet as part of your treatment for necrozoospermia. You should add selenium, zinc, Vitamin B12, folic acid, L – Carnitine, Vitamin E and foods rich in antioxidants. All of them are food for the reproductive system and the sperm production.

Drink lot of water

It is very important to drink a lot of water and natural juices. In this way, you will detoxify your body, so you can get improvement in your necrozoospermia.

Get enough Vitamin D

There are some studies in which are shown that the Vitamin D can help to boost the testosterone levels. In one study was shown that the Vitamin D deficiency is more likely to happen in people who have low testosterone levels. When you are increasing the Vitamin D intake in your body, then it can help the sperm to have greater mobility. You can talk with your doctor how much you should take this vitamin for your necrozoospermia.

Get enough zinc

Zinc is very important nutrient which is found in high amounts in animal foods, such as shellfish, eggs, fish and meat. The adequate intake of zinc is one of the biggest factors which could improve the sperm count. There are some studies in which are shown that the low zinc status or deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality and an increased risk of male infertility. You should talk with your doctor if the zinc is suitable for your necrozoospermia and which is the best of using it.

Increase the intake of fiber

There are some studies in which are shown that the fiber can help in the treatment of necrozoospermia. You should add this element in your diet and some foods which are rich in it.


This home remedy has been used in the medicinal world since ancient times. There are some studies in which are shown that it can improve the male fertility. If you want to use it as your home remedy for necrozoospermia, then you need to talk with your doctor before you start using it, so in this way you will be sure that you will avoid side effects.

Avoid drugs

There are some studies in which are shown that the usage of drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine is decreasing the sperm production. If you suffer from necrozoospermia, then you should not use any kind of drug, so you can get a relief from your symptoms.

Avoid some prescription medications

There are some prescription medicines which can decrease the healthy production of sperm. When the person stops to take drugs, then his sperm count should return to normal or increase. You need to talk with your doctor if you have been using some kind of medication and you suffer from necrozoospermia, so your doctor will be sure if it is cause for your condition.

Have sex more frequently

If you are trying to have a baby, then you should increase the frequency of intercourse, so in this way you can improve your chances of conception, especially around the time your partner is ovulating. In this way, you will be both satisfied, but also you can improve the motility of your sperm.

Lose weight

If you are obese or overweight, then you should lose weight as much as you can because the excess weight could lead to necrozoospermia. You should try to stay at ideal weight as much as you can. You should eat healthy foods, more fruits and vegetables and avoid all kinds of fast foods, chocolates, sodas, etc.

Eat cruciferous vegetables

There are some studies in which are shown that cruciferous vegetables can help the body to clean itself of estrogen excess. This is a reason why you should add these vegetables in your diet.

Get enough Vitamin D and calcium

Doctors are not sure why, but the Vitamin D and calcium serum appear to impact the sperm health. There are some studies in which are shown that the low dietary Vitamin D intake seems to correspond with the lowered sperm count. You can find Vitamin D and calcium supplements in the health food stores.


Some studies have shown that fenugreek is a good home remedy for poor sperm health. Talk with your doctor about the best way of using fenugreek in your diet as your home remedy for necrozoospermia.


There are some studies in which are shown that sleeping can help in the improvement of necrozoospermia. You should sleep on regular basis, which means at least eight hours per night.



Necrozoospermia Causes and Treatment. . Published September 6, 2019

[Necrozoospermia: From etiologic diagnosis to therapeutic management]. . Published February 16, 2017

What Causes Necrospermia? – Symptoms & Treatment. . Published September 8, 2018

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ramesh kumar, BAMS is naturopathy doctor who is well versed with health benefits of all fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants


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