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Natural treatment for heart palpitations – Cinnamon and valerian

Heart palpitations are irregularities or abnormalities in a heartbeat, which are characterized by feeling like the heart is beating too slow or too fast or it is fluttering. This feeling can last from just a few seconds to as long as hours. There are many causes that could lead to heart palpitations, such as hormonal or biological conditions, psychological factors, and external stimulants. Some of the most common causes of heart palpitations are the use of illicit drugs like cocaine and marijuana; nicotine or alcohol; excessive intake of caffeine; strenuous exercise; high levels of adrenalin due to stress or anxiety; low blood sugar; an electrolyte imbalance in the body; overactive thyroid and anemia. [1,2]

Also, people who suffer from panic attacks and pregnant women have increased chances of getting heart palpitations. Also, there are some prescription medications that can cause heart palpitations. You should know that heart palpitations are actually a symptom and not a disease [2]. They can accompany other symptoms, such as a sensation of constriction in the throat and shortness of breath. There are some cases when heart palpitations can be a symptom of a more serious heart condition, especially when they are accompanied by symptoms like vomiting, nausea, sweating, chest pain, blurred vision, fainting, and dizziness. If you experience some of the mentioned symptoms, then you need to talk with your doctor as soon as possible. In most cases, heart palpitations are harmless, and they resolve on their own. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from heart palpitations before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for heart palpitations.

14 Heart palpitations home remedy treatment

Increase magnesium intake

There are some cases when magnesium deficiency can lead to heart palpitations. Magnesium can ensure smooth functioning of your heart and nervous system as well as better blood circulation in the body [3]. You should eat magnesium-rich foods like low-fat yogurt; dark chocolate; bananas; avocados; cold–water fish; peanut butter; oatmeal; quinoa; seeds like pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds; nuts like cashews and almonds; spinach, Swiss chard, kale, and other dark green vegetables. Also, you can take magnesium supplements, 350 mg per day. Talk with your doctor if this is the correct dosage for your condition.


This natural cure acts by calming anxiety levels, which can lead to heart palpitations. The lavender-infused baths can help to ease panic attacks, and they can help to calm down excessive brain activity. [1]

Blackstrap molasses

This is a very simple home remedy that can help you to control heart palpitations. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, which means that it can help to prevent these deficiencies in the body which cause heart palpitations. It is very effective for treating anemia which is the leading cause of heart palpitations. You should stir one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses into one cup of water and then drink it. Also, there is another option, and that is to mix two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses into one cup of water. You should follow either of these home remedies once per day.

Cold water

When you have a decrease in your fluid intake, then this can make your heart more prone to irregular heartbeats. This is a reason why you should drink one glass of cold water because it will help you to restore your normal heartbeat. Also, it can help to reduce dizziness, anxiety, and stress. You should splash cold water on your face because this is also working well for heart palpitations and panic attacks. Also, you can take a cold shower. The cold water will help to shock the nervous system, and it can help to get the heartbeat back to normal. [4]

Natural cures for heart palpitations


Deep breathing

This is one of the best ways can help you to deal with heart palpitations. It can ease anxiety and panic attacks which in turn will help to normalize the heart rate. Deep breathing can also help to relax the body, and it can increase the oxygen supply to your brain. You should sit comfortably in a cross-legged position. You should take slow and deep breaths through your nose, which will allow your belly to expand with each inhalation. You should breathe out slowly through your mouth. You should repeat it for a few minutes until your heart rate slows down. Also, you can do yoga and meditation because they can help to prevent heart palpitations.


If you cough vigorously for a few minutes, then this can help to break the pattern of a heart palpitation. This will cause the pressure to build up in your chest, which will put your heart back into a normal rhythm.

Valsalva maneuver

This is an ancient technique that can help to restore the fast heartbeat to a normal one. It can cause physical intervention, which can stimulate the 10th cranial nerve (the vagus nerve). This, in turn, will lead to a slowing of your heart rate. Firstly, you need to pinch your nose, close your mouth, and then try to breathe out forcibly. This technique will accelerate your heart rate, and then it will slow down your heartbeat. If you suffer from heart disease, then you should not use this home remedy. [5]


Valerian is a very effective home remedy for people who have heart palpitations due to anxiety or panic attacks. It has a relaxing effect that can calm you, and it can restore a normal heartbeat. Also, it can promote sleep. You should add ten drops of valerian tincture to one glass of water and then drink it to get quick relief. Also, you can take valerian supplements for a few weeks as a preventative measure. You need to talk with your doctor about the proper dosage, and you should not take this supplement for longer than a few weeks. This home remedy is not recommended for pregnant women. [6]


Cinnamon is also a very effective home remedy for heart palpitations. It has many chemicals and nutrients, including potassium and manganese, which are good for the heart. Also, it can help to improve the blood flow to the heart, reduce high blood pressure and prevent excess buildup of bad cholesterol (LDL or low–density lipoprotein). You should mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in one glass of warm water and then drink it. Also, there is another option, and that is to mix together one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and then consume it. You should follow some of these home remedies once per day for a period of a few days. [7]


This home remedy can help to cure heart irregularities by making the organ stronger. This natural cure was used in traditional medicine by people who were prone to nervous temperaments and associated heart conditions. Also, this natural cure can help the circulatory system with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Lemon balm

The lemon balm is also known as Melissa officinalis. This is a very effective home remedy that can help you against heart palpitations. This home remedy has a tonic effect on the circulatory system and heart [1]. Also, it works as a mild relaxant which can help to reduce anxiety. Lemon balm can help to normalize the overactive thyroid. In one cup of hot water, you should add one teaspoon of dried lemon balm. You should cover it and then steep it for five to ten minutes. You should drink one cup of this home remedy whenever you have heart palpitations. Also, you can include lemon balm in your cooking, or you can take lemon balm supplements after you have talked with your doctor.


This is a very effective home remedy for heart palpitations. It can help to increase your blood flow to the heart, and it can improve the cardiac muscle contractions, which in turn will help to steady the heartbeat [8]. You can take the hawthorn in supplement form. The general dosage of it is 160 – 900 mg per day, and it should be taken for 3 – 24 weeks. You need to talk with your doctor before you start taking this supplement because it can interfere with certain medications. Also, this herb may not be suitable during pregnancy.


This natural cure has many therapeutic applications, and heart palpitations are one of them. It can ease anxiety, and it can help to cure anemia which means that it can relax both the cardiac and nervous systems.


This natural cure acts as a stimulant on the heart muscle, and it can smoothen out heart arrhythmias. It can enhance overall heart health by strengthening the muscle and balancing circulation.


[1] Ershadifar T, Minaiee B, Gharooni M, et al. Heart palpitation from traditional and modern medicine perspectives. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2014;16(2):e14301.

[2] Raviele A, Giada F, Bergfeldt L, et al. Management of patients with palpitations: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association. EP Europace. 2011;13(7):920-934.

[3] DiNicolantonio JJ, Liu J, O’Keefe JH. Magnesium for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. BMJ Journals. 2018;5(2).

[4] Popkin BM, D’Anci KE, Rosenberg IH. Water, hydration, and health. Nutrition Reviews. 2010;68(8):439-458.

[5] Elisberg E, Singian E, Miller G, Katz LN. The effect of the valsava maneuver on the circulation. III. The effect of heart disease on the expected poststraining overshoot. Circulation. 1953;7:880-9.

[6] Gubili J. Valerian. Cancercare. 2016.

[7] Lokhande PD, Jagdale SC, Chabukswar AR. Natural remedies for heart diseases. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 2006;5(3):420-7.

[8] Wang J, Xiong X, Feng B. Effect of Crataegus usage in cardiovascular disease prevention: An evidence-based approach. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013;2013:149363.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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