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Honey, lemon and ginger can be used as dizziness home remedy

If you have dizziness which does not last long period, then you can try some dizziness home remedies. This is one of the most common conditions that can affect every single person at some point of its life. When you have dizziness, then you have a feeling of fainting, light–headedness, fainting, and loss of balance or unsteady. When you have a combination of dizziness with a feeling of spinning, then this means that you have vertigo. This is not a specific type of lightheadedness. When you have dizziness, then you do not have a disease.

Dizziness is not a type of disease.

This is a symptom of other conditions such as ear infections, head injuries, low blood pressure, anxiety disorders, migraines, heart muscle disease, tinnitus, vision-related disorders, heat stroke, anemia, low blood sugar, neurological disorders, and allergies. Also, this kind of condition can be caused by hormonal changes in your body, stress, side effect of medications, excessive exercise, motion sickness, and dehydration. When you have dizziness, then you can feel other symptoms such as headaches, false sense of motion, slow or irregular pulse, vision changes, and blind spots. Also, there are some cases when you have dizziness which is accompanied by chest pain, ringing noise in the ears, vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness, paleness, and weakness. If you have dizziness that does not last a long period, then you can try some dizziness home remedies. But if you have noticed that your condition lasts a long period, then you must talk with your doctor. Also, you should talk with your doctor about any dizziness home remedy which you are planning to use.

9 Dizziness home remedy

Deep breathing

If you have dizziness, then you should take deep breaths. This is one of the best dizziness home remedies you can use for this condition. When you take deep breaths, then you have a normal amount of oxygen in your brain. This can help you to reduce dizziness and to relax your nervous system. You should lie or sit down in a position that will be comfortable for you. You should close your mouth, put your hand on your abdomen, and place your thumb of the other hand against one nostril. Then, you should inhale air with the opened nostril. When you are doing this, then you should try to fill your stomach with air. You should hold your breath in you, and then you should close your both nostrils. Then, you should purse your lips. You should stay in this condition from two to three seconds. Then, you should exhale your air slowly. Also, you should extract the air from your stomach. You should do this process ten times. After you are done with this method, then you should sit in a peace for five minutes. You should breathe normally. This dizziness home remedy will help you to avoid getting dizziness. [1]


This is also a very effective dizziness home remedy. If you have dizziness which is accompanied with vomiting, headaches, and nausea, then the feverfew is the perfect natural remedy for you. If you feel dizzy, then you should eat fresh feverfew leaves. You can take feverfew supplements after you have talked with your doctor. Also, you can put one teaspoon of peppermint leaves and one teaspoon of dried feverfew leaves in one cup of hot water. Let it boil from fifteen to twenty minutes. You should strain this mixture. You should drink this dizziness home remedy a few times per day for a period of a few weeks. [2]

Drink water

One of the most common causes of dizziness is dehydration. If you are not drinking enough amounts of water per day or you are not rehydrating your body when you are exercising, or you are done with the exercises, then this easily can lead to dehydration. Also, when you have dehydration, then you have an increased risk of getting diarrhea and vomiting which is caused by excessive fluid loss. If you are feeling dizzy, then you should drink one cup of water. If you want to reduce dizziness and dehydration, then you should drink enough amount of water per day. Also, you can include fruit juices in your diet. Herbal tea is often one of the best beverages which you can drink. You can add honey to it. Also, broths and soups as dizziness home remedies can help you to keep your body rehydrated.

dizziness home remedy

Eat something

People who suffer from diabetes have low blood sugar levels which means that they have increased chances of getting dizziness. Also, people who do not consume enough food can have increased chances of getting dizziness. If you are feeling dizzy, then you should it something. This can help you to avoid being hungry especially if you are having dizziness for a long period. You should eat banana or chocolate bars because they are rich with sugar and carbohydrates and one of the best dizziness home remedies. Also, you should eat fruits that have high amounts of water. They will help you to feel full. Also, you can eat one bowl of yogurt full of fruits. It can help you not to feel angry. Almonds, cashews, and walnuts also will help you to have good health. You should eat one hand of the mentioned nuts. You will not feel hungry for some period.


When you have dizziness which is accompanied with nausea, then you should consume ginger because it will help you a lot [3]. When you consume ginger, then you have blood flow to your brain and other parts of your body which is normal, and also it can decrease the chances of getting dizziness. If you feel dizzy, then you should suck on ginger candies or chew on a small slice of fresh ginger root. This will help you to reduce dizziness. Also, you should drink ginger tea or ginger ale a few times per day because it can help you to prevent this condition. You can also use ginger supplements. But before you start using them you should talk with your doctor. He or she will tell which is the perfect amount of this dizziness home remedy.


It is one of the best remedies which you can use if you suffer from dizziness. It has high amounts of Vitamin C which can boost your immune system, and also you will have bigger protection from different kinds of diseases. Also, this dizziness home remedy has many nutrients which can make your body to feel energized. When you consume lemon, then you feel refreshed and rehydrated. In a glass of water, you should add the juice of one half lemon. You should add two teaspoons of lemon in this mixture. Then, you should drink this mixture. This will help you to get a relied from the dizziness. Also, there is another mixture which you can do. In one glass of water you should add a pinch of salt, a pinch of black pepper, and one tablespoon of lemon juice. You should drink this mixture three times per day until you have noticed improvements in your condition.

Indian gooseberry

This herb is also known as amla. It can help you if you suffer from dizziness. It has high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin A which can prevent dizziness, treat dizziness, improve blood circulation and boost your immune system. You will need to grind two amla fruits. Grind them in a paste. Then, you should add in them two teaspoons of coriander seeds. Also, you should add one cup of water. You should let this dizziness home remedy mixture to stay all night. When you are awake, then you should strain this mixture. Then, you should drink it. You should repeat this process every day for a period of a few days. [4]


It has natural sugars which can prevent dizziness and also it can boost the energy in your body. One of the most common causes of dizziness is low blood sugar. When you consume honey, you have stable levels of your blood sugar. In a glass of hot or cold water you should add two teaspoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey. You should drink this kind of mixture two times per day. In a glass of warm water you should add one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey. You should drink it as soon as possible. In this way you will get a quick relief from the dizziness. Also, there is another dizziness home remedy which you can make. You will need to mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey. You should take it once per day, every morning. [5]

Gingko Biloba

This herb can be very effective natural remedy for dizziness. It can help you to improve the blood flow in your brain. Also, it can prevent dizziness, or it can stop it. Also, if you have tinnitus, then you should use Ginkgo Biloba as your natural remedy. This condition is often cause for dizziness so this herb will work perfect for you. You can find it easily in markets. It has many forms such as liquid extract, tablet form, and dried leaf form. The recommended dose from Ginkgo Biloba extract is 120 – 150 mg per day. You should divide this amount in 3 doses per day. You should drink it for a couple of months. You should talk with your doctor before you start using this dizziness home remedy because it can make you some side effects in your body if you take some kinds of medications. [6]


[1] Southern Methodist University. New breathing therapy reduces panic and anxiety by reversing hyperventilation. 2010. Retrieved from

[2] Pareek A, Suthar M, Rathore GS, Bansal V. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.): A systematic review. Pharmacognosy Review. 2011;5(9):103-110.

[3] Grøntved A, Hentzer E. Vertigo-reducing effect of ginger root. A controlled clinical study. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 1986;48(5):282-6.

[4] Baliga MS, Dsouza JJ. Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), a wonder berry in the treatment and prevention of cancer. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2011;20(3):225-39.

[5] Eteraf-Oskouei T, Najafi M. Traditional and modern uses of natural honey in human diseases: A review. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2013;16(6):731-42.

[6] Swain SK, Behera IC, Sahu MC. Role of Ginkgo biloba for controlling residual dizziness after successful treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: Our experiences at a tertiary care teaching hospital of Eastern India. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. 2018;7(3):196-200.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]



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