Stretch marks are long and narrow lines, stripes or streaks which develop on the skin. They happen when the skin is suddenly stretched and they are very common. Every single person can develop stretch marks but they are more common in women than men. Stretch marks can happen on different parts of the body, such as lower back, upper arms, breasts, hips, thighs and stomach. Stretch marks occur when the skin cannot resume normal form after a period of intense growth, due to puberty, weight loss or pregnancy.
Over 50% of women are experiencing stretch marks during the pregnancy [1]. They are not physically dangerous but they can cause anxiety and problems with self – image. For some people, stretch marks are a big concern so they affect their daily lives. Stretch marks can become less noticeable but it can take years for this to happen. The most common risk factors for stretch marks are birthweight of the child in women who are pregnant; body mass index before pregnancy; chronic diseases and family history.
Also the prolonged use of corticosteroid lotions and creams can decrease the collagen in the skin which increases the risk of stretch marks. You need to talk with your doctor if you have stretch marks before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies. Here are some home remedies for stretch marks:
Rosehip oil treat stretch marks
This home remedy has antioxidants, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin E which can enhance the collagen production. It has fatty acids which can increase the skin’s healing capacity and reduce stretch marks and other scars. You should apply a few drops of rosehip oil on the stretch marks in a circular and massaging motion. You should let it stay there to do its job. It is recommended doing this natural treatment two times per day. [2,4]
Castor oil
This home remedy has a ricinoleic acid which is a skin – conditioning agent that can fasten the healing of stretch marks and it can make them to appear a lot lighter. You should warm castor oil slightly and then massage it on the stretch marks for fifteen to twenty minutes. You should do this on daily basis before you go to bed. [3]
Jojoba oil help in stretch marks
This home remedy has anti – inflammatory and skin healing properties. You should start applying this home remedy as soon as the stretch marks star appealing. This home remedy can prevent them from progressing further. This can nourish and heal your skin and it will stimulate the growth of healthier new cells. You should take a few drops of jojoba oil and apply it on the stretch marks. You should massage this oil for a few minutes and let it stay there. You should apply it two or three times per day. [4]
The best way to rid of the stretch marks is to apply turmeric on regular basis. It is rich in antioxidants and it has skin – lightening and anti – inflammatory properties. The regular application of turmeric can reduce the stark difference between your skin and the stretch mark scars. After a few weeks, you will notice that your stretch marks will fade away to a great extent. You should mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with one tablespoon of fresh cream or yogurt. You should apply this home remedy on the stretch marks and let it dry for ten to fifteen minutes.
Apple cider vinegar
This home remedy is rich in malic and acetic acid which can help to lighten the scars. You should pour one cup of apple cider vinegar into a spray bottle. You should spray it over your stretch marks before you go to bed and let it air – dry. You should wash it thoroughly in the morning and then moisturize your skin.
One of the best ways to lessen the stretch marks is to use the lemon juice. This juice is naturally acidic and it can help to heal and reduce the stretch marks, scars, acne and other scars. You should apply a lemon juice in a circular motion on the stretch marks. You should let it get absorbed by your skin for ten minutes. You should rinse it using warm water. You should apply a moisturizer. Also you can add a tablespoon of cucumber juice and 1 – 2 tablespoons of gram flour to it and make a paste. [5]
You should apply this paste on your skin and let it dry on its own for ten minutes. You should rinse it off using warm water. You should repeat this natural treatment once or twice a day.
Argan oil
This home remedy is used a lot in the cosmetic products for its health benefits. It has antioxidant properties and also it is rich in Vitamin E. They can nourish and heal the skin and at the same time, they will diminish stretch marks and scars. When you are applying argan oil on the skin, then collagen and elastic fibers of the skin are rejuvenated. You should apply argan oil on stretch marks and you should massage for a minute. This oil easily gets absorbed into the skin so you should not rinse or wipe away. You should do this natural treatment two times per day to rid of the stretch marks. [4]
Tea tree oil
We know that tea tree oil has many health benefits. It has ability to fade the stretch marks and scars. Also it has anti – inflammatory properties. You should mix four to five drops of tea tree oil with 1 ½ tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil. You should massage this natural cure on the stretch marks. You should let this home remedy to get absorbed by the skin and let it stay there.
Baking soda
This home remedy can exfoliate the skin and remove the dead skin layers. Also it can lighten the stretch marks. You will need one tablespoon of baking soda and lemon juice. You should mix these ingredients to form a paste. You should apply this home remedy on the affected area, wrap in cling and let it stay there for twenty to thirty minutes. You should remove the wrap and wash your affected area with warm water. You should apply this home remedy on daily basis to get a quick removal of stretch marks.
Sugar scrub
Sugar is acting as a wonderful exfoliant. It can help in the shedding of dead cells. It can improve the circulation and also enhances the healing capacity of stretch marks. You should mix a few drops of lemon juice, a few drops of almond oil and one tablespoon of raw sugar to make a grainy scrub. You should massage this home remedy onto your skin for eight to ten minutes. You should wash it using warm water and then moisturize it as usual. You should use this scrub once or twice a day.
Almond oil
This home remedy has Vitamin E and essential nutrients which can nourish and heal the skin in a very quick way. This natural cure can improve the complexion, smoothens the skin and reduce scarring. You should mix one to two tablespoons of sweet almond oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. You should heat it for a few seconds and then apply all over the stretch marks. You should massage in a circular motion for a couple of minutes and then let it dry. You should repeat this natural treatment two times per day. [4]
Coffee scrub
Coffee is rich in caffeine which has high biological activity and it can penetrate the skin easily. This can stimulate the degradation of fats under the skin and also it has antioxidant properties. The gentle scrubbing motion will enhance the blood flow in the affected area. All of these properties are working together to lighten the stretch marks. You should mix the coffee grounds with water to make a paste.
You should scrub this home remedy over the affected area. You should scrub in gentle and circular motions for 3 – 5 minutes. You should rinse it warm water and then moisturize it. Also you can add a tablespoon or two of Aloe Vera gel or olive oil to get better results.
Olive oil
This home remedy is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients. Also it is very healthy for the skin and it can help to get a relief from many skin problem including stretch marks. Also it is possessing anti – inflammatory properties. You should lightly warm extra virgin olive oil and then massage it on the affected area for a few minutes. You should not wash it off. It is recommended doing this natural treatment two times per day. [3,4]
Vitamin E oil
This oil has antioxidant and anti – inflammatory properties which are a reason why it is commonly found in creams and lotions to prevent skin aging and remove scars. It can keep your skin healthy, nourishes it and also it aids in the healing process of stretch marks and scars. This home remedy will protect the skin from UV radiation to a certain extent. You should open Vitamin E oil capsule and extract the oil from it. [1]
You should apply this oil on the stretch marks and massage it for a few minutes. You should let it stay there. Also there is another option and that is to take Vitamin E capsule orally on daily basis.
[1] Brennan M, Clarke M, Devane D, Dowling M. A qualitative study of the factors influencing recruitment to a pilot trial on the prevention of striae gravidarum. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2020;20:103.
[2] Korgavkar K, Wang F. Stretch marks during pregnancy: a review of topical
prevention. British Journal of Dermatology. 2015;172:606-15.
[3] Lin TK, Zhong L, Santiago JL. Anti-inflammatory and skin barrier repair effects of topical application of some plant oils. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018;19(1):70.
[4] Orchard A, van Vuuren S. Commercial essential oils as potential antimicrobials to treat skin diseases. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017;2017:4517971.
[5] Elsaie ML, Baumann LS, Elsaaiee LT. Striae distensae (stretch marks) and different modalities of therapy: An update. Dermatologic Surgery. 2009;35(4):563-73.