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Davana Essential Oil: Amazing 8 Health Benefits

The davana essential oil has many health benefits which are attributed to its properties as vulnerable, relaxant, expectorant, emmenagogue, disinfectant, antiviral, antiseptic, and anti-depressant substance. The davana essential oil is extracted by the steam distillation of flowers of the Davana plant. The scientific name of davana plant is Artemisa pallens and it has been used in India for religious purposes since time immemorial. The main components of davana essential oil are ketone called davana ether, linalool, advance, and a few terpenoids.

The davana essential oil has mild vermifuge and insect–repellent properties. Also, it has shown hypotensive properties and brings down blood pressure. The davana essential oil is used in making perfumes. The davana essential oil is not toxic, but it can cause irritation, so this is a reason for pregnant women. The davana essential oil blends well with woody, spicy, and citrus essential oils (such as chamomile, coriander, caraway, cedarwood, grapefruit, geranium, and neroli essential oils). The fresh flowers of this plant are offered to Lord Shiva, so maybe from this point, the medicinal properties of this herb were recognized.

The davana essential oil has a thick consistency and is burnt orange in color. It has medium strength of the initial aroma. The davana essential oil smells rich, sweet, fruity, and slightly woody and also, it has a subtle vanilla note. The davana essential oil is popular in Ayurvedic medicine, but nowadays, it gained popularity all around the world. In some cultures, the davana essential oil is used as an aphrodisiac. Here are some health benefits of davana essential oil:

Davana Essential Oil


Speeds up healing

The davana essential oil can help to heal wounds faster and it can protect them from infections.

Relaxes the body

The davana essential oil can help to relax the contractions in muscles and blood vessels. At the same time, it has a relaxing effect on the brain and nervous system and it can help in the fight against anger, depression, stress, and anxiety. This can help you to have a good sleep.

Eases breathing

The davana essential oil can help to loosen up tough coughs and phlegm depositions in the respiratory tracts and makes breathing easier. Also, it can give you relief from the congestion and it can reduce coughs. At the same time, it can help in the treatment against other problems, such as a headache and pain in the joints that are often associated with having a cold.


The davana essential oil can help to open up blocked menstruation and it can make periods regular. Also, it is a good alternative treatment for menstrual cramps. The davana essential oil can help to ease the pain associated with menses and it will give you relief from other symptoms, such as cramps, pelvic pain, nausea, and fatigue.

Fights infections

The davana essential oil can help you in the fight against infections from viruses, fungi, microbes, and bacteria and it can help you to beat infectious diseases. When davana essential oil is used in vaporizers, sprays, or fumigants, then it has the ability to disinfect the whole area and makes it free from microbes.

Heals wounds

The davana essential oil has the ability to fight against infections that cause septic of internal and external wounds, kidneys, urethra, urinary tracts, and other body parts. Also, the davana essential oil can help you to stay protected against tetanus. In case of cuts and wounds (particularly when it has happened from iron objects or dirty abrasives), you should apply davana essential oil without delay in mild concentrations.

Clear complexion

The davana essential oil can help you in the fight against blemishes.

Protects against viruses

The davana essential oil builds up effective protection against viral attacks. It ruptures the protective covering of viruses, known as a cyst, and it can help to kill viruses. The davana essential oil can help to cure viral infections, such as a cough and cold, measles, and influenza among others.

Elene Jordanova
Elene Jordanova
Elena Jordanova is a medical researcher from Macedonia with specialization in Internal Medicine


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