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Natural effective hair loss (alopecia) treatment for women

Hair loss or alopecia in women is a rare condition, but when it happens, then it can lead to emotional distress and uncomfortable situations. This can be an indicator that a woman has some major underlying health conditions, and this is a reason why it should not be ignored.

There are many causes that could lead to alopecia in women, such as autoimmune disorders, stress, and protein deficiency.

The symptoms of alopecia can vary from being very mild to extreme. The symptoms can include receding hairline, bald patches, and thinning of the hair. Physical or emotional stress is one of the most common reasons for hair loss in women. A big surgery trauma, divorce, etc. can be a major stress-inducing factor and could lead to significant hair loss during this period. This condition is happening because her body is putting effort into directing its resources toward getting her through the situation. Also, physical changes, such as high fever, sudden weight loss, etc., can lead to hair loss.

After pregnancy, there is a loss of estrogen, and this leads to hair loss in women [1]. Also, heredity plays a role in female hair loss. Also, those women who cut down on protein-rich foods have increased chances of alopecia because when they do it, then it leads to malnutrition, and the body is trying to save protein by putting hair growth to a halt. This hair shedding happens for a period of two to three months. If you are a woman and you suffer from alopecia, then you need to talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for this condition.

13 Home remedies for alopecia in women

Coconut oil

In Ayurvedic medicine, this is one of the most common ingredients, especially for hair loss. When you apply coconut oil on a regular basis, then it will keep your hair luscious and healthy when you suffer from alopecia. Also, it can prevent hair damage when you comb it. You should get pure, organic coconut oil and apply it to your hair. Let it stay there through the night. You should wash it off using cool water. [2,3]

Coconut milk

This is an easy and useful home remedy for alopecia in women. It is one of the best home remedies for massaging your scalp. When you are massaging your scalp, then it stimulates hair follicles, and it increases hair growth. You should grind the coconut shavings and squeeze the milk out of them. You should apply it over your scalp and then massage it gently into your roots. You should use mild shampoo to wash it off after a few minutes. [3]

Gingko Biloba

One of the most effective home remedies for alopecia is the Ginkgo Biloba leaf. It can improve circulation in the scalp, and it creates a healthy atmosphere for hair growth. This home remedy is frequently used in aromatherapy for alopecia. You can take Ginkgo Biloba in form of supplements. You need to talk with your doctor about the correct dosage.

Curry leaves

This home remedy has a balanced set of nutrients that can prevent hair fall, help avoid premature graying and stimulate the re-growth of hair follicles. This is a reason why it is one of the best home remedies for alopecia in women. You should place five to six curry leaves in a small pan with coconut oil. You should place this mixture inside a vessel filled with water and then heat the water. When this home remedy gets heated up, then you will find a black residue in it. You should let it cool and store it in an airtight container. You should apply this home remedy at least two times a week. Let it stay there throughout the night, and in the next morning, you should wash it off. [4]

Natural cures for alopecia in women


Mustard oil

It is a known fact that a few spoons of mustard oil can help to keep the baldness due to alopecia at bay. You can find it easily in markets. It can boost hair growth, reduce hair loss and increase the volume of the hair. Also, it goes well with other oils such as coconut and almond oil. You should boil mustard oil. You should crush a few spoons of henna leaves in it and then mix it well. You should let it cool and then strain it. Apply this home remedy to your scalp.

Licorice root

This home remedy is commonly used as a relaxing substance. It can rejuvenate your scalp. It prevents infections that cause hair loss, and it can help you to rid of dandruff. It can help to retain your hair, and it can make it healthy when you suffer from alopecia. Also, there are some studies which are shown that licorice root can promote hair growth, especially in women. There are many ways in which you can use licorice root as your natural treatment for alopecia. You can finely powder the licorice root and then add milk with saffron to it. You should apply this home remedy to your scalp and let it stay there through the night. You should wash it using lukewarm water in the morning.


Raw and organic honey is a component that is frequently used in many Ayurvedic home remedies for hair fall. It can reduce infections and related hair loss. If you use it on a regular basis over a longer period, then it can keep your hair loss at bay for all your life. You can use it with other home remedies as a complementary natural treatment for alopecia. You can use honey by itself, or you can mix it with equal amounts of lemon juice, onion juice, or curd and apply it to your scalp. You should wash it off after about fifteen minutes.

Almond oil

There are not many studies in which it can be proven that almond oil can contribute to hair care, but it is frequently used in products that are increasing hair growth. You should use almond oil frequently because it can reduce dandruff and split ends, and it might consequently stop hair fall in alopecia areata. You should apply almond oil to your hair. Let it stay there through the night, and then shampoo it using lukewarm water. [5]

Chinese hibiscus

This home remedy is used for the natural treatment of alopecia areata in women because it can boost hair growth and stop hair fall. Also, it can help to prevent split ends, and it can make your hair look lustrous. You should mix a few petals of Chinese hibiscus in dandelion oil. You should apply this home remedy to your scalp. You should wash it off after fifteen minutes.

Green tea

You should make green tea. You need to drink some of the green tea and keep some parts for the natural treatment of alopecia areata. It is one of the easiest home remedies for alopecia in women. It is an antioxidant and has polyphenols within regenerate healthy cells on the scalp, prevent infections and strengthen the hair follicles. You should make some green tea and let it cool down. You should dip a cotton cloth into it and then apply it to the scalp. You should let it stay there for one hour and then wash it off. [5]

Fenugreek seeds

One of the main causes of hair loss is the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone. It is known that fenugreek is a strong blocker of this synthesis, and it can encourage hair growth. It is very effective in people who suffer from androgenetic alopecia. You should soak fenugreek seeds overnight. You should grind it with water the next morning and make a paste. You should apply it to your scalp. Let it stay there for about thirty minutes, and then shampoo it. [5]

Rosemary oil

This is a very effective home remedy for alopecia areata. There was one study in which was compared the effectiveness of rosemary in treating alopecia to the effectiveness of minoxidil, which is a commonly recommended medicine. Both remedies produced equivalent hair growth, but the rosemary did not cause as much scalp itching as the minoxidil did. Also, it works well as a part of the aromatherapy blends for alopecia areata. Minoxidil disrupts the hormonal balance, but rosemary has not this side effect. You should mix rosemary oil with carrier oil, or you can make a blend and then massage it onto your scalp. There is another option, and that is to boil and strain rosemary leaves in water and wash your hair using this home remedy. [5]

Lavender oil

It has calming properties, which is why it is used to improve well–being, reduce anxiety and depression and de–stress depression, and to de-stress people. It is one of the best home remedies for alopecia in women. There are some studies in which is said that this essential oil can strengthen the hair follicles and it induces hair growth. You should mix lavender with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil and then apply it to your scalp. Also, there is another option, and that is to blend the lavender oil with rosemary, cedarwood, and thyme with carrier oils, such as jojoba and grapeseed. [5]


[1] Schiff BL, Kern AB. Study of postpartum alopecia. Archives of Dermatology. 1963;87(5):609-611.

[2] Rele AS, Mohile RB. Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. 2003;54(2):175-92.

[3] Satheesha Nayak B, Chua YA, Azeldeen BA, et al. A study on scalp hair health and hair care practices among Malaysian medical students. International Journal of Trichology. 2017;9(2):58-62.

[4] Ghasemzadeh A, Jaafar HZE, Rahmat A, Devarajan T. Evaluation of bioactive compounds, pharmaceutical quality, and anticancer activity of curry leaf (Murraya koenigii L.). Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014;2014:873803.

[5] Zaid AN, Jaradat NA, Eid AM, et al. Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2017;17:355.

Atchuthen Ponnumuthu
Atchuthen Ponnumuthu
A septuagenarian, who has a wide knowledge on various health aspects of common ailments and their home remedies, loves to share his knowledge to the younger generation especially on the foods and their health benefits. You can contact him through [email protected]


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