Macros or macronutrients are very important to our overall health. Foods that we consume are made of three macros – fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Rice is rich in carbs, but it has very little protein or fat. Chicken is high in protein, but it has no carbs. These three macros are from which the human body obtains energy and raw materials for growth and repair. When you keep tracking your macros, then it can help you to keep your food choices healthy and smart.
What are the right macros for us?
TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and your goals are the right macros for you. You can use this macro calculator because it has been shown to work best for most people. You can achieve your goals when you use the default settings. But, there is nothing wrong when you adjust the ratio if it is needed. Maybe, you are an extreme endomorph and you are doing better with fewer carbs. Maybe, you have only one kidney and you need to eat less protein. You can adjust the macros to the levels which are right for you personally with the help of math and this calculator.
Six essential nutrients:
Our bodies cannot produce everything that it needs to function. There are 6 essential nutrients which we need to consume through dietary sources to maintain optimal health. It is noticed that the essential nutrients are crucial in supporting a person’s growth, good health, and reproduction. These crucial nutrients are segregated into two categories –micronutrients and macronutrients. Those nutrients which are needed in small amounts are known as micronutrients.
Minerals and vitamins are included in micronutrients. Our bodies need them in small amounts, but if we are deficient in them, then we can get some kind of illness. Those nutrients which are needed by our bodies in large amounts are known as macronutrients. Fats, carbohydrates, protein, and water are known as macronutrients. Carbohydrates, water, fats, protein, minerals, and vitamins are the six essential nutrients.
Vitamins are micronutrients. They offer a range of health benefits. Some of them include adding in the brain and nervous system functioning; supporting healthy blood; helping the body metabolize proteins and carbs; maintaining healthy skin; aiding calcium absorption; strengthening teeth and bones; helping prevent or delay certain cancers, such as prostate cancer; boosting the immune system. There are thirteen essential nutrients which are divided into two groups – fat soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins are next:
Vitamin A (You can get this vitamin from many food sources, such as squash, cantaloupe, broccoli, carrots, fortified cereals, fish, liver and dairy products.), Vitamin D (You can get this vitamin from fortified foods, like some fat spreads and breakfast cereals; egg yolks; liver; red meat; oily fish, like mackerel, herring, sardines and salmon.), Vitamin E (You can get this vitamin from food sources, such as red bell pepper; pumpkin; beet greens, collard greens, spinach; peanuts, peanut butter; almonds; sunflower seeds; sunflower, safflower and soybean oil; wheat germ oil.) and
Vitamin K (You can get this vitamin from many different food sources, like cereals; eggs; meat; liver; fish; cabbage; cauliflower; broccoli; Brussels sprouts; green leaf lettuce; romaine; parsley; mustard greens, etc.). Also, there are water-soluble vitamins, like Vitamin B1 (it is found in fish, navy beans, flax seeds, green peas, firm tofu, etc.), Vitamin B12 (it is found in eggs, low – fat milk, cheese, yogurt, fortified breakfast cereal, beef, liver, chicken, etc.), Vitamin B6 (it is found in bananas, oats, wheat germ, soya beans, peanuts, some fish, pork, turkey, etc.),
Vitamin B2 (it is found in eggs, organ meats, low–fat milk, green vegetables, grain products, fortified cereals, etc.), Vitamin B5 (it is found in dairy milk, avocado, nuts, seeds, organ meats, mushrooms, etc.), Vitamin B3 (it is found in pork, ground beef, chicken breast, liver, salmon, turkey, etc.), Vitamin B9 (it is found in seafood, liver, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruits, fruit juices, etc.),
Vitamin B7 (it is found in nuts, seeds, pork, sweet potato, salmon, eggs, beef liver, etc.) and Vitamin C (it is found in watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, papaya, kiwi fruit, mango, etc.). Add these food sources in your diet, so you will be healthy always.
This is the second type of micronutrients. There are two known groups of minerals, which are known as major and trace minerals. You should add foods which have some minerals, so you will help your body to stay healthy. Major minerals are next: magnesium (it is found in whole grains, dark chocolate, seeds, some fatty fish, legumes, tofu, nuts, avocado, etc.),
calcium (it is found in soy milk, cheese, yogurt, milk, fish with bones, dried peas and beans, dark–green leafy vegetables, etc.), phosphorus (it is found in nuts, lentils, beans, milk, meat, whole grains, etc.), sulfur (it is found in turkey, allium vegetables, chickeaps, walnuts, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc.), sodium (it is found in beans canned with salt added; smoked, cured, salted or canned meat, salted nuts, etc.), potassium (it is found in cucumbers, peas, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, cooked broccoli, etc.), chloride (it is found in olives, celery, tomatoes, rye, seaweed, etc.).
Trace minerals are next: iron (it is found in turkey, spinach, shellfish, red meat, etc.), selenium (it is found in organ meats, seafoods, Brazil nuts, etc.), zinc (it is found in oysters, dairy products, whole grains, etc.), manganese (it is found in dark chocolate, pineapple, brown rice, acai, beans, legumes, etc.), chromium (it is found in brewer’s yeast,
liver and broccoli), copper (it is found in chocolate, organ meats, seeds and nuts, shellfish, etc.), iodine (it is found in fish, shrimp, seaweed, milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.), fluoride (it is found in black tea, fruit juice, blue carb, shrimp, etc.) and molybdenum (it is found in beef, eggs, chicken, black – eyes peas, lima beans, etc.).
It is a macronutrient which every cell in the body needs to function properly. There are many food sources of protein, such as some grains, including quinoa; nuts; soy; dairy products; eggs; beans and legumes; fish and other seafood; poultry, including chicken and turkey; red meats. Meat and fish tend to have the highest levels of protein, but vegans and vegetarians can get enough protein from many different plant products.
Often, people associate fat with bad health. But, we need some fats to help maintain optimal health. Fats can give us energy and they can help to carry out many different functions. It is very important to consume healthful fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Also, you should avoid or limit the intake of saturated and trans fats. Healthful fats can help with the immune function, hormone production, mineral and vitamin absorption, brain functioning, balance blood sugar, cell growth, etc. There are many different food sources which can give you healthful fats, such as seeds, coconut oil, vegetable oils, fish (such as tuna and salmon) and nuts.
These nutrients are essential to the body. They are starches or sugars which provide energy for the cells and tissues in the body. Simple and complex carbohydrates are two different types of carbohydrates. People need to limit their intake of simple carbohydrates, like rice, pasta and white bread.
Our bodies need complex carbohydrates to do many things, such as digestive function; energy to perform tasks; the nervous system; brain function and the immune system. Some foods which have complex carbohydrates include barley, fruits, oatmeal, vegetables, brown rice, quinoa and whole grain pasta, bread and other baked goods.
This is the most important essential nutrient which our bodies need. We can survive only a few days without consuming water. It is best to drink natural unsweetened water from tap or bottled sources. If you are not a lover of a plain water, then you can add a squeeze of lemon or other citrus fruits. Also, you can get extra water by consuming fruits which have a huge amount of water. You should avoid getting your water intake from sugary drinks. Some sugary drinks which you should avoid include fruit juices, lemonade, soda, coffees and sweetened teas.