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12 Natural Ways To Increase Your Metabolic Rate

RMR calculator is a shortcut used for resting metabolic rate. It estimates the number of calories used by your organism to keep it alive (this means in the rest time). Some of the essential functions which your body needs to do while it is resting are sustaining the function of vital organs, food digestion, basic brain functions, circulating blood, heart beating, and breathing. This calculator does not account for calories that are burned to support physical activity. This is a reason why we should eat properly and make things right, so our bodies will have the energy to do it while we are resting.

Metabolic rate:

How To Maintain Metabolic Rate Naturally

The overall rate of tissue oxidation of fuels by all the body’s organs is known as metabolic rate. The resting metabolic rate is describing the number of calories burned when your body is completely at rest. When you have a higher resting metabolic rate, this means that your body will burn more calories at a state of rest. This can allow you to increase the number of calories you can consume in one day to reach your goals. There are many different ways to measure the resting metabolic rate outside of a clinical setting. We are all so different.

There is no easy graph or table to see how you measure up. But, on average, the resting metabolic rate will require around 1600 calories for men on a daily basis and 1400 calories for women on daily basis. The speed of our metabolism depends on many different factors, such as age, sex, body fat, genetics, acidity level, and muscle mass.

It is very important to keep your metabolic rate high because in this way it can burn more calories and it will be easier for you to lose weight and ward off many different diseases. When you make small lifestyle changes and incorporate natural foods into your diet, then you can increase your metabolism.

How to maintain metabolic rate naturally:

There are many things which you can do throughout the day, so when you will resting, your body will be able to burn calories better. Our metabolism is the rate at which our bodies burn calories for energy. The speed of metabolism is depending on many different factors, such as genetics, activity level, muscle mass, body fat, sex, and age. We do not have control over the genetic aspects of metabolism. But, there are some ways to help speed up the rate at which the body processes calories.

Getting enough B Vitamins:

One of the most important vitamins for the metabolic rate is B vitamins. Some of the most important B vitamins include Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B6. You can find B vitamins in many different foods, such as whole-grain foods, spinach, peas, peanut butter, orange juice, eggs, baked potatoes, and bananas.

Getting plenty of sleep:

When we get too little sleep, then our bodies release a hormone called ghrelin. This hormone can make us feel hungry. Also, it releases less leptin, which is a hormone that can help a person to feel full. When you get enough sleep, then you can be sure that your hormones remain balanced. This can help you to stay away from food that you see in your fridge and overeat it. The right amount of sleep varies among people. But, research suggests that adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleeping per night.

Trying high–intensity workouts:

High–intensity workouts can increase metabolism, just like strength training. You can benefit from adding elements of both to a workout. High – intensity workout is an alternative to steady cardio. Cycling, swimming, or running are examples of steady cardio. You can try a routine that involves alternating periods of higher–intensity and lower–intensity exercise. This might involve sprinting for one minute and then walking for two minutes or switching between short bursts of jumping and walking recovery periods.

Reducing stress:

Stress is affecting hormone levels. It can cause the body to produce more cortisol than usual. Cortisol is a hormone that helps to regulate appetite. One study done in 2011 was found abnormal cortisol levels in people who are experiencing disordered eating. This type of eating includes certain weight concerns and dietary restraint, which may lead to unhealthful eating patterns and this can disrupt metabolism. Also, stress is closely related to the quality of sleep, which can influence metabolism.

Drinking enough water:

You need to stay hydrated all the time. It is essential for your body to function at its best. Water is needed for optimal metabolism. It can help a person to lose weight. In one study was found that adding 1.5 liters of water to the usual daily consumption of water can help to reduce the average weight and body mass index in a group of overweight women aged 18 – 23.

Doing resistance training:

Strength training helps build muscle. This can increase metabolism. It is noticed that the muscle mass has a higher metabolic rate compared with the This means that muscle mass requires more energy to preserve. As we are getting older, our bodies naturally lose muscles. Regular resistance training can help to counteract this effect. Resistance training may involve lifting weights and doing exercises that use the weight of the body or resistance bands to build muscle.

Drinking green tea:

Studies have not conclusively proven it, but some studies are said that green tea extract can play a role in promoting fat metabolism. Also, green tea can be a good alternative to sugary juices. When you drink it, it can ensure that you get enough water for the day. Metabolic benefits are not certain, but 1 – 2 cups per day can be a healthful addition to a balanced diet.

Eating enough calories:

Many people skip meals because they want to lose weight. But, this can negatively affect the metabolism. Also, eating meals that are not filling can have the same effect. When you eat too few calories, then this can lead to your metabolism slowing down, so your body can conserve energy. Adult men need between 2,000 – 3,000 calories per day, depending on their physical activity levels, while adult women need between 1,600 – 2,400 calories per day.

Eating at regular times:

Our bodies rely on balance and regularity. When we eat at consistent times, then this can help to maintain the metabolic rate. If we eat a lot and then we go for long periods without eating, then our bodies may burn calories more slowly and store more fat cells. When you eat at regular times, then you can reduce this tendency. A person should eat several meals or snacks about three to four hours apart.

Eat a lot of protein at every meal:

When you eat food, then this can increase your metabolism for a few hours. This is known as the thermic effect of food. This is caused by extra calories needed to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meal. Protein is causing the largest rise in the thermic effect of food. Also, it increases your metabolic rate by 15 – 30% compared to the 5 – 10% carbs and 0 – 3% for fats.

When you eat protein, then it can help you to feel fuller and it can help to prevent overeating. One small study was found that people eat around 441 fewer calories per day when protein made up 30% of their diet. Also, eating more protein can reduce the drop in metabolism which is associated with losing fat. This is possible because it reduces muscle loss and this is a common side effect of dieting.

Stand up more:

When you sit too much, then it is bad for your health. Some health experts say that sitting is the new smoking. This is happening because long periods of sitting burn fewer calories and it can lead to weight gain. When you stand up in the afternoon at work, then it can burn an extra 174 calories. If you have a desk job, then you should try standing up for short periods to break up the length of time you spend sitting down. Also, you can invest in a standing desk.

Eat spicy foods:

Peppers have capsaicin, which is a substance that can boost your metabolism. But, some people may not tolerate these species as it is needed to get the desired effect. In one study, people have eaten acceptable doses of capsaicin. It has been predicted that eating peppers would burn around 10 additional calories per meal. After 6.5 years, this could account for 0.5 kg of weight loss for an average-weight male. If you just use this in your diet, then the desiring effects would be small. If you combine it with other metabolism-boosting strategies, then it can help you to get better effects.

Marigie A.
Marigie A.
Marigie is an Engineer who got her degree from the University of the Philippines. She is currently employed at a food manufacturing company. Working on this industry made her aware and knowledgeable on food and their medicinal benefits. Marigie loves to travel and learn about new cultures. During her free time, she shares her knowledge about health to the readers of this website.


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