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How To Maintain Energy Requirement Naturally

EER calculator is used to estimating the average dietary energy intake which is needed to maintain the energy balance in healthy and normal-weight people. This calculator can help you to maintain your current weight, so you will know how many calories you can eat. We live in the modern era where we are in a run to do everything.

We want to finish our work at the time, to go out with friends, to have time for lunch, etc. In this period, we forget to eat healthy foods, which can help us with energy requirements. You need to follow a healthy, balanced diet if you want to keep up your energy levels.

Metabolism change after 50:

When we are young in our 20s and 30s, we do not feel like we need to choose too many healthy foods. We can go for hours and hours without adding nutrients to our bodies. But, as we are getting older, we need more vitamins and nutrients which can fill our energy levels. Our metabolism change converts food into energy. But, as we are getting older, digestion, muscle, and physical activity are changing. When we move throughout the day, we burn energy.

This reduced physical activity is the biggest factor that can change metabolism. You will burn more energy as more muscle you have. It is known that muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue. Muscle loss is often a part of the aging process. Older people have decreased ability to absorb and use the nutrients from foods they digest.

Also, older adults have a decreased ability to absorb and use the nutrients in the food. Their digestive system moves food more slowly through their colon. Also, muscles in the digestive tract become weaker, stiff, and work less efficiently. Your body will get less energy from the food.

What foods should you eat to maintain energy requirements naturally?

There are a lot of foods which you can consume to maintain your energy levels. On the other hand, there are plenty of foods which you should avoid to maintain your energy requirements.

How to maintain energy requirement naturally

Superfoods and supplements:

There is no single food labeled as a superfood. No one can compensate for your unhealthy eating. And there is no evidence that a single food can give you an energy boost. Many people do not need to take vitamin supplements to improve their energy levels. They can get all their vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy and balanced diet. But, there are some people who have a risk of deficiency and they are advised to take a supplement. You should always talk with your doctor if some supplement will be needed.

Cut down on sugar:

Many studies are shown that adults and children in the United Kingdom eat too much sugar. It gives you a rush of energy, but it wears off quickly. Also, it is bad for your teeth and for your waistline too. There are a lot of sugars in foods, such as fruits and vegetables, but you do not need to avoid them. You can always cut down on foods with added sugars, such as some breakfast cereals; chocolate; sugary fizzy drinks; biscuits; cakes, and sweets.

Healthy drinks:

You should stay hydrated all the time. You should drink a lot of fluids. It is recommended to drink 6 – 8 glasses of water on a daily basis. This is an addition to the fluid that we get from food. Sugar–free drinks, lower-fat milk, and water are healthier choices. You should watch your alcohol intake. Alcohol can dehydrate your body, disturb your sleep and lead to tiredness the next day.

Iron-rich foods:

When you are low in iron or you have iron–deficiency anemia, then it can make you feel tired and run down. Teen girls and young women especially have a risk of this condition, because they lose iron in their menstrual periods. Some of the best sources of iron include fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals; green vegetables, and red meat. It is important to eat a range of foods to get enough iron.

Starchy carbohydrates:

These are an important part of a healthy diet. They are a good source of energy and they are the main source of a range of essential nutrients. Rice, pasta, cereals, bread, and potatoes are starchy carbohydrates. Starchy foods should take just over a third of what you eat. You should always choose wholemeal varieties or wholegrain varieties because they are high in fiber and they can help you to keep you fuller for longer.

Aim for at least 5 a day:

Most people in the United Kingdom eat too much salt, sugar, and fat and they do not get enough fruits and vegetables. It is known that fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are essential nutrients that your body needs to work properly. You should try to incorporate at least 5 portions of different fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. They can be fresh, frozen, juiced, canned, or dried.

Do not skip breakfast:

You should have a healthy and balanced breakfast, so it will keep you full until lunch. But, many of us regularly skip breakfast. You should always look for porridge made with lower–fat milk or water and topped with fruit; low–sugar, high–fiber breakfast cereals, such as bran or wheat biscuits. You can also eat boiled or poached eggs, with wholemeal toast and low–fat spread. If you cannot face eating as soon as you get up, you should take a low–sugar snack to eat on the go, such as fruit.


This is one of the most popular foods in the world and it is a good source of fiber and carbs. In 100 grams of apples, there are 2.1 grams of fiber, 10 grams of sugar, and 14 grams of carbs. They are rich in sugars and fiber, so they can provide a slow and sustained energy release. Also, they are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants can slow the digestion of carbs. So, these elements can help to release the energy over a more extended period of time. It is recommended to eat apples whole to get the benefits of their skin too.

Sweet potatoes:

This food is delicious, but it is also a nutritious source of energy for people who are looking for an extra bonus. In one cup serving of sweet potatoes, there are 25 grams of complex carbs, 3.1 grams of fiber, and 25% of the daily recommended intake for manganese. Due to the fiber and complex carbs found in sweet potatoes, your body digests them slowly, which will provide you with a steady supply of energy.


Eggs are satisfying foods, but also, they can give you the energy to go through your day. They are rich in protein and can give you a steady and sustained source of energy. Also, they have leucine, which is the most abundant amino acid, and it is known to stimulate energy production in several ways.

This element can help cells take in more blood sugar, stimulate the production of energy in the cells and increase the breakdown of fat to produce energy. Also, eggs are rich in B vitamins and they can help enzymes to perform their roles in the process of breaking down food for energy.

Brown rice:

Brown rice is one of the most nutrient-rich foods ever known. When it is compared with white rice, it is less processed and retains more nutritional value in the form of minerals, vitamins, and fiber. In 50 grams of brown rice, there are 2 grams of fiber and it provides a large portion of your recommended daily intake of manganese.

This is a mineral that helps enzymes to break down carbs and proteins to generate energy. Also, brown rice has fiber, which makes it with a low glycemic index. This is a reason why it can regulate blood sugar levels and it can promote steady energy levels throughout the day.

Fatty fish:

Fatty fish, like tuna and salmon, are rich in B vitamins, fatty acids, and protein, which makes them great foods to include in your diet. In a serving of tuna or salmon, there is the daily recommended amount of Omega – 3 fatty acids and Vitamin B12. It has been shown that Omega – 3 fatty acids can help to reduce inflammation, which is one of the most common causes of fatigue.

Vitamin B12 works with folate to produce red blood cells and help iron to work better in your body. Optimal levels of iron and red blood cells can reduce fatigue and increase energy.

Eat at regular intervals:

When you eat at regular intervals, then you may find it easier to sustain your energy levels. You need to try to eat three 3 meals on daily basis. You should have a healthy snack, such as low–fat yogurt and fruit, between meals if necessary.


These are some of the best foods which you can add to your diet for energy. They are rich in Vitamin B6, potassium, and carbs, and all of them can boost your energy levels.

Marigie A.
Marigie A.
Marigie is an Engineer who got her degree from the University of the Philippines. She is currently employed at a food manufacturing company. Working on this industry made her aware and knowledgeable on food and their medicinal benefits. Marigie loves to travel and learn about new cultures. During her free time, she shares her knowledge about health to the readers of this website.


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