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Amino Acids for Bodybuilding

For regular lifters, protein is probably the most prioritized macronutrient. We know that the protein forms essential components of muscle. But, lifters should know another fact too. When they eat all protein, all the time, they can still obtain some of the benefits of protein by taking the amino acids that the protein is made of. There are nine essentials amino acids, which the body cannot make on its own. Essential amino acids (EAA’s) are new to the bodybuilding scene. Nowadays, there is extensive research looking at their effects on promoting muscle protein synthesis.

Amino Acids for Bodybuilding

The essential amino acids for bodybuilding:

Here are some of the essential amino acids and given some of the most important facts for them:

  • HMB (Beta – Hydroxy Beta – Methyl Butyrate):

It is made from the essential branched chain amino acid leucine to carry out more specifically some of its functions. It plays a role in the muscle synthesis by increasing the rate of protein being used, which is leading to less fat storage of such molecules and contributing to the maintenance of muscle mass. The more protein is being effectively used, the more muscle – protein you save from being used as an alternate fuel source in the glucose – deprived states.

Bodybuilders can use the HMB for preventing muscle loss and fat storage in times of glucose – deprivation. It is recommended using 2.5 – 6 grams per day. It is not known that some bodybuilder has overdosed on it. HMB does not have medical uses. It is present in many foods in trace amounts. The largest amounts of HMB are found in alfalfa, grapefruit and catfish. The deficiency of HMB can be only in case of leucine shortage, but it is not known


The L – Cysteine is a sulfur – containing non – essential amino acid, which is making it a veritable favorite as an anti – oxidant. It is closely related to the cysteine, which basically consists of 2 Cysteine molecules bonded together. Cysteine is very unstable. Almost immediately, Cysteine converts to Cysteine when it gets the chance. It is not a true problem, because if the body needs it, it can easily convert it back to Cysteine.

It is required for the production of collagen (used for skin elasticity and texture), detoxification of the body (due to the sulfur – content) and healthy skin. Cysteine for bodybuilders is metabolizer of B – Vitamins, and it can help in the detoxification of damage due to other supplements and potentiating insulin.

It is recommended consuming 200 – 300 mg of Cysteine, two to three times per day. The overdosing can only happen in diabetic bodybuilders. Cysteine has medical uses for bodybuilders, because it can protect the liver, and it can ease debilitating diseases. Some of the best sources of Cysteine are peppers, onion, garlic, eggs, broccoli, wheat and poultry. It is not known a deficiency of Cysteine what can cause.


This amino acid can help the nerve upgrade, which will allow you maximal contraction and relaxation of the muscles. It is recommended 14 mg per kilo of body weight. Pregnant women and diabetics who are actively in bodybuilding should avoid this amino acid. The best sources of Phenylalanine are seeds, nuts, almonds and all dairy products.


Carnitine is a very popular amino acid. But, in fact, it is not really an amino acid at all. It is more commonly known as Vitamin BT. Carnitine comes in 4 forms: ALC (Acetyl – L – carnitine), L – carnitine, DL – carnitine and D – carnitine. ALC and L – Carnitine could be of actual use of bodybuilders. When there is enough Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in circulation, then it can trigger the methionine and lysine to manufacture carnitine. This is the reason why bodybuilders consume protein as much as they can do, and it is not involved in the protein synthesis. Instead, it is used for the transportation of long – chain fatty acids.

It is necessary for these fatty acids to enter, and it can be removed from the inside of a cell, and it can remove short – chain organic acids from the mitochondria in order to free mitochondrial coenzyme. Carnitine can help bodybuilders to increase the ATP, better synthetic reception of glucocorticoids, and it can minimize the fat buildup around the muscle. The dosage of Carnitine ranges from 20 to 200 mg, and it seems to be the best choice.

The need for Carnitine is calculated according to muscle weight, so more equals a higher need for Carnitine. It is known that the overdose can exceed to 3000 mg, and it could lead to side effects, such as fish odor syndrome and diarrhea. Carnitine has medical usage, it can reduce the risk of poor fat metabolism in diabetics. Some of the best sources of Carnitine include milk, red meat, chicken and fish. The deficiency is noticed only in people with a Carnitine transport – defect.


Methionine can be used for fat metallization, better digestion and for its antioxidant properties in bodybuilders. It is recommended taking 12 mg per kilo of body weight. Seeds, yogurt, lentils, onions, garlic, eggs, beans, fish and meat are the best sources of Methionine.


This type of amino acid play an important role in revitalizing the body to combat the fatigue and overtraining, and it can maintain a positive nitrogen balance, creating an anabolic environment within the body. It is recommended 12 mg per kilo of body weight, but the daily intake exceeds that, and even when taking 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, a couple of extra mg will not hurt your body. Some of the best sources of Lysine include eggs, milk, cheese, Lima beans, potatoes, yeast and meat.


L – Arginine is the hottest amino topic around. It is added to many supplements for its amazing nitrogen retention ability. The nitrogen is one of the key elements in the muscle protein synthesis. Some plants can absorb nitrogen, but people have to make with the stuff we make ourselves. Arginine is most present in histones and protamines, which are the two proteins commonly associated with nucleic acid. The main use was for newborns to excite the new growth, because at a young age it is difficult to manufacture enough.

There are many uses for Arginine for bodybuilders, so this is the reason why it is added in their diets. There is no recommended dosage for Arginine, but you should talk with your trainer about the recommended daily intake for you. It is noticed that when there is Arginine overdosing, then there can be side effects, such as loss of immunity to viruses, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, coarsening and skin thickening. In the medical uses, Arginine can be used for the treatment of sexual impairment, and it is often prescribed against high levels of cholesterol.

Soy, raisins, chocolate, rice, nuts and seeds, and whole wheat are the best sources of Arginine. The deficiency of Arginine can lead to hair loss and impaired insulin production. You should not stack the Arginine with Lysine, because they compete for absorption.


This is one of the strongest anabolic agents, and it is recommended taking 16 mg per kilo of body weight. You can get it from whole wheat, nuts, beans and brown rice.


The usage of this amino acid is minimal for bodybuilders, only in improving digestion. The dosage is minimum of 1000 mg per day, but recommended dosage is 8 – 10 mg in day per kg or body weight. Too much histamine can lead to stress and aggravation of mental disorders, such as anxiety and schizophrenia. It is found in rye, wheat, rice, fish, poultry, meat and dairy.


L – Glutamine is a non – essential amino acid which is present in the body in large amounts. In some cases, it forms 60% of your total amino acid pool. It passes through the blood – brain barrier rather easily, so it is often called brain – food. It can aid the memory recall and concentration. In the brain, it converts to glutamic acid, which is important for the functioning and increase GABA needed for mental activities.

Also, it is used in the synthesis of muscle – tissue. Glutamine can be used by bodybuilders to preserve the muscle mass and to supply the alternate energy source in glucose deprivated conditions. It is known that 5 – 10 grams can elicit an effect, but bodybuilders with low – carb diet for sows could go as high as 30 – 35. The Glutamine overdose can cause dangers in people with kidney or liver trouble. The Glutamine is found in large amounts in all high – protein foods. The Glutamine deficiency is not known, because it is the most manufactured protein in the body.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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