There are many different types of skin infections that can affect our skin such as bacterial, parasitic, fungal and viral skin infections. This is a very common problem which makes us feel uncomfortable. If you have any of the mentioned skin infections, then you must talk with your doctor before you start using some of the mentioned skin infection home remedy.
Skin infection home remedy
Chamomile: This is one of the most used herbs with decades for treating different kinds of diseases. You can make a tea from fresh or dried flowers and you can treat upset stomach with it. It can help you if you have painful mouth lesions. You should use it as oral rinse for this problem. If you have mild skin problems or if you want to improve the wound healing, then you can apply this skin infection home remedy on topical way. [1]
Pomegranate juice: If you suffer from parasitic infections, then you should drink this juice because it will give you a relief from them. You can drink it as juice or you can eat it. You should add pomegranate juice in your every day diet because this skin infection home remedy will help you to have clean and healthy stomach and you will stay away from the parasitic attacks.
Mixture of warm milk and turmeric powder: You can make a mixture from one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one glass of warm milk. This is a very effective skin infection home remedy for skin infections such as infections that lead to inflammation.
Tea tree oil: When you apply tea tree oil on the places where you have skin infections, then this can help you a lot to rid of this problem. This kind of natural skin infection home remedy is medically proven. This kind of remedy has antifungal and antiseptic properties which can help you if you suffer from Carbuncles and boils. [2]
Probiotics: This kind of skin infection home remedy will help you to increase the amount of good bacteria which is in your body and also it will reduce the function of the bad bacteria. This means that your body will be strong enough to fight against the bacterial infection. One of the best ways to consume probiotics is to eat 2 cups of fresh yogurt which has live cultures. In this way the side effects of the bad bacteria will be reduced in natural way. Also you have a chance to consume probiotics in form of supplements. They can help you if you suffer from stomach infections, bacterial vaginosis, intestinal infections, bacterial skin infections and urinary tract infections.
Aloe Vera: This skin infection home remedy has antibacterial, healing, medicinal and anti – inflammatory properties which can increase the immunity of your body and they will cool your body [3]. If you suffer from urinary tract infections, bacterial skin infections, vaginal infections and internal infections, then you can use the gel which is extracted from this plant. You can apply the gel directly on your skin. Also you can drink ¼ cup of this juice because in this way you can help yourself to rid of the bacterial skin infections.
Turmeric: This is also a very effective skin infection home remedy which can help you to rid of the skin infections and also can help you to treat and reduce some cancerous tumors. It has one component that has anti – inflammatory and antibacterial properties that is known as curcumin which can help you to rid of the skin infections. Also this kind of natural herb has antioxidant properties. You can make a paste from freshly ground turmeric and you can apply this paste on your skin if you have bacterial skin infections. If you suffer from respiratory infections, then you can add turmeric powder in one glass of warm water or milk. It can help you in the prevention from many different types of bacterial infections which can affect your body. You can add this powerful herb in your diet. You can eat one teaspoon of turmeric powder every day or also there is a chance to get curcumin supplements but you need to talk with your doctor about the recommended intake amount of this skin infection home remedy. [4]
Apple cider vinegar: This kind of vinegar can help you to treat the bacterial infections in your body because it has anti – inflammatory and anti – bacterial properties. It can correct your pH imbalance and it can maintain your pH balance. Also this natural skin infection home remedy will help in the prevention of the bacterial actions from sustaining in the area where you have infection. You can apply this natural skin infection home remedy directly on your skin. If you have sensitive skin, then you should dilute the apple cider vinegar with water. If you suffer from internal infections, then you should dilute one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. You should consume this mixture in the amount that your doctor has said to you.
Garlic: This is a very magical vegetable which can help you in the natural treatment of fungal and bacterial infections in your body [5]. You can also eat four to five garlic cloves every day because in this way you will stay away from all attacks of bacteria. This means that your skin, digestive, urinary and respiratory tracts will be also prevented from these diseases. You can consume this wonderful vegetable in many ways. You can chew raw garlic cloves. Also you can find the garlic in capsule form but the raw form of garlic is the best way to rid of the skin infections. Also you can boil a few cloves of garlic and to make a garlic tea. Steep this kind of tea in a period of ten minutes and then you should drink it.
Ginger: If you suffer from respiratory and stomach infections which are caused by bacteria, then ginger is one of the best natural skin infection home remedy for this condition [6]. This kind of natural remedy will heat your body and also it will encourage your blood circulation which can help you to reduce the bacteria in your body. You can drink ginger tea three to four times per day if you want to rid of the respiratory infections. Also you can massage the affected areas (for treating bacterial infections) with ginger extract. Also this remedy can help you to control the pain. If you want to prevent the infections of your body, then you should take a stalk of ginger every day.
Coconut oil: This is also a very effective skin infection home remedy if you suffer from fungal infection which is caused by the presence of medium – chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are natural fungicides which can kill the fungi that are responsible for this kind of infection. You should rub some amount of extra – virgin olive oil on the areas where you are affected and then you should let this remedy to dry on its own. You should repeat this treatment 2 – 3 times per day until you have noticed that the infection is gone. You should mix equal amount of cinnamon oil and coconut oil and then you should apply this mixture on the affected areas. You should repeat this treatment two times per day because in this way you will control the growth of the fungal infection. If you have vaginal infection, then you should soak a tampon in organic coconut oil and then you should insert in your vagina. You should let this skin infection home remedy to stay in your vagina in a period of two hours. You should remove the tampon and then you must rinse your area with lukewarm water. You should do this treatment once per day until you have noticed that the infection is gone. [7]
Tea: Tea has tannins which can kill the fungi that are a reason for the fungal infections. Also this natural remedy has astringent and antibiotic properties which can help you to rid of the symptoms that are caused by the fungal infection such as skin irritation, swelling and burning sensation. You should soak a few tea bags in warm water in a period of ten minutes. Then, you should remove the tea bags from the water and put them in your refrigerator in a period of thirty minutes. Then, you should apply the cold tea bags on the affected areas. You should repeat this treatment 3 times per day until you have noticed that you do not have infection.
Lemon and spearmint: In one cup of spearmint juice you should add lemon juice and some amount of black salt. You should drink this skin infection home remedy every day because it will help you to rid of all parasitic infections in your stomach. When we have parasites in our bodies, then they can also cause you other serious problems. This is a reason why you should rid them as soon as possible. [8]
Seeds of lemon: You should crush the lemon seeds and make a paste from them. You should add water in it and then you should drink it. This will kill the parasites in your stomach and it will remove their activity from your stomach. Also you can mix the lemon seeds with lemon juice. Also if you can chew these seeds, then you should do this skin infection home remedy because it is much easier.
[1] Srivastava JK, Shankar E, Gupta S. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2010;3(6):895-901.
[2] Carson CF, Hammer KA, Riley TV. Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil: a review of antimicrobial and other medicinal properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 2006;19(1):50-62.
[3] Hekmatpou D, Mehrabi F, Rahzani K, Aminiyan A. The effect of aloe vera clinical trials on prevention and healing of skin wound: A systematic review. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2019;44(1):1-9.
[4] Moghadamtousi SZ, Kadir HA, Hassandarvish P, et al. A review on antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal activity of curcumin. BioMed Research International. 2014;2014:186864.
[5] Pazyar N, Feily A. Garlic in dermatology. Dermatology Reports. 2011;3(1):e4.
[6] Mashhadi NS, Ghiasvand R, Askari G, et al. Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of ginger in health and physical activity: Review of current evidence. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;4(Suppl1):S36-S42.
[7] Varma SR, Sivaprakasam TO, Arumugam I, et al. In vitro anti-inflammatory and skin protective properties of Virgin coconut oil. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2019;9(1):5-14.
[8] Ghaemi EOG, Khorshidi D, Moradi A, et al. The efficacy of ethanolic extract of lemon verbena on the skin infection due to Staphylococcus aureus in an animal model. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2007;10(22):4132-35.