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Yarrow: Amazing 5 Health Benefits

The scientific name of yarrow is Achillea millefolium. It is a perennial plant, which comes from the Asteraceae family. Yarrow is the best–known species of the genus Achillea due to its various therapeutic uses in both conventional and folk medicine. This plant is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including Asia, Europe, and North America. This plant is extremely adaptable. It grows from sea level to high altitudes, from grasslands to open forests. In Greek mythology, the hero Achilles used yarrow to heal his battle wounds.

Health benefits of Yarrow
Health Benefits of Yarrow

In traditional medicine, the yarrow is used as a home remedy for inflammation, bleeding disorders, fever, and digestive issues. Young leaves of yarrow can be used in soups or stews in a similar way the spinach. You can substitute it for tarragon in recipes. You can add yarrow at the very end for sautéed dishes. You can use yarrow to make oils and infused vinegar. You can use fresh, young flowers of yarrow in salads. In history, yarrow has been used to make liquor and bitters. Here are some health benefits of yarrow:

Anti-tumor properties

There are some animal studies in which it said that the yarrow extract exerts antitumoral properties by targeting the lipid metabolism, which is involved in the formation of pancreatic cancer. Also, it has been shown that yarrow can help to activate the regulatory pathways and it can promote malignancy in pancreatic cancer.

Helpful for blood pressure and asthma

There was one study in 2013 in which it said that yarrow has hypotensive, vasodilatory, and bronchodilatory activities. This means yarrow can help to lower high blood pressure, relax blood vessels and improve breathing. Also, yarrow can be used in the treatment of asthma, which is an airway disorder.

Offers gastrointestinal benefits

Yarrow has antispasmodic activity, which makes it beneficial for unwanted gastrointestinal concerns, like cramping, flatulence, and diarrhea. In some animal studies is shown that yarrow can help to reduce smooth muscle spasms, which contribute to GI complaints and even inflammatory bowel diseases. In some studies are shown that yarrow can inhibit contractions of smooth muscle and it has a relaxation effect on the GI system via several mechanisms, such as altering nitric oxide production, calcium channels, and cholinergic receptors.

Treatment of mastitis

It has been found that yarrow can help women who suffer from mastitis. This is a breast infection, which mostly happens among women who are breastfeeding. The leaf poultice, which is made with the yarrow leaves, provides almost instantaneous pain relief and it can help to treat sore and cracked nipples. If your mastitis, then it is a smart idea to alternate between warm and cold compresses because cold can help you to get relief from the pain, while warmth can help to increase circulation. Also, yarrow has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which make it more beneficial.

Help reduce inflammation and support the immune function

The traditional herbal medicines in India, China, and Europe were used yarrow to calm inflammation for many different health issues, especially the inflammation in the intestines and female reproductive tract. It has been shown that yarrow has anti-inflammatory properties. Experts believe that yarrow has the ability to quell inflammation and it is related to the fact that it has both flavonoids and sesquiterpene lactones. This herb displays anti-inflammatory properties, but also astringent properties. This is a reason why yarrow is often included in topical products for inflammatory skin problems, such as eczema. In folk medicine, yarrow has been used to treat flu, cold, and fever.

Helps protect skin and treat wounds

Yarrow has been used as a natural wound treatment for centuries. It is good for your skin because it has anti-inflammatory properties, which have a positive impact on the skin’s pH and moisture content. Also, it is a natural antiseptic, so it can prevent wounds from getting infected.

Elene Jordanova
Elene Jordanova
Elena Jordanova is a medical researcher from Macedonia with specialization in Internal Medicine


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