People can have bunions no matter if it is the boot season or the sandal season. In some families this condition can be transmitted through the genes. But in many cases this condition is caused by the shoes. People who are wearing tight shoes or high heeled shoes are having bigger chances to get bunions. Women are having bigger chances to get bunions compared to men. Their chances to get bunions are increasing as they are getting older. In the most cases bunions are forming on your big toe but also they can develop on other toes. Bunions can cause you a pain while you are walking [1]. The joints of your big toe are becoming sore and stiff and also it has too much weight on it. In this case you have pain while you are walking and you cannot walk in your shoes. It is recommended using comfortable shoes which will not cause you serious levels of bunions. Also you should be physically active. Here are some natural remedies which can help you to cure of the bunions without need of surgery:
Natural treatments for bunions
Calendula: This is one of the most effective natural remedies which is recommended by many medical experts to be used as natural remedy for bunions. Doctors have said that this remedy has anti-inflammatory properties which are making it powerful natural remedy for bunions. It is easy to be found in nutrient shops or in health food stores as calendula ointment or calendula compounds. If you have bunions, then you should apply this natural remedy (calendula compound) on your bunions. You should do this process two to three times per day in a period of one week if you want to have the best results. [2]
Chamomile: There are many herbal remedies which can give you a relief from the pain which is caused by the bunions. In this group medical experts are adding chamomile. Chamomile is one of the most used remedies as natural treatment for bunions because this herbal remedy has anti-inflammatory properties which are helping to relief the pain caused by the bunions and also it helps to shrink the size of your bunions. If you have bunions, then you have two choices for this herbal remedy. The first choice is that you can drink chamomile tea to get rid of the bunions. The second choice is to apply the used chamomile tea bags (it means that when you have made chamomile tea you can use those teabags) on your bunions (you should apply directly on them). [3]
Home remedies for bunion
Turmeric: If you have bunions, then you should use turmeric or other hot spices. This natural remedy is approved as natural treatment for bunions by many doctors. There is one component of the turmeric which is known as capasaicin. This element is reducing the pain which is caused by the turmeric and also it is reducing the inflammation which is caused by the turmeric. You should use this natural remedy as anti-inflammatory natural remedy. This means that you have to add one teaspoon of turmeric dissolved in 8 ounces of water. Drink this natural remedy for your bunions. For the right intake amount you should consult with your doctor. [4]
Olive oil: Olive oil is effective natural cure which you can use as natural treatment for bunions. You should warm some olive oil and massage your bunion area, the lower foot and toes for 15 minutes twice per day if you want to have best results. When you massage your bunions, toes and feet, then you are increasing the circulation and the blood flow to your toes and foot which is encouraging the synovial fluid to move around the legs bones again (as it was before you had bunions). When there is movement of the synovial fluid, then this fluid is lubricating and nourishing the joints which are dissolving the outer layers of the excess calcium. This helps to decrease the size of the bunions. [5]
Ice pack: If you have bunions, then you should use ice pack as your natural remedy. In one ice bag you should place some ice cubes. You should place this beg on your bunions and let it stay for 10 minutes. You should repeat this process several times per day if you want to have best results. When you are using ice packs as your natural remedy not only that you are reducing the pain caused by the bunions, but also you are reducing the swelling.
Red pepper: Capsaicin is component of the red peppers which is eliminating the nerves of the compounds which are causing discomfort and pain. You should cut one red pepper into half. Then, you should rube the juice of the red pepper directly on the bunion. After you have done this process, then you should apply a little amount of petroleum jelly on the top of the bunion. Then, you should cover this remedy with gauze or with thin cloth. You should repeat this remedy twice per day if you want to have the best results. If you are not sure are you allergic to red pepper or not, then you should apply red pepper on small area on your skin. After you have used red pepper for your bunion you should wash your hands after every use.
Castor oil: This is very effective natural remedy for bunion because it has anti-inflammatory properties which are helpful in reducing the pain and swelling [6]. In a pan you should put ½ of castor oil. Heat this oil until it is warm. Then, you should dip a thin cloth in the warm oil. Wrap this cotton around your bunions. After you have done this step, you should cover the cotton with a towel because if you do not do this step, the heat will escape. When you are applying warm castor oil on your bunions, then the heat from it is stimulating the blood flow and also it is relieving soreness. You should repeat this process three times per day until you feel no pain.
Epsom salt: This natural remedy is rich with magnesium sulfate which minimizes the pain and inflammation. In a bucket or in small tub filled with hot water, you should dissolve ½ Epsom salt and then you should soak your foot in this water for 20 minutes. You should repeat this process two times per day. When you are using Epsom salt as your natural remedy for your bunions, then you are decreasing the size of the bunions.
Ginger: This is one of the most used natural remedies for bunions. You can make a tonic of ginger. In boiling water you should add a small piece of fresh ginger. You should drink this natural remedy every day because it will give you relief from the pain caused by the bunions. Also there is other option in which you can use the ginger. You should take one teaspoon of dry ginger powder every day before your meals if you want to have best results. Also you can consume foods which are containing ginger in it because they will help you to reduce the inflammation caused by the bunions. [7]
Clove: Clove is also used as natural remedy for bunions. If you have bunions and you want to get rid of them, then you should apply clove oil on the affected area. Then, you should cover this area with cotton. The cotton should be applied as cotton bandage. You should leave the cotton bandage on the affected area for 4-5 hours and then you should remove it. Also you can make other home remedy from clove. You should make a paste from honey and crushed cloves. You should apply this paste directly on the bunions. This paste will help you to get rid of the bunion.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is one of the most used natural remedies for many kinds of diseases. It is also used as natural remedy for bunion. You can apply Aloe Vera gel on the affected areas. This will help you to cure the symptoms which are caused by the bunions. Also you can consume ¼ cup of Aloe Vera juice which can help you a lot to get rid of the bunions. Also you can wash the area with bunions with Aloe Vera juice. [8]
Margosa: If you have bunion and you want to get rid of them, then you should apply margosa oil on the bunions several times per day because in this way you will have the best results.
Aspirin: People who are having problems with headaches are using aspirin as their remedy. Also this remedy can be used if you have bunions. It is helping a lot with reducing the discomfort which is caused by the bunions. Aspirin is reducing the pain which is caused by the bunion. Also when you are using aspirin as your natural remedy, you are making the skin soft. This remedy is preventing the skin from calluses and corns. In small tube with lukewarm water you should dissolve two to three aspirins. Then, you should soak your foot in this mix until the water is cold. When your foot is dry, you should massage it with warm olive oil. You should repeat this natural remedy once or twice per day if you want to have the best results for bunions. [9]
[1] Ferrari J. Bunions. BMJ Clinical Evidence. 2009;2009:112.
[2] Hadfield RA, Vlahovic T, Tariq Khan M. The use of marigold therapy for podiatric skin conditions. The Foot and Ankle Online Journal. 2008;1(7).
[3] Chapter 1: Introduction to chamomile. Chamomile: Medicinal, Biochemical, and Agricultural Aspects. Retrieved from
[4] Hewlings SJ, Kalman DS. Curcumin: A review of its’ effects on human health. Foods. 2017;6(10):92.
[5] Khaw KT, Sharp SJ, Finikarides L, et al. Randomised trial of coconut oil, olive oil or butter on blood lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men and women. BMJ Open. 2018;8(3):e020167.
[6] Vieira C, Evangelista S, Cirillo R, et al. Effect of ricinoleic acid in acute and subchronic experimental models of inflammation. Mediators of Inflammation. 2000;9(5):223–228.
[7] Black CD, Herring MP, Hurley DJ, O’Connor PJ. Ginger (Zingiber officinale) reduces muscle pain caused by eccentric exercise. The Journal of Pain. 2010.
[8] Surjushe A, Vasani R, Saple DG. Aloe vera: A short review. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2008;53(4):163-6.
[9] Han KM. Bunions (Hallux Valgus). Retrieved from