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Gram Negative Infection Natural Treatments

The gram negative bacteria are a specific type of bacteria that has unique characteristics. This type of bacteria can cause infections throughout the body. Bacteria live in our bodies but when they are kept at normal levels, then they do not cause any problems. But when there is an imbalance, then the infection can happen.

The most common infections caused by the gram negative bacteria are infections on the nervous system, the soft tissues, the bloodstream, the urinary tract, and the lungs. Also, there are many cases when the surgical wounds can become infected with gram negative bacteria. The most common risk factor for getting a gram negative bacterial infection is hospitalization. This means, the longer you stay in the hospital, the higher risk of gram negative bacterial infection you have.

Also, the contact with someone who has or who has been exposed to gram negative bacteria can increase your risk of gram negative infection. The usage of medical devices that pass into the body, such as urinary catheters or IV is increasing the risk for gram negative infection. If you have recent surgery, then this is increasing your chances of gram negative infection. People with weakened immune systems have increased chances of getting gram negative infections. [1]

The symptoms of gram negative infection will depend on the location but the most common symptom is the fever. You should treat the gram negative infection according to your doctor’s recommendations because if it is left untreated, then it can lead to serious health complications and death. If you suffer from gram negative infection, then you need to talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies so in this way you can avoid side effects. Here are some home remedies for gram negative infection:

Gram Negative Infection Treatments

Manuka Honey Good For Gram Negative Infection:

One of the most useful natural antibiotics which you can get is honey. It has been used as a home remedy for fighting against infections since ancient times. This natural cure has been used as a home remedy for bed sores, skin infections, and burns and also, it can be used as a home remedy for gram negative infection. [2]

The manuka honey works as an antibacterial agent because it has high sugar content and low pH which can inhibit the growth of bacteria. You should know that not all types of honey have the same properties. Manuka honey is one of the best types of honey with unique properties. You can add this natural cure to your tea. Also, you can eat it in raw form.

Colloidal silver:

This natural cure is used a lot in natural medicine to help people to stay away from bacterial infections. In history, the colloidal silver has been used as a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Some doctors recognize it as antibiotic while others not so there should be done a lot more studies in the future to approve or disapprove this saying. Also, the colloidal silver has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. [3]

It can be used in the fight against gram negative infection. You can take the colloidal silver in a liquid form using a dropper bottle and you can apply it topically or orally. Before you start using it as a home remedy for the gram negative infection, you need to talk with your doctor about the best way to use it.


This natural cure has been used as a home remedy for fighting against infections. It can help you in your fight against gram negative infection.


This is a natural antibiotic that is recommended to many people who suffer from bacterial infections, parasite overgrowth, or candida. This natural cure can help a lot due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

This home remedy is not recommended for pregnant mothers or lactating mothers because it can be harmful to their babies. You should talk with your doctor about the best way for using berberine as your home remedy for the gram negative infection. [4]

Wash your hands regularly:

It is very important to wash your hands often. You should wash your hands with soap all the time. You should never start eating without washing your hands. You should remind visitors and health care providers to the same so in this way, you can prevent the gram negative infection from spreading to other people.


You can add garlic in your diet because we know that this natural cure has antibacterial properties that can help in the natural treatment of gram negative infection. It has allicin which is formed by crushing raw garlic or adding water to dried garlic. There are many studies in which are said that garlic is giving the best result when it is eaten in large amounts and in raw form. If you do not like to eat garlic in raw form, then you can try in tablet form but talk with your doctor which will be the recommended dosage for you. [5]

Uva – ursi:

The uva – uris is also known as Arctostaphylos or bear’s grape. It is traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections. It has natural antibiotic properties that can help in the natural treatment of many diseases [6]. It can be used as a home remedy for the gram negative infection but you should talk with your doctor if it is suitable for you.

Oregano oil:

This is one of the best natural antibiotics which can help to deal with bacterial, parasitic, and fungal overgrowth in the gut, especially the candida overgrowth. There are some studies in which are said that this natural cure targets both gram – negative and gram – positive bacteria which makes it a well – rounded broad-spectrum antibiotic which can be a good start for many different varieties of infections. It can be used as a home remedy for people who suffer from gram negative infection. The oregano oil can have a really pungent flavor so this is a reason why doctors are often recommending capsules over tincture or drops of this oil. [7]


This natural cure has effective healing properties which can help your immune system to get stronger. You can add peppermint tea in your diet so in this way you will fight against gram negative infection. [8]


This spice has been used in traditional Indian cuisine for centuries. You can use it in your fight against gram negative infection. It can help you to manage the symptoms of this infection. You need to ask your doctor about the best way for adding turmeric in your diet as your home remedy for gram negative infection. [9]


This natural cure is rich in antioxidant properties that can help you in the fight against gram negative infection. We know that cabbage is a common type of vegetable which is found all around the world. It is a leafy green, red, or white biennial plant which is grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense – leaved heads. You can talk with your doctor about the best way for using this natural cure in your diet. It is usually recommended to be used in raw form.

Cayenne pepper:

This natural cure has a component called capsaicin which has been used as a home remedy for thousands of years due to its healing and antibiotic properties. But this natural cure is not just used in traditional medicine, but also many studies have approved its antibiotic properties. You can use it in your natural treatment of gram negative infection. [10]

Grapefruit seed extract:

There are many studies which are shown that the grapefruit seed extract is a very effective natural antibiotic that can help in the fight against many different infections. One study was tested drops of concentrated grapefruit seed extract for many different gram positive and gram negative organisms. This natural cure has antibacterial properties.

In this study was said that the grapefruit seed has a greater inhibitory effect on the gram positive organisms compared to the gram negative organisms but it was concluded that this natural cure is effective in the treatment of gram negative infection. You should talk with your doctor about the best way for adding grapefruit seed extract in your fight against gram negative infection, as well as your dosage. [11]


It is known that raw ginger has antibiotic properties that can help in the fight against many different types of bacteria. You should add raw ginger in your diet so it can help you in the fight against gram negative infection. Also, you can drink ginger tea so it can help you in the fight against gram negative infection. [12]


[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gram-negative bacteria infections in healthcare settings. 2011. Retrieved from

[2] Johnston M, McBride M, Dahiya D, et al. Antibacterial activity of Manuka honey and its components: An overview. AIMS Microbiol. 2018;4(4):655–64.

[3] Dominguez AV, Algaba RA, Canturri AM, et al. Antibacterial activity of colloidal silver against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Antibiotics (Basel). 2020;9(1):36.

[4] Cernakova M, Kostalova D. Antimicrobial activity of berberine – A constituent of Mahonia aquifolium. Folia Microbiologica. 2002;47(4):375-8.

[5] Nejad ASM, Shabani S, Bayat M, Hosseini SE. Antibacterial effect of garlic aqueous extract on Staphylococcus aureus in Hamburger. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology. 2014;7(11):e13134.

[6] Trill J, Simpson C, Webley F, et al. Uva-ursi extract and ibuprofen as alternative treatments of adult female urinary tract infection (ATAFUTI): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 2017;18:421.

[7] Lu M, Dai T, Murray CK, Wu MX. Bactericidal property of oregano oil against multidrug-resistant clinical isolates. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018;9:2329.

[8] Singh R, Shushni MAM, Belkheir A. Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Mentha piperita L. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2015;8(3):322-8.

[9] Teow SY, Liew K, Ali SA, et al. Antibacterial action of curcumin against Staphylococcus aureus: A brief review. Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2016;2016:2853045.

[10] Marini E, Magi G, Mingoia M, et al. Antimicrobial and anti-virulence activity of capsaicin against erythromycin-resistant, cell-invasive group A streptococci. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2015;6:1281.

[11] Heggers JP, Cottingham J, Gusman J, et al. The effectiveness of processed grapefruit-seed extract as an antibacterial agent: II. Mechanism of action and in vitro toxicity. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2002;8(3):333-40.

[12] Karuppiah P, Rajaram S. Antibacterial effect of Allium sativum cloves and Zingiber officinale rhizomes against multiple-drug resistant clinical pathogens. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012;2(8):597–601.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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