It is a painful condition which is affecting the ball of the foot, and this is most commonly the area between 3rd and 4th toes [1]. When you have Morton’s neuroma, then you feel that you are standing on a pebble in your shoe or on a fold in your sock. It involves the thickening of the tissue around one of the nerves, which leads to your toes.
It can cause sharp and burning pain in the ball of the foot. [2] Also, your toes can burn, sting or they can feel numb. Women have increased chances of getting Morton’s neuroma because they want to wear high–heeled shoes.
This condition happens in response to pressure, irritation, or injury to one of the nerves which are leading to your toes [3]. Those people who are participating in high–impact athletic activities such as running and jogging have repetitive trauma to their feet which leads to an increased risk of Morton’s neuroma. Also, those sports which feature tight shoes, such as rock climbing or snow skiing, can put pressure on your toes. Also, those people who have high arches, bunions, hammertoes, or flatfeet are having increased chance of getting Morton’s neuroma. Talk with your doctor if you suffer from Morton’s neuroma before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies.
12 Morton’s neuroma home remedy
Different footwear
It is known that tight shoes and high heels increase the risk of Morton’s neuroma [4]. This is a reason why people should avoid wearing these types of shoes to prevent flare-ups. It is known that these shoes can cause problems because they compress or they add excessive pressure on the nerve between the 3rd and 4th toes. When you avoid these types of shoes, then it can improve your symptoms and will prevent further complications. People should choose shoes with a broad toe box which has extra depth. [3]
Ice massage
People who suffer from Morton’s neuroma can use ice as a home remedy which will give them relief from the pain associated with this condition. The patient who suffers from Morton’s neuroma should use ice massage to get relief from the pain.
You should put cold water in a paper cub and then freeze multiple cups of water overnight. What you should do the next day is to tear off the upper portions of the cup and massage the bottom of your foot along with the painful area with the exposed ice. The ice massage is very effective because it can numb the affected nerves, and this results in improved symptoms.
It is a natural supplement that is used in the treatment of many different conditions. This compound aids in the breaking down of protein, and it can decrease inflammation. We know that Morton’s neuroma involves inflammation of the nerve tunnel, and serrapeptase is very effective in the treatment of metatarsal pain. [5]
When you are using the technique of padding, then this will give support to the metatarsal arch, and it can reduce the pressure on the nerve and the compression while you are walking.
Elevate the feet
When you are resting, then you should elevate your feet.
Toe exercises
This type of exercise can help to build strength in the muscles, which may be affected by Morton’s neuroma. Toe exercises include picking a pencil up off the floor using only your bare toes, or you can walk across the room on the tips of your toes. When you are strengthening the muscles which run across the bottom of the feet, then the risk of developing Morton’s neuroma again is minimized.
Take a break
In a period of a few weeks, you should reduce activities such as dancing, aerobic exercises, or jogging which subject your feet to high impact. These activities put pressure on the neuroma, and this is a reason why you need to avoid them.
Balance exercises
When you are improving your balance, then this will increase your ability to perform activities with proper motion or biomechanics. This will decrease the stress placed on the neuroma, which is causing pain. To do the single foot balance exercise, you should stand on one foot and balance as long as you are able.
You should be sure that you will have a counter or wall near to help stabilize you if it is necessary. You can increase the difficulty by closing your eyes or by moving your opposite foot. As you have noticed that your balance is improved, then you can do both at the same time. There is another balance exercise known as toe raise exercise, which has a variation that you can try. You should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and then raise up onto your toes. To increase the difficulty with this exercise, you can do this exercise with closed eyes.
There are some strengthening exercises that can help you in the treatment of Morton’s neuroma. When you are making the figure eight exercise, then it does not require additional equipment. To do this exercise, lead with your big toe and complete a figure–eight patterns with the foot. You should move the foot through the largest range of motion that you are capable of. Also, if you decide to make the alphabet exercise, then you do not need equipment, and this exercise can be performed anywhere.
You should lead with your big toe and write the alphabet in the air using your foot. If you have decided to make the towel scrunch, then you should know this strengthening exercise has different options which you can try. You should place a towel flat on the floor. You should put your foot on the end closest to you. You should use your toes to pull the towel toward you. To make this exercise more difficult, you should put a weight on the end of the towel farthest from you.
Ankle exercises
It is known that Morton’s neuroma can lead to pain and weakness in more than just your foot. Also, you should know that when the muscles of your foot have become weakened due to Morton’s neuroma, then the muscles which support your ankles are also becoming weak. This is a reason why you should strengthen the muscles which support your ankles as part of the natural treatment for Morton’s neuroma. These exercises include writing the alphabet in the air with your toes or walking across a room using only your heels. When you are strengthening the muscles of your ankle and foot complex, then you will begin to return to normal activity.
Foot support
You should wear appropriate footwear as well as use orthotic supports because this is a very effective natural treatment for Morton’s neuroma. You should avoid shoes that are high-heeled and those shoes which compress or confine your toes because, in this way, you will prevent issues. Also, those supports which properly align the feet within a shoe and during activity add to the treatment.
When you are stretching the connective tissue in the foot, then this will decrease the stress which is placed on your neuroma. All of these exercises should be held for at least ten seconds because, in this way, you will get most of the benefits. You can make the manual plantar fascia stretch, and you need to grasp your heel in one hand. You should place your other hand under the ball of your foot and toes.
You should gently pull your forefoot and toes back toward your shin, creating a pull along the bottom of your foot. When you are making the wall stretch exercise, then it can help to loosen the connective tissue. You should face a wall with your feet about shoulder-width apart. You should put your hands on the wall at shoulder height, and you should step back with your right foot placing it about 2 – 3 foot lengths behind the left. You should keep your heels on the floor, bend your knees and then lean into the wall. When you are making the bottle roll exercise, then it can stretch the foot and reduce the inflammation. You should use a plastic bottle full of ice or a glass bottle to roll the bottle back and forth along the bottom of your foot. The glass bottle is rigid, which provides good resistance, while the bottle full of ice provides the additional benefit of decreasing the inflammation through the cold application. When you are making the towel stretch exercise, then you should sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. You should place the ball of your foot in the middle of a towel. You should grasp both ends of the towel and then pull your forefoot back toward your shin.
[1] Bondi L, Bondi R, Folliero A, Tarantino U. Treatment of Morton’s neuroma: the evidence. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2005;6(4):199-202.
[2] Lee M-J, Kim S, Huh Y-M, et al. Morton neuroma: Evaluated with ultrasonography and MR imaging. Korean Journal of Radiology. 2007;8(2):148-155.
[3] Jain S, Mannan K. The diagnosis and management of Morton’s neuroma: A literature review. SAGE Journals. 2013;6(4):307-317.
[4] Summers A. Diagnosis and treatment of Morton’s neuroma. Emergency Nurse: The Journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association. 2010;18(5):16-17.
[5] Bhagat S, Agarwal M, Roy V. Serratiopeptidase: A systematic review of the existing evidence. International Journal of Surgery. 2013;11(3):209-217.