The sweet potato is belonging to the Convolvuaceae family. The sweet potato is starchy and sweet. The sweet potato is a rich source of nutrition. Also this vegetable is affordable which means that they are not expensive and you can easily find them. It is known that sweet potatoes are rich in carotenes. Also they are rich in manganese, folate, copper and iron. Sweet potatoes have almost twice the amount of fibers than other potatoes. They are full of benefits for our bodies. But you should know that the sweet potato juice is also a good choice for your health. You should have sweet potatoes at your home to make this juice. If you want, you can add ginger and carrots for flavor. The sweet potatoes, especially the deeper – colored ones are rich in carotenes.
Sweet potato juice health benefits
Relief from muscle cramps: It is known fact that the potassium deficiency can lead to cramps in the muscles. This is making your muscles more susceptible to injury. You should know that the sweet potato is rich in potassium. If you are working out regularly, then you should take sweet potato juice on regular basis because it can help you to have better muscle health. Also it will give you a relief from muscle cramps.
Source of iron: It is known fact that the iron provides energy and we know that it is very important to be energetic. The sweet potato juice has iron. The intake of sweet potato juice and its component iron, you are aiding in white cell formation. It can strengthen your immune system. Also the iron aids the body in the proper metabolism of proteins.
Great source of Vitamin C: Our bodies need Vitamin C to ward off colds and flu and other minor viral infections. Also this vitamin is very important in the formation of blood cells, teeth and cells. Vitamin C accelerates the healing of wounds. It is known that sweet potatoes have ample amounts of this Vitamin. The sweet potato juice can help to build the immune system.
Source of magnesium: Sweet potatoes are rich in magnesium. This mineral is known as anti – stress mineral. It is offering relaxation to your mind and body.
Vitamin B6 source: The sweet potato is rich in Vitamin B6. This vitamin can help to reduce the homocysteine levels in our bodies. This is chemically produces in the body and if it is not controlled, then it can lead to heart diseases and digestive problems.
Sweet potato juice medicinal uses
Anti – inflammation: You should consume sweet potato juice on regular basis if you suffer from acidity, heart burns or other related inflammatory problems. This is possible because the sweet potato juice has many vitamins and minerals.
Fetal development: The sweet potato juice has high amounts of folate which is necessary and very helpful for the fetal development. If you are pregnant, then you should drink sweet potato juice.
Stomach ulcer cure: Sweet potato has calcium, potassium, beta carotene and Vitamin D which are reducing the possibility of stomach ulcers. If you suffer from stomach ulcers, then you should add sweet potato juice in your diet.
Healthy digestion: Sweet potato juice can help to promote healthy digestion. It is possible because it is rich in dietary fiber. It can clean your gastrointestinal tract and it can help you to have healthy digestion. It is high in fiber which can help to handle the constipation.
Vitamin D source: This vitamin is very important for the health of nerves, skin, bones, teeth and the thyroid gland. The sweet potato juice is rich in Vitamin D. It can keep our bones in good health.
Eye health: The sweet potato juice is rich in Vitamin A which is playing an important role in the health of eyes. This vitamin can help to prevent dry eyes, night blindness, peripheral vision loss and age – related macular degeneration.
Blood sugar stabilization: The sweet potato juice has high amounts of Vitamin B6 and carotene. These components can alleviate the blood sugar by responding to the insulin while the Vitamin B6 can help in the treatment of diabetes – related heart disease.