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Signs, Symptoms and types of Anger

Overwhelming requirements on your energy and time, poor familial or social situations, abuse, financial issues and stress can lead to anger. A person’s environment is the leading cause for anger. There are many people around the world who have anger issues for a lifetime. In this group are not just teens included.

Signs of anger management problem:

Here are the symptoms which are related to anger:

Physical symptoms of anger – related problems: Anger is a strong emotion which leads to physical changes in our bodies. Here are some physical symptoms which are related to anger [1]:

  • Fatigue
  • Pressure in the head or sinus cavities
  • Headaches
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Heart palpitations or tightening of the chest
  • Tingling

Emotional symptoms of anger – related problems: Many people think that emotional symptoms are just limited to anger but there are many emotional states which can indicate that you cannot deal with the anger in a healthy and positive fashion. Possible emotional symptoms are anxiety, rage and constant irritability [2]. If you fantasize about hurting yourself or others, have trouble managing or organizing your thoughts or you feel overwhelmed, then you may be experiencing an anger disorder or another problem. You should not let your emotions to take control over your life. You need to visit your doctor as soon as possible.

anger management symptoms signs

Short – term and long – term effects on anxiety [2]: If you do not resolve the anger, then this can lead to anxiety which can have a long – term effects on your life. Problems with memory and concentration, headaches, muscle tension, muscle pain, nausea and rapid breathing are immediate effects of anxiety. These symptoms are making problems in your everyday activities and you feel anger about the life. When you have a long – term anxiety, then this can cause you dangerous risks to your emotional and physical states. People who suffer from long – term anxiety are having increased risk of getting strokes [3]. Also relationship problems, chronic sleep disorders and serious memory loss can happen. You should visit your doctor as soon as possible because if you do not control it, then it can take control over your life.

Types of anger disorders: People who have troubles controlling anger or who experience anger outside a normal emotional scope can have many different types of anger disorders. Here are some forms of anger:

  • Passive anger: People who have passive anger may not know that they are angry. When you have passive anger, then your emotions may be displayed as meanness, apathy or sarcasm. You might perform poorly in social situations or professional situations, alienating family and friends or participate in self – defeating behaviors such as skipping work or school. To outsiders, it will look like you are intentionally sabotaging yourself even you are not able to explain or realize your actions. It can be hard to recognize this type of anger because it can be repressed.
  • Chronic anger: This is a prolonged type of anger. It can impact your immune system and it can lead to mental disorders. [4]
  • Volatile anger: This type of anger is sometimes involving spontaneous bouts of violent or excessive anger.
  • Judgmental anger: This type of anger is directed toward others and it may come with feelings of resentment. [5]
  • Self – inflicted anger: This type of anger is directed toward the self and it can be caused by feelings of guilt. [6]
  • Overwhelmed anger: This type of anger is caused by life demands that are too much for some individual to cope with.
  • Aggressive anger: People who suffer from aggressive anger are usually aware of their emotions. But these people do not always understand the true roots of their lives. There are some cases in which they redirect violent anger outbursts to scapegoats because it is very difficult for them to deal with the problems in their life. This type of anger can often manifest as retaliatory or volatile agent and in many cases it can result in physical damages to people and property. You should manage your anger symptoms and you have to learn to recognize the triggers of it because in this way you can positively deal with the aggressive anger. [7]


[1] Victoria State Government. Anger – how it affects people. Retrieved from

[2] Yamaguchi A, Kim MS, Akutsu S, Oshio A. Effects of anger regulation and social anxiety on perceived stress. Health Psychology Open. 2015;2(2):2055102915601583.

[3] American Academy Of Neurology. Anger, negative emotions may trigger stroke. Science Daily. 2004. Retrieved from

[4] American Psychological Association. Stress weakens the immune system. Retrieved from

[5] Litvak PM, Lerner JS, Tiedens LZ, Shonk K. Chapter 17:
Fuel in the fire: How anger impacts judgment and decision-making. Retrieved from

[6] Sheehy K, Noureen A, Khaliq A, et al. An examination of the relationship between shame, guilt and self-harm: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review. 2019;73:101779.

[7] Principles of Social Psychology – 1st International Edition. The biological and emotional causes of aggression. Retrieved from

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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