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Healthy Ways to Increase Calories and Protein

It requires a little bit of effort to eat healthily. You know how frustrating can be when you count calories in your meals. But, the meal calorie calculator can help you. With the help of this tool, you will know exactly how many calories per meal you should eat if you want to maintain your current weight. If you have been instructed to increase the number of calories and protein in your diet, here are some essential health tips that will help.

Number of meals on daily basis:

The number of meals which you should have on a daily basis can vary. It is not the same for you and some of your family members or friend. Usually, it is recommended to avoid eating less than three meals on daily basis, because this is considered unhealthy by most dietitians.

Three to five is the optimal number of meals on daily basis. If you are on a special diet (for example, you must be on diet due to diabetes), you might eat more meals on daily basis. In this case, the meal calorie calculator is not good for these people. If you suffer from diabetes or other similar condition, talk with your doctor for personalized diet recommendations.


How many calories per meal should you eat?

The answer to this question has many choices. They depend on different factors. You need to know what your recommended calorie intake per day is. Taller people need to eat a bit more. Also, the more you weigh, the more you need to eat to maintain your current weight. The older you get, the fewer calories you will need. In general, women need fewer calories compared to men. People, who are more physically active, need more energy.

Healthy ways to increase calories and protein:

There are many different food choices which you can find to increase your calorie and protein intake. But, it is recommended to always choose natural sources, which can help you to feel better and give you nutrients as well. You can choose some of the best food products on this list, so you will be sure that you will eat healthily.

Cottage cheese:

This is a type of cheese that is low in fat and calories. It is rich in Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, selenium, phosphorus, and calcium. In one cup of low-fat cottage cheese with one percent fat, there are 28 grams of protein and 163 calories. The protein content of cottage cheese is 69% of calories.


These are some of the healthiest grains available. They are rich in Vitamin B1, manganese, magnesium, healthy fiber, and several other nutrients. The protein content of oats is 14% of calories. In one cup of oats, there are 11 grams and 307 calories.


This home remedy has been used as a weight gainer or muscle builder for decades. It has a good amount of fats, carbs, and proteins. It is a good source of calcium, as well as other vitamins and minerals. For people who want to add more muscle, milk is an excellent protein source, which can provide both casein and whey protein. Many studies are shown that it can help you to add muscle when it is combined with weightlifting. Also, studies are found that milk, or whey and casein combined, can lead to greater mass gain than other protein sources.

You should try drinking one or two glasses of whole milk as a snack, with a meal, or before and after a workout if you are training. Milk smoothie is one of the best ways to add milk to your diet. If you want to have an easy morning protein boost, then try blending one cup of frozen berries, one cup of whole milk, two teaspoons of honey, and one teaspoon of vanilla.


This is a popular type of fish. You can eat it cold in salads or in a range of baked dishes. It is low in calories and fat and is a rich source of protein. Tuna is a good source of many other nutrients and it has Omega – 3 fatty acids. The protein content of tuna is 84% of calories in tuna canned in water. In one can, there are 27 grams of protein and only 128 calories.

Dried fruit:

This is a high-calorie snack that also provides antioxidants and micronutrients. There are different types of dried fruits that you can take and all of them have high natural sugar content. This makes them great for gaining weight, especially because they are convenient to eat and taste great. Many people think that fruits lose most of their nutrients when dried, but this is not the case. Dried fruits have a lot of fiber and most of their vitamins and mineral remain intact. You can try combining some dried fruit with a protein source, such as cheese, meat, or a whey protein shake.

Also, they mix well with nuts and full-fat plain Greek yogurt. They will provide a blend of healthy fats, protein, and other key nutrients. Dates are high in antioxidants, full of fiber, and are nutritious. Also, they are versatile and simple to prepare as a high-calorie snack. You can try filling dates with cream cheese, nut butter, or even cooked grains, like rice or quinoa. Also, you can add one or two dates to smoothies, sauces, and dressings for a touch of sweetness.


This is a popular pseudocereal, which many people consider a superfood. It is rich in antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. It has many health benefits. The protein content of quinoa is 15% of calories. In one cup of cooked quinoa, there are eight grams and 222 calories.

Chicken breast:

This is one of the most popular sources of protein. When you eat it without the skin, then most of its calories come from protein. Also, chicken breast is very easy to cook and versatile. It can taste delicious in many different dishes. The protein content of chicken breast is 75% of calories. In one roasted chicken breast without skin, there are 53 grams and only 284 calories.


This popular type of tree nut is rich in essential nutrients, such as magnesium, manganese, Vitamin E, and fiber. Those people, who suffer from a nut allergy, should not add almonds to their diets. The protein content of almonds is 15% of calories. It has six grams and 164 calories per ounce.

Whole grain bread:

Whole grain bread is a good source of carbs that can help you to gain weight. You can make many different simple and high-calorie meals by balancing bread with protein sources, such as cheese, meat, and eggs. When you are buying bread, you should choose seeded and whole-grain bread. Ezekiel bread, which is a healthier variety of bread, is available in most stores. If you are a sandwich lover, then you can add it to your diet. It is one of the easiest and most versatile meals, which can help you to put on weight. There are different ingredients that you can add, such as avocado, butter spreads, veggies, cheese, and meats.


One of the healthiest and most nutritious foods available is whole eggs. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, eye-protecting antioxidants, healthy fats, and brain nutrients that you need. Whole eggs are rich in protein. But, egg whites are almost pure protein. People, who have an egg allergy, should not add eggs and foods containing eggs to their diets. The protein content of whole is 33% calories. In one large egg, there are six grams of protein and 78 calories.


Healthy Ways To Increase Calories And Protein

This fruit is rich in healthy fats. It is fairly calorie-dense and this is a reason why it can help you with weight gaining. In one large avocado, there are 322 calories, 29 grams of fat, and 14 grams of fiber. Avocado is rich in minerals, vitamins, and many other beneficial plant compounds. You should try adding avocados to your main meals and other dishes, such as sandwiches or omelets. You can mash up some avocado and spread it on your toast. It is one of the most popular and easiest ways of enjoying avocado.

Greek yogurt:

This is a very thick type of yogurt. It pairs well with savory and sweet dishes. It has a creamy texture and is high in many nutrients. The protein content is 69% of calories. In one six-ounce container, there are 17 grams of protein and only 100 calories.


This is one of the healthiest vegetables, which is rich in potassium, fiber, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C. Also, it has bioactive nutrients, which can help to protect against cancer. It is high in protein compared to other vegetables. The protein content of broccoli is 33% of calories. In one cup of chopped broccoli, there are 3 grams of protein and 31 calories.

Lean beef:

It is high in protein, as well as highly bioavailable iron, Vitamin B12, and large amounts of other vital nutrients. The protein content of lean beef is 53% of calories. In one 3 – ounce serving of lean sirloin steaks, there are 25 grams of protein and 186 calories.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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