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Frequent urination natural treatments – yogurt and fenugreek seeds

It is normal to have an urge to urinate 4 – 6 times per day but if you have noticed that this number is bigger, then you may suffer from frequent urination, especially if you need to urinate more than eight times per day.

Frequent urination causes

There are many causes which can lead to frequent urination such as prostate problems, urinary tract infections, kidney infections, bladder stones, anxiety, pregnancy, and diabetes.

If you have not been drinking excess water throughout the day or too close to your bedtime and you still have to urinate more than eight times per day or repeatedly at night, then you should visit your doctor.

If the frequent urination is accompanied by chills and fever, then this can become crucial. If there is nothing serious about your frequent urination problem, then you can use some of the mentioned natural cures. Frequent urination can be a very distressing problem for many people. If you have frequent urination, then you need to visit your doctor because he will tell you which is the best natural treatment for you and this will help him to give you the best natural treatment.

11 Home remedies for frequent urination

Avoid acidic foods

When you consume acidic foods, then they can increase the problems which are related to your bladder. You should avoid these foods. Also, you should not drink acidic juices such as grapefruit and orange juice. Do not consume hot, fried, salty, and spicy foods. Also, you should avoid red meat, pasteurized dairy products, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, and sugar products. [1]

Boiled spinach

Spinach is packed with nutrients which are important for our bodies. If you consume boiled spinach for dinner, then it will provide people with a great frequent urination urge relieving effect at night.

Also, you can mix spinach juice with coconut water and you should drink it daily basis because in this way you will get better results. Spinach is a very powerful natural cure for frequent urination because it can balance the less or excess urine flow [2].

Have enough water and fluids

When people have frequent urination, then they are reducing their water intake which is a great mistake. This can cause dehydration. You should not reduce your water intake if you have frequent urination. You should have at least six to eight glasses of water in a day depending on your activity levels and the weather.

frequent urination natural treatments

Have antioxidant-rich foods

We know that antioxidants combat free radicals and anything which is toxic in your body including bacteria. You need to add more antioxidant foods to your diets such as cranberries, blueberries, cherries, squash, and tomatoes.

Eat more fiber and nutrients rich foods

Fiber can help to prevent constipation [3]. In many cases, frequent urination is accompanied by constipation. Also, you should consume foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium. These foods include potatoes, bananas, barley, and brown rice.


Plain yogurt is one of the most effective natural cures for frequent urination [4]. This yogurt has the beneficial bacteria named Lactobacillus acidophilus. This type of bacteria prevents the growth of harmful bacteria in your whole system, including the urinary tract and bladder.

If your frequent urination is caused by a bacterial infection, then you should take plain yogurt because it can help you to rid of it. You should have one to two bowls of plain yogurt every day. You should not consume flavored yogurt because it has sweeteners and other artificial agents and it has not the beneficial bacteria.


If your frequent urination is due to a urinary tract infection, then cranberry and cranberry juice can be a very effective home remedy for you. Cranberries are loaded with antioxidants that are known as proanthocyanidins. You should know that a urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria which live in your digestive tract or on your genitals. When these bacteria enter the urinary tract and they stick to the walls of the ureters and bladder, then you get a urinary tract infection.

Cranberry juice has proanthocyanidins which break this bond of bacteria with the walls of the urinary tract. Then bacteria are driven out of your system. This natural cure is effective in the early stages of urinary tract infection. If you are in the early stages of frequent urination and you are getting medical treatment, then cranberry juice can increase the instances of frequent urination because this natural cure is an effective diuretic. You should talk with your doctor if you should consume this natural cure if you are not already having medicines for urinary tract infections. You should have one to two cups of cranberry juice per day. [5]

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are rich in minerals like zinc, vitamins, and phytonutrients. Fenugreek seeds act as a laxative, digestive agents and it is one of the most used natural treatments for bronchitis and cough but also this is a very effective home remedy for frequent urination. You can consider fenugreek seeds as your natural treatment if you have this problem of urine leakage along with the urge to urinate frequently.

Dry roast fenugreek seeds, one to four tablespoons, in a pan until they have changed their color to dark brown and you feel a nice aroma. Now you should let the seeds cool down. When the fenugreek seeds are cooled down, then you should grind them to powder and you should store them in a bottle with a lid or in a small jar. You should take ½ teaspoon of this roasted fenugreek seed powder and you should take it daily. You may have this natural cure with water. [6]

Sesame seeds and other seeds

There are some cases when the deficiency of zinc is associated with prostate problems and one of the most common symptoms of prostate problems is frequent urination [7]. This is a reason why you should eat more foods and vegetables that are rich sources of zinc such as apricots and apples.

Sesame seeds are a very effective source of zinc but also there are other seeds that are rich in zinc such as pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds.

You should take melon seeds kernels, watermelon seeds, cucumber seeds, pumpkin seeds, white sesame seeds, and black sesame seeds in equal quantities. You should take all of the mentioned seeds and grind them to make a powder.

You should store this seed powder in a jar with a lid. You should consume ½ teaspoon of the prepared seeds powder. You should take this natural cure with a cup of hot milk every day.


If your frequent urination is caused by a prostate problem, then you can use pomegranate as your natural treatment. This fruit is a rich source of antioxidants and other natural components such as ellagic acid, anthocyanins, and polyphenols. This type of juice inhibits an enzyme that produces estrogen which is the possible cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in older men.

The antioxidants which are present in this juice remove the free radicals which can damage the DNA or cellular membranes that can lead to prostate cancer. You should take three to six pomegranates which are enough to make one to ½ cups of juice. You should separate the seeds of pomegranate and you should take out their juice. You should drink this juice. You need to have one to one and a half cups of this natural cure per day. [8]

Amla – banana – honey

Indian gooseberry or amla is one of the most used natural cures in the Ayurveda stream of medicine in India. It has high amounts of antioxidants which can help cleanse the bladder and they can improve the strength of its muscles. Amla juice is also increasing the sphincter strength. This is a very effective home remedy for people whose muscles and sphincter or urinary bladder get weakened [9]. You should take one amla or you can use ½ teaspoon of amla powder but this is less effective than the fresh amla.

Also, you need one banana, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of sugar candy powder/jaggery (basically you need unprocessed sugar). You should crush the amla or grate it after deseeding. Extract the juice of amla by pressing it against a sieve or in a clean cloth. You should add sugar candy powder to the freshly extracted amla juice and mix them well. You should add hone to this mixture and have this mixture with a banana. You should take this mixture two to four times per day depending upon the severity of your frequent urination problem.


[1] Kanbara A, Miura Y, Hyogo H, et al. Effect of urine pH changed by dietary intervention on uric acid clearance mechanism of pH-dependent excretion of urinary uric acid. Nutrition Journal. 2012;11:39.

[2] Cao G, Russell RM, Lischner N, Prior RL. Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of strawberries, spinach, red wine or vitamin C in elderly women. The Journal of Nutrition. 1998;128(12):2383-90.

[3] Yang J, Wang H-P, Zhou L, Xu C-F. Effect of dietary fiber on constipation: A meta analysis. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012;18(48):7378-83.

[4] Desobry-Banon S, Vetier N, Hardy J. Health benefits of yogurt consumption. A review. International Journal of Food Properties. 1999;2(1):1-12.

[5] Hisano M, Bruschini H, Nicodemo AC, Srougi M. Cranberries and lower urinary tract infection prevention. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2012;67(6):661-67.

[6] Premanath R, Sudisha J, Lakshmi Devi N, Aradhya SM. Antibacterial and anti-oxidant activities of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) leaves. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2011;5(6):695-705.

[7] Frank J, Kamal-Eldin A, Traber MG. Consumption of sesame oil muffins decreases the urinary excretion of gamma-tocopherol metabolites in humans. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2004;1031:365-7.

[8] Zarfeshany A, Asgary S, Javanmard SH. Potent health effects of pomegranate. Advanced Biomedical Research. 2014;3:100.

[9] Grover HS, Deswal H, Singh Y, Bhardwaj A. Therapeutic effects of amla in medicine and dentistry: A review. Journal of Oral Research and Review. 2015;7(2):65-68.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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