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Natural treatments for burning mouth syndrome

When you are feeling that your mouth is burning, then you are suffering from burning mouth syndrome. You can have a burning sensation on your gums, throat, tongue, palate, or whole mouth. Also, there are many cases when people are having this syndrome and they are feeling a numbing or tingling sensation in their mouth or in the tongue tip.

In some cases, people have said that their burning mouth syndrome is going on its own. In other cases, patients are feeling that their mouths are dry. Also, there is another sign which is common in these patients and that is the loss of taste. The evidence of this disease can be continuous or periodic. There are many signs and symptoms of burning mouth syndrome such as dry mouth, sore mouth, bad breath, excessive thirst, numbness, pain which is getting worse every day, etc.

When people are suffering from burning mouth syndrome, then they can have side effects and harmful complications such as anxiety, depression, problems with social interactions, difficulty in eating and sleeping, irritability, and problems with personal relationships.

When patients are diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome, then they cannot eat or drink normally. It is very hard for them to do this regular activity. We are recommending you consult with your doctor before you start using some of the mentioned home remedies and natural cures because you should be sure which is the real cause of your condition. Also, you should be sure of the level of your condition and if there will be some side effects when you start using these remedies.

10 Natural cures for burning mouth syndrome

Vitamin B

There are many studies which are proof that people who are suffering from this disease are having vitamin deficiency [1]. Vitamin B is the vitamin that in many cases has a deficiency in the body which is leading to burning mouth syndrome. You should increase the intake amount of this vitamin which will help you win against this disease. You can add natural sources of Vitamin B to your diet or if you do not want to eat food which is rich in Vitamin B, then you should take a daily supplement of this vitamin. There are many good sources of Vitamin B such as cereals, whole-grain bread, fish, brown rice, meat, and white germ.

Alpha – Lipoic Acid

There are studies which are shown that this acid is helping a lot in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome. It is a nutrient which has antioxidant compounds. This means that your body is safe from the free radicals. When patients are having nerve damage in their brain, then the alpha-lipoic acid is recovering this damage, and also it is preventing you from further damage. If you want to rid of the burning mouth syndrome, then you should take 600 mg of alpha-lipoic acid twice per day. Patients have shown that in many cases alpha – lipoic acid has shown the best home remedy for burning mouth syndrome when patients have used many home remedies and no one has helped. [2,3]

Baking soda

This is also an effective natural remedy for your burning mouth syndrome because it is neutralizing the environment in your mouth. The pH balance in your body is regulated when you are using baking soda as your natural remedy. Also, this remedy is reducing the symptoms of acidity which are associated with burning mouth syndrome. If you are suffering from burning mouth syndrome and you have yeast or infection in your mouth, then baking soda is an effective natural remedy for these conditions. It is reducing the growth of yeast in your mouth.

Also, it is reducing the infection in the mouth. You can brush your mouth with baking soda if you have burning mouth syndrome. Also, you can use other solutions for gargling. You will need to add one or two teaspoons of baking soda to 6 – ounces of water. Mix these substances and then gargle your mouth with water. This is one of the most recommended home remedies for burning mouth syndrome. Patients who are suffering from this problem should use baking soda as their natural remedy for a few days to one week.

Also when you are using baking soda as your natural remedy, you are not having to need medical interventions, pills, or useless drugs. There are many patients who are recommending baking soda as one of the best home remedies for burning mouth syndrome because it has helped them to reduce the symptoms caused by this disease.


This is also an effective natural remedy for burning mouth syndrome which is recommended by many national institutes. This home remedy will help you to reduce the infection in your mouth and also it will help you to soothe your mouth. You should apply honey directly to your tongue. You should let the honey stay on your tongue for 30 – 60 seconds and then you should swallow it from your tongue. It is one of the best home remedies for burning mouth syndrome which will help you to reduce all symptoms caused by burning mouth syndrome.


When you are suffering from burning mouth syndrome, then you should use lavender as your natural remedy. Also, this natural remedy will help you to reduce stress and calm your senses. You should take 40 mg of lavender essential oil twice per day with your mouth if you want to have the best results. This is one of the best home remedies which will give you relief from the signs and symptoms caused by burning mouth syndrome. Also, lavender oil can be used as a natural remedy for this condition.

Switch your toothpaste

This is one of the most effective natural remedies for burning mouth syndrome. If you are using toothpaste which has sodium lauryl as its component, then you should change your favorite toothpaste. Baking soda is one of the best home remedies which can switch your toothpaste. Also when you are brushing your teeth, you should be sure that your mouth brash does not contain alcohol as its component.

Non – Acidic foods and drinks

You should eat non–acidic foods or drink non–acidic drinks because they will help you to win against burning mouth syndrome [4]. Orange and tomato juices and coffee and soft drinks are alkaline or neutral. When you are suffering from burning mouth syndrome, then you are feeling that your mouth is dry. You should add more fluids to your body and the best choice is the water. This fluid is relieving you from the dry feeling in your mouth. Also when you are drinking fresh milk you are reducing the symptoms caused by this disease. Fruit juices in most cases are acidic such as prune and apple juice. Citric and malic acid which are components of fruit juices can bother you. When they are consumed internally, then they are forming alkaline when they are processed through your body.

Natural cures for burning mouth syndrome

Eat cold foods

When you are suffering from burning mouth syndrome, then cold food is the best home remedy for this disease. There are many studies which are made for burning mouth syndrome and its home remedies. Ice cream (which is our favorite food on hot days) is mostly recommended by famous scientists. If ice cream has not improved your condition, then you should use ice cubes. Cold foods are in the most cases effective natural remedy for burning mouth syndrome. But also there are cases when chamomile tea which is warm food is also an effective natural remedy for this disorder. This is a reason why you should contact your doctor about your disease. He or she will tell you which the best home remedy for your condition is. If you have started using any home remedy or natural cure, then you should tell this your doctor.

Diet tips for burning mouth syndrome

There are many simple home remedies which will help you a lot in the reduction of the symptoms caused by this disease. We have said previously that you should increase the intake amount of water and also of some kind of foods. Also, you should eat a lot of plain food and boiled vegetables because they will help you against burning mouth syndrome. You should add a lot of foods which are rich in Vitamin B. Also, you should add some fresh fruits and fresh vegetables because they are also very effective natural remedies for this disease. The combination of honey and milk is also an effective natural remedy for burning mouth syndrome. Also, you should use gums without sugar because they will help you to keep your tongue and mouth moist. If you are diagnosed with burning mouth syndrome, then you must not consume tobacco or alcohol because they can make your condition to be worse. [5]

Lavender oil

Also, you can apply lavender oil to your tongue. Let this remedy stay all night on your tongue. It is a powerful antiseptic which will give you quick relief from the pain caused by burning mouth syndrome. [6]


[1] Green R. Vitamin B12 deficiency from the perspective of a practicing hematologist. Blood. 2017;129:2603-11.

[2] Liu YF, Kim Y, Yoo T, et al. Burning mouth syndrome: a systematic review of treatments. Oral Diseases. 2018;24(3):325-34.

[3] Jornet PL, Camacho-Alonso F, Leon-Espinosa S. Efficacy of alpha lipoic acid in burning mouth syndrome: A randomized, placebo-treatment study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2008;36(1):52-7.

[4] Pizzorno J. Acidosis: An old idea validated by new research. Integrative Medicine. 2015;14(1):8-12.

[5] Archer E, Pavela G, Lavie CJ. The inadmissibility of what we eat in America and NHANES dietary data in nutrition and obesity research and the scientific formulation of national dietary guidelines. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2015;90(7):911-26.

[6] Kamala KA, Sankethguddad S, Sujith SG, Tantradi P. Burning mouth syndrome. Indian Journal of Palliative Care. 2016;22(1):74-79.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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