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Esophageal Stricture Treatments

The esophageal stricture is a gradual narrowing of the esophagus which can lead to swallowing difficulties. It is noticed that doctors diagnose the esophageal stricture in about 10% of the patients who have GERD. The GERD is one of the most common causes for the esophageal stricture. We know that GERD is a condition in which excessive acid is refluxed from the stomach up into the esophagus. [1]

It is causing inflammation in the lower part of the esophagus. This leads to inflammation in the lower part of the esophagus. Scaring will result after repeated inflammatory injury and healing, re-injury and re – healing and this scaring will lead to narrowing of the esophagus.

The most common symptoms of the esophageal stricture are weight loss; difficulty swallowing; discomfort with swallowing; regurgitation of food; a feeling that food gets stuck in the esophagus or chest area.

Some of the most common causes for esophageal stricture are cancer; prolonged use of a nasogastric tube; pill-induced esophagitis; ingestion of corrosive substances; eosinophilic esophagitis; radiation exposure of the esophagus; prior surgery on the esophagus; injuries caused by endoscopes.

If you suffer from esophageal stricture, then you should talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies so in this way you can avoid side effects. Here are some home remedies for esophageal stricture:

Esophageal Stricture Treatment


There should be done a lot more studies in the future which can tell if acupuncture can help people who have difficulty swallowing due to a stroke. This is especially true when acupuncture is used together with conventional stroke rehabilitation. One study were participating in 66 patients in which was suggested that there is a therapeutic effect of acupuncture for esophageal stricture after acute stroke.

In the control group 7 out of 32 patients have recovered to normal feeding (this is 22%) while in the acupuncture group, 12 out of 34 participants recovered to normal feeding (this is 35%). This is not statistically significant but it does indicate that acupuncture was helpful for some patients who had a stroke. We know that acupuncture is involving inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. You should ask your doctor if the acupuncture is safe for you.

Diet modifications:

The key part of the esophageal stricture management is dietary modification. When you are modifying the texture of food, then it makes it safer for you to swallow. This is including changing the thickness of liquids, pureeing, or chopping solid foods. You should eat smaller and more frequent meals because it can help you a lot. Also, the change of taste and temperature of food can make it easier for you to swallow and more enticing to eat. [2,3]

There are some cases when specific volumes of food per swallow can help patients to stimulate a swallow response which is considered as a feeding strategy. When you are dealing with speech pathologists, diet modifications, or nurses, then you should often consult with a dietician to ensure that you are getting the nutritional needs.

Herbal remedies:

There are some cases when herbal remedies are used for reflux or heartburn symptoms and they include marshmallow, chamomile, slippery elm, and others. You should know that herbal remedies can have serious side effects and they can interfere with the medications that you are taking. You should talk with your doctor about your dosage and suitability before you start any herbal remedy. [4]

Avoid foods that cause you allergies:

It is very important to identify trigger foods and those foods which cause your allergies. When you have identified what is causing you spasms, then you will start avoiding it and you will notice improvements in your condition in the future.


It is known that the turmeric root has been used for centuries in India as an herbal remedy, spice, and dye. The turmeric root is dried and ground into a yellow-orange powder and it is a common ingredient in the curry and other Asian dishes. We know that turmeric has an active component called curcumin which is possessing anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties.

The curcumin extract and turmeric powder have been used to treat stomach upset, heartburn, and many different gastrointestinal complaints. Chronic heartburn or acid reflux disease is a significant cause of the esophageal stricture so when you add turmeric in your diet, then it can help you to reduce your risk of getting this condition.

Also, turmeric is a good anti-inflammatory and it can prevent infections and promote healing which is potentially beneficial for esophageal stricture. You should talk with your doctor if the turmeric is a good home remedy for you is you have chronic inflammation of the esophageal. [5]

Quit smoking:

You should quit smoking if you suffer from esophageal stricture because this can worsen your symptoms.

Avoid alcohol:

It is known that alcohol can worsen the symptoms of esophageal stricture, so this is a reason why you should avoid alcohol, especially red wine. [6]

Peppermint oil:

There are some studies in which are said that peppermint oil can be a very effective home remedy in people who suffer from esophageal stricture. This home remedy can help to relax the muscles, including those in the esophagus. [7]

You should mix a few drops of food-grade peppermint extract into one glass of water and you should drink it before you have a meal because it can help to prevent spasms. It is very important to use peppermint extract rather than peppermint essential oil because the latter can be toxic.

Lose weight:

If you are overweight or obese, then you should talk with your doctor about the best way for losing weight because when you lose weight, it can help you to get relief from your symptoms. [2,3]

Avoid certain foods:

There are some foods and drinks which can trigger esophageal strictures, such as red wine, spicy food, and food that is very hot or cold so this is a reason why you should avoid these foods and drinks. [2,3]

Reduce stress:

It is very important to reduce stress and anxiety by exercising or using relaxation techniques to help reduce your reflux and it can help with the esophageal stricture. You can ask your doctor about relaxation techniques, such as guided imagery or muscle relaxation which can help you to calm your symptoms.


This is a commonly used spice and it is used as a home remedy. We know that ginger is derived from the root of the Zingiber officinale plant and it is used to treat several health conditions, particularly gastrointestinal symptoms, such as stomach pain, vomiting, and nausea. There are some people who have said that ginger can be used as a home remedy for esophageal stricture but you should talk with your doctor before you start using it. [8]

Stay hydrated:

It is very important to drink enough water because it can help your body to stay hydrated and it can help you in your fight against esophageal stricture.


There are some studies in which are said that magnesium can help you to manage the symptoms of esophageal stricture. It is noticed that almost half of the people living in the United States of America are deficient in magnesium. When you have a magnesium deficiency, then you can develop many different symptoms, such as fatigue, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Also, as time passes, the magnesium deficiency can cause uncontrollable muscle contractions and spasms and both of them are related to esophageal stricture. If you increase your magnesium intake, then it can help to decrease your risk of esophageal stricture. [9]

Some foods which have magnesium include broccoli; pasture-raised chicken; grass-fed raw milk; wild-caught Alaskan salmon; banana; traditionally fermented yogurt; grass-fed beef; avocado; spinach and almonds. Also, when you increase your magnesium intake, then it can help your brain to stay protected from cardiovascular disease and even stroke.

Do not eat close before you go to bed:

It is very important not to eat too close before you go to bed or if you are planning to lay down because this can worsen the symptoms of the esophageal stricture.

Avoid constrictive clothing:

You should not wear constrictive clothing because it can worsen the symptoms of esophageal stricture.

Raise the head of your bed:

You should place wooden blocks under your bed to elevate your head. You should aim for an elevation of 6 – 8 inches, which is about fifteen to twenty centimeters. You should know that raising your head by using only pillows it is not effective.


[1] Kuo WH, Kalloo AN. Reflux strictures of the esophagus. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America. 1998;8(2):273-81.

[2] Newberry C, Lynch K. The role of diet in the development and management of gastroesophageal reflux disease: why we feel the burn. Journal of Thoracic Disease. 2019;11(Suppl 12):S1594–S1601.

[3] Riccardi D, Allen K. Nutritional management of patients with esophageal and
esophagogastric junction cancer. Retrieved from

[4] Alecci U, Bonina F, Bonina A, et al. Efficacy and safety of a natural remedy for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux: A double-blinded randomized-controlled study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2016;2016:2581461.

[5] Kwiecien S, Magierowski M, Majika J, et al. Curcumin: A potent protectant against esophageal and gastric disorders. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019;20(6):1477.

[6] Chen S, Wang J, Li Y. Is alcohol consumption associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease? Journal of Zhejiang University Science B. 2010;11(6):423–8.

[7] Medical University of South Carolina. A spoonful of peppermint helps the meal go down. Science Daily. 2019.

[8] Bodagh MN, Maleki I, Hekmatdoost A. Ginger in gastrointestinal disorders: A systematic review of clinical trials. Food Science & Nutrition. 2019;7(1):96–108.

[9] Assal A, Saloojee N, Dhaliwal H. Esophageal stricture due to magnesium citrate powder ingestion: A unique case. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2014;28(11):585-6.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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