Thursday, July 25, 2024

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9 Incredible Benefits of Drinking Lauki Juice

Lauki is known by many other names, such as ghiya, doodhi, calabash gourd and gourd. In the Indian cuisine, the lauki is a staple item. This is a vegetable with pale, smooth and waxy green surface and white spongy pulp. Many people consume lauki juice because it can benefit them in many different ways. The lauki has 96% of water which means that it is perfect for juice extraction. You can also find it in markets. This juice has potassium, iron, sodium, Vitamin B and Vitamin C. Lauki juice has low fat and cholesterol level. It is rich in antioxidants which is a reason why it is popular drink among people caring for their health. In one cup of lauki juice there is 26 mg of Vitamin C. This vitamin has antioxidant properties which protect cells from being damaged. Some of the side effects of drinking lauki juice are diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Here are some health benefits of lauki juice:

Lauki juice keep the heart healthy

You should drink lauki juice because it will keep your heart healthy by regulating the blood pressure. In one study was said that drinking 200 ml of fresh lauki juice on an empty stomach, in a period of 90 days, it lowers the blood levels of total triglycerides and cholesterol.

bottle gourd nutrition

Lauki juice help you to deal with the hair loss

Many people have tried many different remedies to stop the hair loss but they have not gained positive effects. If this is also your problem, then you should start using lauki juice. It is rich in nutrients so when it is applied in a combination with sesame oil on the scalp, then it can be very effective home remedy for hair loss and even baldness. Also this juice was used as prevention for premature graying of hair in the Ayurvedic medicine.

Replenishes loss of water content

You should drink a glass of lauki juice if you suffer from health problems, such as diarrhea, fatigue or sweating. This juice can help you naturally to replace the water content loss and at the same time, it controls the extreme thirst which is very common among diabetic patients. This juice revitalizes you by replenishing the loss of water.

Lauki juice treat sleeping disorders

You should mix sesame oil with lauki juice and drink it if you suffer from insomnia. This home remedy can help you to sleep better.

Lauki juice treat urinary problems

Lauki juice is diuretic in nature which means that it can help to flush out the excess water content from the body. This juice is becoming even more effective when a spoon of lime juice is added to it before the consumption.

Provides cooling effect

Lauki juice is rich in water content which means that it gives a cooling effect to the body. This can also replenish the water loss in the form of sweat. This is a reason why you should always have lauki juice during the summer.

Lauki juice help digestion and treats constipation

Lauki juice has soluble fiber, insoluble fiber and high water content. This is a very effective juice for improving the digestive system. You should drink lauki juice because it can help you to treat the constipation effectively. It can help in the treatment of problems which are related to digestive system, like flatulence and acidity.

Promotes weight loss

Those people who want to lose weight can use the lauki juice as their natural treatment. You should peel the skin of a fresh lauki, cut it into little pieces and then put it in a juicer to make the juice. You should drink this juice on regular basis because it will help you to reduce weight. Also this juice is rich in iron, potassium and vitamins which are making it very nutritious. Also this juice can curb your appetite so you should drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Acts as a natural remedy to get rid of suntan

You can use the lauki juice to deal with your suntan if you do not want the sun to ruin your skin or to leave dark patches on your back and face. It is rich in anti – inflammatory properties and high water content which is a reason why this juice is acting as a natural bleaching agent to lighten your skin tone. Also it can moisturize your skin due to its high water content. You should apply lauki juice three to four times per day as your natural treatment for the suntan.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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