Bipolar disorder or better known for its formerly name manic-depressive disease, is a brain disorder which causes unusual shifts in energy, mood, ability to carry out daily tasks and activity levels. There are different types of symptoms for this disease. Every individual is going through some ups and downs in certain period of life. People which are affected with this disease can have bad relationship, poor job, low school performance and in some cases can be reason for suicide. The good news is that this disease can be treated and bitten if you are taking the right treatment. If this disease is treated well, people which are affected with it can have quality life. Bipolar disease is appearing in the late teens and in early adult years. Half of the cases which were diagnosed with bipolar disease started before age 25. [1] Some of the people are having these symptoms in their childhood, while others are having in their later life. This disease is not easy to spot when it starts. Many of the people which were affected with bipolar disorder were suffering for years from this disease before they were diagnosed. Bipolar disease is long-term illness like diabetes and heart disease which should be constantly treated.
Bipolar disorder – Symptoms
Symptoms of bipolar disorder of mania: When people are having manic bipolar disorder they are feeling heightened creativity, energy and euphoria. Those people are sleeping a bit, they are talking a mile a minute and they are hyperactive. They also can have feeling that they are invincible, destined for greatness and all-powerful. This type of bipolar disorder can get out of control. People who are having manic bipolar disorder can invest in foolish business, they are engaging in inappropriate sexual activity or they are gambling away savings. They can start hearing voices, easily become very angry, aggressive and irritable and they also are blaming anyone who criticizes their behavior. [2] Here are the signs and symptoms of mania:
- People with manic are talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
- Unable to concentrate
- Sleeping very little, but they are having lots of energy
- Easily distractible
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Impaired judgment
- Impulsiveness
- Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
- Feeling unusually “high” and optimistic
- Highly irritable
- Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s ability or powers
- Racing thoughts
- Jumping quickly from one idea to the next
Symptoms of bipolar depression: In the past bipolar depression was compared to regular depression. But now in this modern era we know that those are two different types of diseases. People who are affected with bipolar disorder are not cured with antidepressants. This is the main difference between these two types of diseases. They are not having the same treatment. There is list of antidepressants which can make bipolar disorder to be worse than is the moment. When people are having bipolar depression they can have unpredictable mood swings, restlessness, feelings, guilt and irritability. They are also sleeping a lot, tend to move and speak slowly and gain weight. Sometimes is happening bipolar depression to develop in psychotic depression. This is health condition in which people lost their contact with reality. Also they can have disabilities in work or school. [3,4] Here are the symptoms of bipolar disorder:
- Thoughts of dead and suicide
- Irritability
- Appetite or weight changes
- Sleep problems
- Inability to experience pleasure
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Feelings of guilt
- Problems with you concentration
- Memory problems
- Fatigue
- Loss of energy
- Feeling hopeless
- Feeling sad
- Feeling empty
- Physical and mental sluggishness
Symptoms of a mixed episode: Mixed episode of bipolar disorder includes both mania or hypomania and depression. This type of bipolar disorder includes depression combined with anxiety, insomnia, distractibility, agitation, irritability and racing thought. This combination of low mood and high energy is one of the biggest risks for suicide. [5]
When to see a doctor? If you are feeling high energy and low mood, you should visit your doctor. Talk with him or her about your health problems. Your doctor will ask about your family history because this type of disease is genetic. Also he or she will make tests for your brain to see the structure of the brain and its functioning. Bipolar disorder is not curing by its own. You must use the medical treatment which is told by your doctor.
[1] Pedrelli P, Nyer M, Yeung A, et al. College students: Mental health problems and treatment considerations. Academic Psychiatry. 2015;39(5):503–11.
[2] Richardson T. Bipolar disorder and financial difficulties: some preliminary findings. Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. 2017. Retrieved from
[3] Poon SH, Sim K, Baldessarini RJ. Pharmacological approaches for treatment-resistant bipolar disorder. Current Neuropharmacology. 2015;13(5):592–604.
[4] Gitlin MJ. Antidepressants in bipolar depression: an enduring controversy. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. 2018.
[5] Muneer A. Mixed states in bipolar disorder: Etiology, pathogenesis and treatment. Chonnam Medical Journal. 2017;53(1):1–13.