Sassafras has many health benefits, such as protecting dental health, increasing energy, reducing menstruation pain, soothing inflammation, boosting the immune system, preventing certain cancers, relieving pain, boosting kidney health, eliminating colds, and cleansing the body.
This is one of the most used trees in medicinal, societal, and culinary development many years ago. These trees are native to Eastern North America, but also it can be found in some parts of Asia. This kind of tree can grow more than 100 feet in height, and it has orange or yellow bark which means that it can be easily identified. Almost every part of this tree is used such as flowers, fruit, roots, branches, leaves, stems, and barks.
If you consume higher amounts of this oil, it can cause nausea and vomiting, which can be fatal. It has concentrated essential oil, which is extremely powerful. This means you should use it in small amounts after talking with your doctor.
9 Health Benefits of Sassafras
Detoxify the body
The leaves of this tree are known as diuretics which means that they will increase urination. Also, they can help you to eliminate fats, salts, and toxins from your body. Sassafras tea is the best way to flush your system because it is a diuretic and can improve your kidneys’ function and health.
Sooth menstrual pain
If you have heavy bleeding, cramping, or bloating during your menstrual period, then you should use sassafras as your natural remedy because it has analgesic and anti–inflammatory properties that can reduce the mentioned symptoms.
Herbalists are recommending this natural remedy for all women who suffer from painful periods because it can lessen discomfort during the menstrual period.
Increase energy
If you are feeling sluggish, you can use sassafras in your diet because they can boost your energy levels. You can drink one cup of sassafras tea, or you can chew the leaves from this tree. This tree has a stimulant nature, which can help you overcome weakness and fatigue.
Heal wounds
It can speed up the healing process of the wounds, and it will give you relief from the pain. It will induce the freshly oxygenated blood to the sight of the wound because it has a stimulant nature. This means that the rate of metabolic processes throughout your body will increase, and the healing process will be sped up.
Relieve pain
The leaves of sassafras have been used for wrapping around wounds for many years ago because they have analgesic and anti–inflammatory properties. You can drink sassafras tea if you have any kind of pain in your body. Also, you can apply sassafras in a topical way because it can help you to rid of the pains and aches.
Prevent cancer
There should be done lot more studies about how this tree affects cancer, but it is thought that it has anti–cancer properties. It has antioxidant properties when we consume it. It can boost our immune system, or it can eliminate free radicals. Also, it can reduce the risk of the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous cells.
Boost dental health
It has antiseptic properties. Many years ago, they were used as toothbrushes because of their properties and good flavor. You can scrub your teeth with a twig. This also will help your gums.
Strengthen immunity
Sassafras has antiseptic and analgesic properties that can boost our immune system. They will protect your body from foreign pathogens and agents (this means that you will have effective protection not only internally but also externally), which means that you will have perfect protection for your body. Also, this tree can keep your respiratory system and stomach away from free radicals. Also, if you suffer from a cold, then you can use sassafras as your natural treatment.
Skin health
People who suffer from rashes, boils, sores, or excessive marks on their skin should apply a poultice of sassafras leaves on the affected areas. This will help them to reduce the inflammation and discoloration of their skin. Also, it has tannic acid, which can protect your skin.