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Whey Isolate Protein For Building Muscle

When it comes to building muscles, the whey isolate protein is one of the best and most powerful supplements which you can take. The whey isolate protein is one of the highly researched and tested protein supplements on the market today. It is also proven to improve satiety (this means that it will keep you full throughout the day), promote weight loss, and maximize muscle growth. For all of the mentioned reasons, the whey isolate protein is one must-have thing for all bodybuilders, athletes, avid gym-goer, or anyone looking to improve their physique.

Whey Isolate Protein For Building Muscle

Definition of whey isolate protein:

Whey protein is a mixture of proteins isolated from whey, which is the liquid part of milk that separates during cheese production. Some products which have whey as their component include yogurt, cheese, milk, protein powder supplement, and even protein bars. You surely have opened a container of your favorite yogurt and you have noticed some clear liquid floating on the top.

This clear liquid is the whey. In the past decades, companies that have produced cheese used to throw out the whey during the manufacturing process, because they have considered it as waste. But, once they discovered its strong commercial value, they stopped throwing it. The plain whey protein does not have much taste. But, when it is combined with natural flavoring agents, like chocolate, vanilla, or even fruit, then it is a great addition to any smoothie or pre or post-workout shake. The thing which you see in stores in powder form is the final product.

Difference between whey isolate protein and whey concentrate

The thing which is happening during the manufacturing process is the key difference between the whey isolate protein and whey concentrate. The whey isolate protein goes through a more intense processing phase compared to the whey concentrate. When the whey isolate protein is made, then many of the carbs and fats are removed and it is leaving the primary protein content. With the whey concentrate, most of the carbs and fats remain.

The whey isolate protein is the best option for people who actively counting macros and who are conscious about maintaining an aesthetic physique because it allows the person to consume higher protein content in a shake and save their fats and carbs for whole food meals.

Nutrition facts of whey isolate protein

Below are given nutrition facts of whey protein:

  • In one serving size of 100 grams of whey isolate protein, there are 359 calories.
  • The total fat which whey isolate protein has is 1.2 grams and the daily value is 2%. The whey isolate protein has saturated fat – 0.6 grams and the daily value of saturated fat is 3%.
  • The whey isolate protein has 12 mg of cholesterol and the daily value of it is 4%.
  • The whey isolate protein has 372 mg of sodium and the daily value is 16%.
  • The whey isolate protein has total carbohydrates of 29 grams and the daily value is 11%.
  • The whey isolate protein has a dietary fiber of 0 grams, so the daily value is 0%.
  • The whey isolate protein has a sugar of 1.2 grams.
  • The whey isolate protein has 58 grams of protein and the daily value is 116%.
  • The whey isolate protein has also vitamins. Vitamin D is present with 0.00 mcg, so the daily value is 0%.
  • The whey isolate protein has calcium which is present with 698.00 mc and the daily value is 54%.
  • The whey isolate protein has iron present with 1.26 mg and the daily value is 7%.
  • The whey isolate protein has potassium which is present with 872 mg and the daily value is 19%.

The daily value can tell you how much a nutrient in a serving of food can contribute to your daily diet. For general nutrition advice is used 2,000 calories a day.

The whey isolate protein has building blocks of muscle building

We know that the muscle is a tissue that is made of protein. The muscle tissue is made up of fibers. Those fibers compromise chains of amino–acid molecules. If you want to have a big picture of muscle building, then there are 20 amino acids that assist the body in the protein-building process. These 20 amino acids are split up into two categories – 11 non – essential amino acids (they are produced by our bodies in a natural way) and 9 essential amino acids (they are not produced by our bodies in a natural way).

These 9 essential amino acids are not produced naturally by our bodies, so we must obtain them from foods or supplementation. Foods like eggs, animal meat and some plant proteins, and dairy and considered to be complete proteins. This means that they have all 9 essential amino acids, so these foods are ideal to consume if your goal is to maintain or build muscle mass. The whey isolate protein also has all 9 essential amino acids and it includes an extra high dose of an amino acid called leucine, which has been shown to effectively stimulate muscle protein synthesis and can help to build more muscle mass.

One study done in 2003 was shown that whey isolate protein is the purest protein source available for consumption. The whey isolate protein has a concentration of 90% or higher. Also, the whey isolate protein has one of the highest concentrations of branched amino acids of any protein product and this can help to maintain and build muscle tissue and prevent catabolic activity during the high–intensity resistance training sessions.

Whey isolate protein is absorbed rapidly in the body

It is very important to pay close attention to the quality of the protein that you are consuming on a daily basis, especially in the 2 – 3 hours before and after your gym session, if your end goal is to build muscle mass. For your body to utilize the protein, the small intestine must absorb the protein and transport it to the blood, and from there, it can be circulated to the various tissues in the body. Some protein sources, like animal meat, are difficult for the body to break down.

There are some cases when the body can need hours to break down the protein source. But, in the time before and after your workout, your body wants to have a rapid–digesting protein source over a slow-digesting source. The protein absorption rate in 10 minutes of whey isolate protein is 100. Compared to the whey isolate protein, the rice absorption rate is 63 in 10 minutes and for the soy, the absorption rate is 10 in 10 minutes. As you see, the whey isolate protein has the best absorption rate, so it is the best option if you want to build muscles.

Some people have tried to ingest a whole T – Bone steak and then, they go to the gym wanting to make a lifting session about 30 – 45 minutes later. But, they have noticed that they cannot do it. It is better to consume a fast–digesting protein before and after your workout than trying to eat a meal that consists of whole foods, so you will maximize the protein synthesis and ultimately build more muscles in the long run. The whey isolate protein allows being absorbed immediately after it is ingested. The result of this is a spike in the amino acid levels, which could lead to protein synthesis.

Protein synthesis is a process by which amino acids are linearly arranged into proteins through the involvement of transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, messenger RNA, and various enzymes. You should keep in your mind that without maxing out muscle protein synthesis, you will never see the muscle gains that you hope to achieve. In some studies are shown that people who consume 20 – 25 grams of fast-digesting protein (such as whey isolate protein) may see an increase in muscle-building through the process of muscle protein synthesis. This is especially true in the post-workout window (two hours after a workout), but it is also true for up to 48 hours after an intense resistance training session.

Also, if you consume a serving or two of whey isolate protein 24 – 48 hours after the workout, you will still see a benefit in terms of muscle growth and recovery. But, the whey isolate protein is not just very quickly digesting, but also, it is high in amino acid leucine, which can help to promote muscle protein synthesis and it aids in recovery. The whey isolate protein has higher leucine content than other forms of protein, including casein, so this makes it ideal for people who want to pack on muscle mass. Do not doubt it. Add the whey isolate protein and get the physique you desire.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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