Friday, July 26, 2024

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Teething problems in babies can be overcome by arrowroot

Teething refers to the process in which an infant’s first set of teeth starts emerging through his gums. These teeth are also known as milk teeth or baby teeth and usually, they are arriving in pairs. Teething begins between six and eight months of age and it can take up to two years for all the teeth to come through.

For some babies, teething is not a problem at all. But for many babies, teething can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Mild diarrhea, earaches, red cheeks, tendency to bite on things, crying, difficulty sleeping, fussiness, slight fever, excessive dribbling, and swollen and tender gums are some signs and symptoms of teething. Also, there are some babies which refuse to eat or breastfeed.

Teething babies can be difficult to handle but you can use some of the mentioned home remedies to ease your child’s discomfort. You can take your baby for a short stroll to help him or her to be distracted from teething pain. Also, there are some cases in which running a warm water bath can also help you to relax your baby.

10 Home remedies and simple strategies which can make the teething process easier for your little one

Arrowroot cookies

Arrowroot cookies can be used as a natural treatment for teething because they can help you to alleviate the symptoms. Arrowroot is rich in starch which helps you to treat the fussy tummy which is one of the most common problems in teething babies. Arrowroot is allergen free. This is a reason why it is safe for small babies. Also, babies can chew on a hard arrowroot cookie for a long time without breaking the cookie into small pieces. If you have a fussy baby and you want to calm him down, then you should offer him an arrowroot cookie.

Over–the–counter teethers

You can use a teether for your baby to gnaw on because it can be comfortable for him. When your baby bites down on the teether, then this helps him to relieve the pressure under his gums. You should avoid any products which have some toxic ingredients such as phthalates, PVC, or BPA because they can be very harmful. You should opt for a teether which is made of wood or silicon because they are safe for babies. Also, you should choose the teether which is easy and inviting for your baby to hold. You should chill the teether in the refrigerator for fifteen to twenty minutes before you give it to your baby because in this way you will enhance the soothing powers.


If you have a fussy baby, then you should try foot reflexology to calm him. This is an effective natural method for soothing your baby because babies respond well to touch. Also, there are certain points on their feet which help alleviate the tooth pain and they can promote better sleep. If you have a teething baby, then you should massage the top of his foot, specifically the toes because this can provide him some temporary relief. You should rub some warm oil on the baby’s foot. You should apply gentle pressure on his toes, at the bottom. You should do this with the help of your thumb. Finally, you should give a nice massage to his whole foot. You should do this no longer than five minutes. You should repeat this natural treatment once or twice per day. [1]

Vegetable juice pops

Vegetables such as beetroot and carrot are a very effective home treatment for teething babies. These vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties which can help you to reduce gum pain and irritation. Also, they strengthen the immune system of your baby. You should extract the juice of a few beetroots and carrots to get one cup of each juice. You should mix these juices together and then you should pour them into ice pop molds which come with handles. You should put them in refrigerator to freeze. You should remove the vegetable juice pops from the mold and then you should give them to your baby. The cold temperature of the ice pops and the sweetness of vegetable juice can help to calm your baby. [2]


This natural cute can help ease teething discomfort in babies which are older than one year of age. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties which can help you to relax the painful nerves [3,4]. Also, it can help your baby to calm his upset stomach.

In one cup of hot water, you should steep ½ teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers. You should strain it and then you should give your child one teaspoon of chamomile tea every hour or two. Also, you can mix four or five drops of chamomile essential oil with one tablespoon of extra–virgin olive oil. You should warm this mixture in your hands and then you should use it to massage your baby’s jaw and around his ears. You should repeat this natural treatment a few times per day.

Massage the gums

In some cases, the simple massage of the sore gums can help you a lot in easing a teething baby’s discomfort. Gentle pressure will also help you to reduce the pain and calm the fussy baby. You should use a moistened soft washcloth or your clean finger to rub your baby’s gums for a few seconds. Your baby may resist in the beginning but soon he will start feeling better. Also, you should massage the face and jaw area of your baby. Massage them in a circular motion.

Natural cures for teething

Chilled carrots

You should offer a long piece of chilled carrot to your baby if your baby has started eating solid foods [2]. The cold temperature will help soothe gum pain and the sweet carrot juice will make your baby feel full. When your baby will chew on hard carrots, then this will also put pressure on the sore gums which will give him relief. You should peel and wash a large carrot. You should chill it in the refrigerator for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, you should give it to your baby. You should make sure to keep a close eye on your baby because any pieces of the carrot that break off might pose a choking hazard. Also, you can offer to your baby a chilled piece of cucumber, apple, or celery. You should never give your baby anything that is frozen because contact with extreme cold can be harmful to him.

Clove oil

You can use diluted clove oil to treat sore gums for children aged one year or older. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties which can help you to reduce pain and inflammation [5]. You do not need to buy one bottle of clove oil. You can make your own clove oil using whole cloves which are available in most parts of the world. You should put one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of extra–virgin coconut oil in a pan. You should add one tablespoon of whole cloves and one tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers. You should heat this mixture on low for ten to fifteen minutes. You should strain out cloves and chamomile and then you should allow this mixture to cool. You should massage this natural cure on your baby’s gums as much as needed. You should always test this natural cure on your own gums first because in this way you will be sure that it is not too strong for your baby.


This is one of the first foods which many babies eat. Also, this is a very effective home treatment for teething infants who have mild diarrhea which is one of the most common symptoms of teething. Apples have pectin which helps in the formation of stools to prevent loose stools. After you have washed an apple, you should remove the core, and then you should peel off the skin. Then, you should cut the apple into small pieces. You should put the apple pieces in a saucepan with enough amount of water to cover the apples and you should bring it to a boil. You should turn down the heat and you should let it simmer until the apple pieces are tender and soft. You should puree the cooked apple pieces in a blender. You should chill the applesauce in the refrigerator. Then, you should feed your baby with it. It is a known fact that cold applesauce is more comfortable for teething babies compared to warm applesauce. Also, you can try frozen bananas.


In many cases, breastfeeding offers sheer comfort for fussy babies. The process of sucking comforts them and even distracts them from the pain [6]. Also, breast milk provides a unique balance of nutrients which can help babies to recover faster. You should breastfeed your baby more often when he or she is having teething discomfort. If your baby is feeling tempted to bite during nursing, then you should try different positions. Also, you should wash your hands and use your clean finger to briefly massage your baby’s gums before beginning and ending the nursing session for teething.


[1] Embong NH, Soh YC, Ming LC, Wong TW. Revisiting reflexology: Concept, evidence, current practice, and practitioner training. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2015;5(4):197-206.

[2] Memarpour M, Soltanimehr E, Eskandarian T. Signs and symptoms associated with primary tooth eruption: a clinical trial of nonpharmacological remedies. BMC Oral Health. 2015;15:88.

[3] Srivastava JK, Shankar E, Gupta S. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2010;3(6):895-901.

[4] Sharafzadeh S, Alizadeh O. German and Roman chamomile. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2011;1(10):1-5.

[5] Marya CM, Satija G, Avinash J, et al. In vitro inhibitory effect of clove essential oil and its two active principles on tooth decalcification by apple juice. International Journal of Dentistry. 2012;2012:759618.

[6] Fox R, McMullen S, Newburn M. UK women’s experiences of breastfeeding and additional breastfeeding support: a qualitative study of Baby Café services. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth. 2015;15:147.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]



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