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Fatigue natural remedies – pumpkin seeds, watermelon and bananas

Fatigue is also known as listlessness, lethargy, weariness, exhaustion, and tiredness. Fatigue is a term which is used to describe the general feeling of being weak and tired. Fatigue can be related to mental or physical tiredness.

You should know that feeling fatigued is not the same as feeling sleepy or drowsy but these can be symptoms of fatigue. There was one study in which is said that approximately one in every five Americans has fatigue which interferes with their daily lives [1].

Also, this condition is affecting more women than men. There are several psychological problems, medical conditions, and lifestyle factors which can lead to fatigue. Unhealthy eating habits, poor sleep, inactivity, excessive physical activity, excessive intake of caffeine, and excessive alcohol use are some lifestyle factors which can contribute to fatigue. Also, fatigue can be due to mental health problems such as stress, grief, depression, and anxiety. Also, there are some medical conditions which can make you fatigued such as diabetes, sleep apnea, obesity, thyroid disorders, heart diseases, kidney diseases, cancer, anemia, and liver failure.

Symptoms of Fatigue

The main symptom of this condition is exhaustion, especially after mental or physical activity. Also, there are other signs of fatigue such as lack of energy, moodiness, loss of appetite, irritability, headaches, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation, and sore muscles [2].

Whether your fatigue is due to emotional, mental, or physical exertions, you can find relief with some readily available foods. Key foods will provide your body with all the essential nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, fats, and protein as well as minerals and vitamins to function properly and to fight symptoms of fatigue.

10 Home remedies for fatigue


If you feel fatigued after a workout due to dehydration or you feel fatigued on a hot day, then you can get your energy back with a slice of watermelon. This fruit is rich in electrolytes and water which will keep dehydration at bay and also it will keep you active and free from the symptoms of fatigue [3]. Also, watermelon is rich in iron, beta–carotene, lycopene, Vitamin C, and potassium.

Next time when you feel fatigued and you need instant energy, then you should take a slice of watermelon. Also, you can make a healthy drink by mixing water, a little honey and lemon juice, and some watermelon. You should drink this juice after a workout because it can help you to prevent the signs of fatigue.


This home remedy is rich in gut-healthy probiotics, carbohydrates, and protein which can help you to fight the symptoms of fatigue. When we consume yogurt, then it makes the body process more quickly than any solid food, and yogurt works as a great source of quick energy whenever you need it.

Yogurt has probiotics which can help ease the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome [4]. This is also playing a key role in improving the health of your digestive tract. You can eat yogurt any time of the day. You should take at least one cup of fat–free yogurt every day. If you do not like the taste of plain yogurt, then you should add some frozen berries or other fruits or nuts to it or you can make a smoothie.

fatigue natural treatment


Oatmeal is one of the best natural cures which you can use for fatigue. It has quality carbohydrates which are stored in your body as glycogen and it can provide fuel for your muscles and brain throughout the day. Also, it has many nutrients such as Vitamin B1, phosphorus, magnesium, and protein which can help boost your energy levels. This natural cure is regarded as a super-food for digestive health which is due to its high fiber content [5]. Also, people who suffer from diabetes can eat oatmeal and it can help you to maintain normal blood sugar levels. You should eat a bowl of oatmeal for your breakfast. Also, you can add to the health benefits by topping your oatmeal with nuts and fresh fruits.

Pumpkin seeds

If you want to fight fatigue, then you should eat pumpkin seeds. They are rich in minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, vitamins such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin B6, healthy Omega – 3 fatty acids, and high–quality protein. All of the mentioned nutrients work together to fight symptoms of fatigue, provide energy and boost your immune system [6].

Pumpkin seeds also have tryptophan which helps fight emotional fatigue and it promotes better sleep which will ease the physical weariness. With a handful of pumpkin seeds, you will get instant energy and it will make you less fatigued. Also, you can snack on roasted pumpkin seeds. Also, you can eat pumpkin seed butter because this can increase your metabolism.

Green tea

One cup of refreshing green tea can fight fatigue, especially work-related and stress fatigue. Green tea has polyphenols which can improve mental focus, boost energy and reduce stress [7]. Also, it has components which are proven to boost your metabolism and they can protect against many drawbacks of being fatigued.

You should steep one teaspoon of green tea leaves in one cup of hot water for five minutes. You should strain it and then add honey to it. You should drink this tea two or three times per day. If you do not have green tea leaves, you can use teabags.


They are rich in potassium which our bodies need to convert sugar into energy. Also, they are rich in many important nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, Omega – 6 fatty acids, Omega – 3 fatty acids, and Vitamin C and Vitamin B Complex which can help beat dehydration, tiredness, and other fatigue symptoms. Also, it has natural sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose which are very important for a quick energy boost. You should eat one to two bananas per day. Also, you can enjoy a banana smoothie or shake to keep your body full of energy and hydrated. [8]


This home remedy has many health benefits which can help you to fight fatigue. They are rich in fiber and they have a good ration of protein and complex carbohydrates and an array of minerals such as iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium. These components will give you long-lasting energy and they will prevent you from feeling fatigued. Most beans have a low glycemic index so you can eat this natural cure without worrying about blood sugar spikes and subsequent dips in energy. You can try different types of beans for different meals throughout the day. You can eat boiled soybeans for breakfast. You can eat black bean salad or soup for lunch or dinner. Also, you can try some one-pot meals with beans which you will choose.


Walnuts are a very popular home remedy for fatigue. They are rich in Omega – 3 fatty acids which can easily counteract fatigue symptoms [9]. This natural cure can give you relief from the symptoms of mild depression. Walnuts are rich in fiber and protein which can help boost your energy after a workout. These nuts are also rich in vitamins, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese.

You should include ¼ cup of shelled walnuts in your daily diet. Also, you can eat roasted walnuts such as a healthy mid-afternoon or mid-morning snack. You can sprinkle walnut pieces on salads, soups, smoothies, milkshakes, and cereal.


This is one of the best natural treatments which you can use for the treatment of fatigue. Spinach is rich in iron which can help the blood deliver oxygen to the cells of your body. This will combat the tiredness and other fatigue symptoms and it will produce energy [10]. Also, spinach is rich in Vitamin B, Vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium which can help you when you need to boost your metabolism and when you have a lack of energy. You can add spinach leaves to soups, sandwiches, and other healthy snacks. Also, you can add spinach to smoothies, casseroles, and stews without altering the favor. Also, you can drink one glass of spinach juice because it can help to fight fatigue.

Red bell pepper

This home remedy is rich in Vitamin C which is an antioxidant. It can boost your immune system. Also, it can help reduce the stress hormone cortisol which contributes to fatigue. Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for having a healthy adrenal system which can help prevent fatigue from emotional or physical stress. Also, there are some studies in which is said that if you have a lack of Vitamin C, then this can make you feel more fatigued [11].

Red bell peppers are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, fiber, and folic acid. When you drink one cup of red bell pepper every day, then it can keep your metabolism and energy high. You can include red bell pepper in your diet in stuffed, cooked, grilled, roasted, in baked and raw forms.


[1] The American Institute of Stress. Workplace stress. Retrieved from

[2] Tanaka M, Ishii A, Watanabe Y. Effects of mental fatigue on brain activity and cognitive performance: A magnetoencephalography study. Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research. 2015;5:S4-002.

[3] Rizal M, Segalita C, Mahmudiono T. The effect of watermelon beverage ingestion on fatigue index in young-male, recreational football players. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019;10(2):e86555.

[4] Makino S, Hemmi J, Kano H, et al. Anti-fatigue effects of yogurt fermented with Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus OLL1073R-1 in healthy people suffering from summer heat fatigue: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Nutrients. 2018;10(7):798.

[5] Xu C, Lv J, Lo YM, et al. Effects of oat β-glucan on endurance exercise and its anti-fatigue properties in trained rats. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013;92(2):1159-65.

[6] Wang S-Y, Huang W-C, Liu C-C, et al. Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) fruit extract improves physical fatigue and exercise performance in mice. Molecules. 2012;17(10):11864-76.

[7] Teng Y-s, Wu D. Anti-fatigue effect of green tea polyphenols (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG). Pharmacognosy Magazine. 2017;13(50):326-31.

[8] Nieman DC, Gillitt ND, Sha W, et al. Metabolic recovery from heavy exertion following banana compared to sugar beverage or water only ingestion: A randomized, crossover trial. PLoS One. 2018;13(3):e0194843.

[9] Kim D-I, Kim K-S. Walnut extract exhibits anti-fatigue action via improvement of exercise tolerance in mice. Laboratory Animal Research. 2013;29(4):190-195.

[10] Son H, Jung S, Shin JH, et al. Anti-stress and anti-depressive effects of spinach
extracts on a chronic stress-induced depression mouse model through lowering blood
corticosterone and increasing brain glutamate and glutamine levels. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2018;7:406.

[11] Gupta P, Tiwari S, Haria J. Relationship between depression and Vitamin C
status: A study on rural patients from Western Uttar Pradesh in India. International Journal of Scientific Study. 2014;1(4):37-39.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]



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