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Treating rectal bleeding with leafy green vegetables

Rectal bleeding is a term used to refer to any blood passing from the anus, but in most cases, it describes bleeding from the rectum or the lower colon. It is a symptom of a disease. Some of the signs of rectal bleeding are blood in the toilet bowl or blood on tissue paper. Rectal bleeding can be a sign that something is wrong in your gastrointestinal tract. Rectal bleeding can be in the form of dark red, maroon, or black stools. It can even have a tar-like appearance and color.

In some cases, the color can indicate which part of the tract is the source of bleeding. For example, if the color is black and tar-like, then you are probably bleeding all the way up from your stomach. If the blood is dark-red or maroon, then this can indicate slightly lower bleeding, like from the small bowel or the higher colon, and if your stool appears bright red, then the source might be from the rectum or lower colon [1,2].

There are many causes of rectal bleeding, but the most common ones are colon cancer, diverticular disease, ulcerative colitis/rectal ulcer syndrome, Crohn’s disease, colonic polyps, angiodysplasia, proctitis, pseudomembranous colitis, ischemic colitis, hemorrhoids, constipation with hard bulky stool, anal fissures, or even severe diarrhea [3].

The most common symptoms of rectal bleeding are vomiting, dizziness, lower back pain, hip pain, diarrhea, straining, swelling around the anus, abdominal pain, rectal itching, and rectal pain, as well as the symptoms of the cause. You need to talk with your doctor before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for rectal bleeding.

19 Home remedies for rectal bleeding


This home remedy can help to balance the bacteria in the stomach. Also, it can help to prevent constipation and other digestive problems. Yogurt also has proteins, minerals, and vitamins that are easily absorbable [4]. You need to eat two to three cups of yogurt on a daily basis.

Ginger root

This is one of the best home remedies for colon cleansing. Ginger can help to clear the stomach, and it can keep the toxins and wastes out [5]. You should crush the ginger and then add it to hot water. You should add salt, lemon, and honey to the hot water and drink it on a daily basis on an empty stomach. If you are breastfeeding or pregnant, then you should not use this home remedy.

Slippery elm

This herb has always been used to soothe the digestive system. When the powdered slippery elm is mixed with water, it becomes like a slick gel that can coat the affected areas in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce inflammation [6]. This is one of the best home remedies for rectal bleeding. You should crush the slippery elm, then mix it with water, and drink it. Talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage.


This home remedy has fibers which mean that it can easily remove toxins and ease digestion. Also, it has allicin which is an antibiotic component [7]. Garlic will protect your stomach from fungi, viruses, or bacteria. You should add crushed garlic to your daily food or even eat it as fresh garlic if you can bear the taste.

Leafy green vegetables

You can add green vegetables to your soup or salad, or you can eat it in raw form. You should eat it on a daily basis.

Natural cures for rectal bleeding

Licorice root

This home remedy has anti-inflammatory compounds that can soothe the stomach lining and can help to cure ulcers [8]. Also, it is known that it has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-tumor properties. You should crush dried licorice roots, mix them with water, and let them soak for ten minutes. You need to then strain it and then drink it.

Sea salt

This is a very good home remedy for diarrhea, constipation, and stomachache. Also, it is good for flushing out toxins and wastes from your digestive system. You should mix a spoonful of sea salt with warm water and then drink it. Then, you should lie down and massage your abdomen to help flush out the toxins. You should drink this home remedy four to five times a month.


Triphala is made of haritaki, bheda, and amla. This home remedy has strong laxative and anti-oxidant properties [6,9]. This home remedy can clear toxins and encourage bowel movement. You should mix the Triphala powder with one glass of water and drink it on a daily basis.

Flax seeds

These seeds are very nutritious, so they should be added to the diet. Flax seeds can keep the colon strong, healthy, and clean because they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fibers. They can help in the absorption of nutrients, and they can prevent cancerous growth. Also, they can absorb the water, and they can expand the colon. This will help to flush out toxins and waste products. You will need a spoonful of flaxseeds. You need to crush these seeds and then mix them with water. You should drink this concoction two times per day, once before your breakfast and once before you go to bed.


Peanuts can help in strengthening the intestines. Also, it can help with constipation, and it can improve colon resistance against diseases. You should boil the peanuts and eat around 5 – 6 peanuts on a daily basis.

Ginger powder and senna leaves

It is known that senna leaves have significant laxative properties [10]. They are used to prevent constipation and also for colon cleansing. Also, these leaves can encourage bowel movement. You should crush the dried senna leaves and mix them with hot water. You should add some ginger powder to this mixture and let the leaves stay in the water for ten minutes; then, you should strain the water and then drink this tea. You should drink it on a daily basis.

Apple or apple juice

Apple or apple juice can help in the detoxification of the intestines. Apple has polyphenol and pectin, which can help to prevent cancer in the intestine [11]. Also, it is a good source of fiber, and therefore it can help in encouraging bowel movements. You will need a few apples. You should use a blender to make the apple juice. You should consume this juice 5 – 6 times a day. You should avoid eating solid food while you are using this home remedy.

Aloe Vera juice

This is one of the best and most effective home remedies for curing and cleansing stomach problems. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and it can soothe stomach ulcers [13]. You should take an Aloe Vera leaf and extract the juice from it. You should mix it with lemon and honey and drink this home remedy on a daily basis.

Pantothenic acid

Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is an essential nutrient that is crucial for regulating metabolism and energy production. It can help to balance the system and prevent rectal bleeding because it regulates the blood flow and other bodily processes.

Reduce stress

It is a known fact that reducing stress is truly a universal health improvement. When you are reducing your stress levels, it can help to promote the healing process and decrease body inflammation no matter the root of the bleeding. There are scientific studies that have clearly shown that chronic stress is linked to the human body losing its natural ability to properly control the inflammatory response.

Coconut water

This natural cure has tannins which can reduce inflammation [14]. You should take it on an empty stomach in the morning, but also you can take it at other times of the day too. You should drink coconut water on a daily basis.

Fruits high in fiber

You should consume foods that are high in fiber, such as prunes, pears, and apples. It is preferred to consume during the day on an empty stomach. You can consume these fruits on a daily basis.


You should drink 2-3 liters of water on a daily basis. This can help to ease digestion. You should drink a glass of water every hour and drink it slowly. Also, you should drink 1-2 glasses of water on a daily basis after waking up. It can help to clear the digestive tract completely.

Chia seeds

You can take chia seeds in gel form, or you can take dried chia seeds directly. If you eat them dry, then you should also drink water alongside them. You should start with a small quantity, like one teaspoon, and then Later, you can increase the amount of chia seeds that you are consuming.


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Dina Mohy
Dina Mohy
Dr. Dina M., a medical graduate (MBBCh), and currently a medical intern who has interest in scientific and data research. Dina likes reading novels and baking during free time. She is more interested in basic sciences like immunology and molecular biology.


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