The immune thrombocytopenia or ITP is a disorder that can lead to excessive or easy bruising and bleeding. This bleeding is resulting from unusually low levels of platelets, which are cells that help blood clot. This condition can lead to purple bruises, as well as tiny reddish-purple dots which look like a rash. Children, who get an ITP (immune thrombocytopenia) after a viral infection, usually recover fully without treatment. But, in adults, the ITP is often long – term condition.
Usually, people who do not have signs of bleeding and their platelet count is not too low, do not need any treatment. If your symptoms are more severe, then treatment can include medications or natural remedies which are meant to boost your platelet count, or in some cases, it can be made surgery to remove your spleen.
Some of the most common symptoms of ITP (immune thrombocytopenia) include unusually heavy menstrual flow; blood in urine or stools; easy or excessive bruising; bleeding from the gums or nose; superficial bleeding into the skin which appears as pinpoint–sized, reddish-purple spots that look like a rash, usually on the lower legs. Usually, the ITP (immune thrombocytopenia) happens when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys platelets, which are cell fragments that help the blood to clot.
It is noticed that ITP is more common in young women. People, who suffer from lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, or antiphospholipid syndrome, have more chances of getting ITP. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from ITP before you use some of the below-mentioned home remedies, so you will know that there will be no side effects on your health.
Here are some natural remedies for ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia):
- 1 Here are some natural remedies for ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia):
- 1.1 Watch for signs of infection:
- 1.2 Avoid contact sports:
- 1.3 Vitamin C:
- 1.4 Iron:
- 1.5 Milk:
- 1.6 Increase vegetable intake:
- 1.7 Folate:
- 1.8 Vitamin B12:
- 1.9 Improve the fats you use:
- 1.10 Raisins:
- 1.11 Pomegranate:
- 1.12 Spinach:
- 1.13 Aloe Vera juice:
- 1.14 Wheatgrass:
- 1.15 Beetroot:
- 1.16 Amla:
- 1.17 Lemon juice:
- 1.18 Pumpkin:
- 1.19 Papaya:
- 1.20 Alfalfa:
- 1.21 Blackstrap molasses:
- 1.22 Increase fruit intake:
- 1.23 Quality protein:
Watch for signs of infection:
If your spleen has been removed, then you need to be alert for any signs of infections, including fever, and seek immediate treatment. It is a known fact that infections can be more serious in people who do not have spleens.
Avoid contact sports:
It depends on your risk of bleeding, but head impacts during sports like football, martial arts, and boxing and can lead to bleeding in your brain. You need to talk with your doctor about activities which you can do and that will be safe for you.
Vitamin C:
This vitamin will help your platelets group together and function efficiently. Also, it can help to absorb iron, which can help to increase the platelet count. One study was reported that there is a rise in the platelet count in a small group of patients who received Vitamin C supplementation. Some of the best sources of Vitamin C include cauliflower, tomatoes, green or red bell peppers, pineapple, and mangoes.
This mineral is essential to your body’s ability to produce healthy cells. In one study done in 2012 was found that it can help to increase the platelet count in people who have iron-deficiency anemia. There are some foods that are rich in iron, such as beef, lentils, pumpkin seeds, and mussels.
As we know, milk is rich in calcium. But, it is also packed with Vitamin K, Vitamin D, folate, and Vitamin B12. Vitamin K and Vitamin B12 can help to improve the blood platelet count. You can drink a glass of milk as your morning drink or you can drink it in the evening. Also, you can add other dairy products to your diet, like yogurt and cheese.
Increase vegetable intake:
You need to increase your vegetable intake. Some of the best vegetables for your blood are beets, so do not doubt do add them to your diet.
Folate is a B vitamin. It can help your cells, including your blood cells. It is found in many foods. In some foods, it is added in the form of folic acid. Some natural sources of folate include orange juice, oranges, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, and peanuts.
Vitamin B12:
This vitamin can help to keep your blood cells healthy. It has been found that a deficiency of Vitamin B12 is associated with low platelet count. Animal-based foods are the best sources of Vitamin B12, such as eggs, clams, and beef liver. Vitamin B12 is found in many dairy products, such as milk and cheese. But, some studies are said that cow’s milk can interfere with platelet production. So, if you want to consume cow’s milk for your ITP, talk with your doctor first.
Improve the fats you use:
Some of the best oils which you can use in your diet include olive oil and coconut oil. You should avoid hydrogenated oils in your diet.
Raisins are a rich source of iron. It is considered to be effective in increasing the red blood cell count and platelet count. It can help in the natural treatment of ITP. One of the most common causes for lowering platelet count and anemia is iron deficiency. When you have a handful of raisins every day, then it can help to increase your iron levels. If you want, you can soak them overnight in water and then take the raisins in the morning.
The red seeds of pomegranate are delicious. But, they are rich in iron. They can help to increase the platelet count. Pomegranate seeds have immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Many studies are shown that they can help to increase the platelet count. In some cases, pomegranates are prescribed by doctors in case of low platelet count.
This vegetable is rich in Vitamin K. It can help to prevent blood loss from cuts and injuries. Also, the daily consumption of spinach juice can help to improve the number of blood platelets.
Aloe Vera juice:
This juice can help in the blood purification process. Also, it is effective in preventing blood infections. This will lead to an increase in blood platelet count and treat the problems of low platelets effectively.
One study is said that wheatgrass can be beneficial in increasing the number of platelets in the blood. This is happening because the wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll, which has a molecular structure like that of the hemoglobin molecules in the body. You can consume half a cup of wheatgrass juice with a little lemon for increasing its effectiveness. Vitamin C is a nutrient that can help to enhance iron absorption by binding itself with iron. This can help to prevent the formation of insoluble and unabsorbable iron compounds.
This home remedy can help to prevent the free radical damage of platelets. It can help to increase the number of platelets in the body. You can consume a glass of beetroot juice on daily basis, so you will notice that it will increase the number of platelets.
This fruit is rich in Vitamin C which gives all the benefits the lemon does. Also, amla is rich in antioxidants and it can help to prevent many health problems which can lead to low platelet count.
Lemon juice:
This juice has high amounts of Vitamin C. This vitamin can help to improve the platelet count. Also, it can improve the immune system, which in turn can help to prevent free radical damage of platelets.
Pumpkin has nutrients which are helping to produce the protein effectively. This component is very important for producing platelets. Also, pumpkin has Vitamin A which can help to produce platelets in the body. The pumpkin seeds are also rich in nutrients beneficial for our bodies. The regular consumption of pumpkin and its seeds can help to increase the platelet count and it can help with the fight against ITP.
Papaya and its leaves are very beneficial in increasing the platelet count in the body. You can consume ripe papaya. You can also drink the juice of its leaves on a daily basis till the time your platelet count does not come to normal. If you want to drink papaya juice, you can add lemon juice to it, so you will just boost the nutrient content in it.
This is a blood-building herb and tonic. You can take it in many forms, such as tea, tablets, or capsules
Blackstrap molasses:
This is one of the best ways to get all your vitamins. When you are taking vitamins from a nutrient-dense food, then they are able to work especially well together. This is a food that can help to build blood and decrease bleeding in women who have heavy periods. Also, it can help you with the fight against ITP.
Increase fruit intake:
It is very important to increase your fruit intake, especially on berries. They can help you with the fight against ITP.
Quality protein:
It is very important to add quality protein to your diet. Some of the best choices include eggs, legumes, and lean meats.
- Symptoms of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP).
- ITP in Adults.
- Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP).
- Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.