This is deadly and widespread disease which is affecting people all around the globe. Malaria is affecting more than 200 million people all around the world, every year. This is a terrible mosquito – borne infectious disease which is killing an average of 500,000 people every year. The most cases of malaria are happening around the equator in the tropical and subtropical regions and this is a dangerous disease in Africa [1]. People who come to visit Asian, Caribbean, African and South American countries are strongly urged or even required to take anti – malarial medication before they come to some of the mentioned countries because this will help them to prevent the infection. Malaria is transferred through mosquito’s saliva when it bites you after it has been infected by many types of parasitic microorganisms. These parasites migrate to the liver and they begin to reproduce when the symptoms begin, about ten to fifteen days after the initial bite. When the infection comes from Plasmodium falciparum, then the symptoms of malaria include convulsions, jaundice, headaches, fever, weakness and fatigue [2]. These symptoms can often result in spontaneous bleeding, shock, low blood sugar, encephalopathy, respiratory distress and even death. There are 4 remaining species of Plasmodium which can infect the humans but they generally cause mild symptoms of the illness. Talk with your doctor if you suffer from malaria before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies for malaria.
Malaria treatment through home remedies
Warm water enema: It is known fact that the malaria can infect the bowels which is a reason why diarrhea is a common symptom of this disease. It is very important to keep bowels clean and you should not provide a new place for the parasites to thrive. The warm water enema can keep your bowels clean and at the same time it will cut back on inflammation and discomfort during the bathroom trips that a malaria sufferer will inevitably need.
Orange juice: It is known fact that the Vitamin C can boost the immune system and it has been proven as good natural treatment for malaria. When someone suffers from malaria, then it can be difficult for him to keep away from food. There are many people who choose to go on a water and orange juice diet because it will keep their body hydrated and it can promote a concentrated attack on the infection. Vitamin C has immune – system boosting and antioxidant properties which are often enough to kick – start the recovery process. [3]
Fenugreek seeds: These seeds have natural antibiotic properties. They can help to build the immune system of the body [4]. You should dry few fenugreek seeds and powder them. You should mix this powder in water and then drink it in a period of one week to rid of the symptoms of malaria.
Chirayata: This is a natural analgesic which can aid in the reduction of fever. You should bring 250 ml of water to boil. You should put 15 grams of chirayata, 2 – 3 cloves and one cinnamon piece in the boiling water. This infusion which is prepared from all of the mentioned ingredients can be given in doses of 15 ml – 30 ml to alleviate the malaria symptoms.
Holy basil: Holy basil is used as natural treatment for malaria for many years. It can help to reduce the symptoms and severity of malaria. The holy basil has an active ingredient called eugenol and this component is largely responsible for its therapeutic properties and it can help to eliminate the bacterial infections. There are different parts of the holy basil which are used for dozens of Ayurvedic remedies. This plant is very important in the Asian countries which deal with many cases of malaria. [5]
Clean surrounding: When someone suffers from malaria, then it is very important for people around him to make sure the surroundings are clean and tidy. The water should not be allowed to stagnate. The stagnant water is ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Also a mosquito net or mesh must be used to prevent getting bit by mosquitoes.
Fever nut: This is a very popular natural cure in Indian and surrounding countries. The seeds of this nut have powerful active ingredients which can help to break your fever and they will boost the immune system. When your fever breaks, then it is very important the first step toward recovery and this natural cure can help people to survive from malaria. It has been used as natural remedy for thousands of years.
Citrus fruits: In the most cases citrus fruits are recommended as natural treatment for malaria. Lemons and limes are very ease to get a hold of in many malaria – prone regions. They have minerals, vitamins and antioxidant compounds can help to eliminate fever, speed up the healing process and prevent the spread of the infection. You should mix an entirely squeezed lemon and a few drops of lime into one glass of water and use it as your natural remedy for malaria.
Cinnamon: It is known fact that one of the best ways to get rid of malaria is to tackle its symptoms, namely diarrhea, headache and fever. Cinnamon is a very effective home remedy for malaria because it can help to improve multiple symptoms at the same time. This natural cure is possesing a powerful organic component called cinnameldehyde. This component has anti – inflammatory properties and it has been linked to a reduction in malaria’s violent and painful symptoms. [6]
Natural treatment for malaria
Grapefruit: There are some studies in which are said that there is a powerful substance that is found in the grapefruit, similar to quinine, which is directly linked to neutralizing the malaria – inducing parasites. You can add some delicious grapefruit to your diet or you can extract this substance for a concentrated dose. In the tropical areas, grapefruits and widely available and they can make wonders for promoting overall health and rapid recovery. [7]
Ginger: Ginger is a very common home remedy for malaria. You can easy access to ginger. It can be boiled down into a powerful decoction which will boost your immune system and it can help to speed up the recovery process after an infection. Ginger has active ingredient called gingerol and it has unique hydrocarbons which are known for their antibacterial and anti – inflammatory activities in the body which is making the ginger one of the most effective home remedies for malaria. [8]
Cold pack: When you suffer from malaria, then you can apply a cold pack to keep your body temperature down. This is a very effective way to decrease the body temperature when it is higher than 101. You should take a long sheet of cotton or muslin cloth and dip it in water. You should dry the sheet with your hands and in this way the water will not keep dripping from it. You should wrap the cloth around the entire body. You should allow it to stay for at least ten minutes. You should repeat this process 3 times per day because it can help you to rid of the high temperatures. You should treat your palms, underarms and forehead because they can help you to rid of the high temperature by using a cold pack.
Alum: This is one of the best home remedies which you can use if you suffer from malaria. You should use roasted and powdered alum because it can help to alleviate the symptoms of malaria. You should take one teaspoon of alum about five hours before an expected attack and every 2 hours after the attack.
Datura: One of the most effective home remedies for the treatment of malaria are datura leaves. You should take datura leaves along with jaggery as a pill at least two hours before the onset of the fever. [9]
Tamarind decoction: You can prepare a decoction from tamarind because it can help you to get a relief from the signs and symptoms of malaria such as headache and fever. Those people who suffer from malaria cold should consume this home remedy on a regular basis because it can help them to get a reduction in their symptoms. [10]
Natural diet: When someone gets past the liquid flush diet and when his or her immune system is back in action, then he or she should switch to a purely natural diet of fruits for some time. We know that fruits have fiber and vitamins as well as antibiotic and antibacterial properties which can help you to recover from illness and you will get back to living normally. The final phase for the natural malaria diet is adding fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. You should avoid visit places in the tropical world because this is the best way to avoid mosquitoes.
[1] Ntoumi F, Djimde AA, Mbacham W, Egwang T. The importance and future of malaria research in Africa. The Intolerable Burden of Malaria II: What’s New, What’s Needed: Supplement to Volume 71(2) of the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Breman JG, Alilio MS, Mills A (Ed.). 2004.
[2] Crutcher JM, Hoffman SL. Chapter 83: Malaria. Medical Microbiology. 4th ed. Baron S (Ed.). 1996.
[3] Ganiyu KA, Akinleye MO, Tayo F. A study of the effect of ascorbic acid on the
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[4] Bahmani M, Shirzad H, Mirhosseini M, et al. A review on ethnobotanical and therapeutic uses of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum L). Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine. 2015;21(1):53-62.
[5] Kulshreshtha P, Kulshreshtha S, Rathor N, et al. Comparative study of ocimum sanctum oil and antimalarial tablets containing chloroquine phosphate. International Research Journal of Pharmacy. 2014;5(3):195-197.
[6] Parvazi S, Sadeghi S, Azadi M, et al. The effect of aqueous extract of cinnamon on the metabolome of Plasmodium falciparum Using 1HNMR spectroscopy. Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2016.
[7] Odugbemi TO, Akinsulire OR, Aibinu IE, Fabeku PO. Medicinal plants useful for malaria therapy in Okeigbo, Ondo State, Southwest Nigeria. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines: AJTCAM. 2007;4(2):191-198.
[8] Arreola R, Quintero-Fabian S, Lope-Roa RI, et al. Immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects of garlic compounds. Journal of Immunology Research. 2015;2015:401630.
[9] Satish PVV, Santha Kumari D, Sunita K. Antimalarial efficacy of Datura stramonium against chloroquine sensitive plasmodium falciparum 3D7 strain. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2018;5(3):287-294.
[10] Bhadoriya SS, Ganeshpurkar A, Narwaria J, et al. Tamarindus indica: Extent of explored potential. Pharmacognosy Review. 2011;5(9):73-81.