Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Davana essential oil can clear phlegm depositions and tough coughs

Davana essential oil has many health benefits which can be attributed to its properties as vulnerary, relaxant, expectorant, emmenagogue, disinfectant, antiviral, antiseptic and anti – depressant substance. Davana essential oil is extracted by steam distillation of the flowers of Davana plant. The botanical name for this plant is Artemisia Pallens. It has been used in India for religious purposes since time immemorial. It is known that the fresh flowers of Davana were offered to Lord Shiva, perhaps it was as a token of recognition of its medicinal properties. Davana essential oil has many constinuents but the main components are linalool, davanone, a few terpenoids and davana ether. Davana essential oil is mild vermifuge and it has insect repellant properties. Also it has shown hypotensive properties and it can bring down the blood pressure. This essential oil is also used in making perfumes. Davana essential oil is not toxic but it can cause irritations and this is a reason why it should be avoided by pregnant women. Davana essential oil blends well with most of the woody, spicy and citrus essential oils such as chamomile, coriander, caraway, cedar wood, grapefruit, geranium and neroli essential oils. This essential oil was part of the Indian folklore medicine for treating high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus. The leaves, stem and flowers of this plant are used as an effective disinfectant and antiseptic for quick treatment of cuts, wounds and infectious ailments such as measles, cold and cough. You should never use the davana essential oil internally. You should always talk with an Ayurvedic expert before you use davana essential oil for some health problem. You should always dilute the davana essential oil before you use it topically. Pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated liquids which can cause skin irritations.

Health benefits of davana essential oil

Speeds up the healing: This property of the davana essential oil can help to heal wounds faster and it can protect them from infections.

Relaxes the body: Davana essential oil can relax contractions in muscles and blood vessels. Also it has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and brain. It can fight against anger, depression, stress and anxiety. Also this can help you to have a good sleep.

Eases breathing: Davana essential oil can loosen up phlegm depositions and tough coughs in the respiratory tracts and it can make your breathing easier. It can reduce cough and relives congestion. Also it can help with the treatment of other problems such as a headache and pain in your joints which are often associated when someone has a cold.

Davana essential oil

Benefits and uses of davana essential oil

Emmenagogue: Davana essential oil can make periods regular and also it can open up blocked menstruation. Also it is very effective home remedy for curing menstrual spasm. It can ease the pain that is associated with menses and it can give you a relief from other symptoms such as cramps, pelvic pain, nausea and fatigue.

Fights infections: Davana essential oil can fight infections from viruses, fungi, microbes and bacteria and also it can help to cure infectious diseases. If you use this essential oil in vaporizers, sprays or fumigants, then it can disinfect the whole area and also it can make it free from microbes. This is one of the reasons why davana flowers are used during religious worship.

Heals wounds: This essential oil can fight the infections which cause septic of internal or external wounds, urethra, kidneys, urinary tracts and other parts of our bodies. Also it can give you a protection against conditions like tetanus. This is a reason why davana essential oil should be applied without delay in mild concentrations in cases of wounds and cuts, particularly from dirty abrasives or iron objects.

Protects against viruses: The davana essential oil can build up effective protection against viral attacks. It can rupture the protective covering of viruses which are called the cyst and it can kill the virus. Also it can help to cure viral infections such as cold and cough, measles, influenza and others.

Pardhan Singh
Pardhan Singh
A seasoned natural therapist with degree in Ayurvedic Medicine (BAMS) successful in treating various diseases through Ayurvedic treatments. You can contact Pradhan at [email protected]


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