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Peppermint oil is the best natural treatment for sinus headache

When you have a sinus headache, then you can feel tenderness and pressure behind your forehead, cheeks, or around your eyes. There are many people who suffer from headaches and in most cases, they are not a sign of serious life-threatening illness. But it is also known that headaches can be very painful and the best way to treat this problem is to find the underlying cause for it. Sinus problems can also lead to headaches and they can be severe. These headaches are mainly caused by pressure building up in your sinuses when the mucous membranes are inflamed and they are not properly secreting mucus. This type of inflammation can be caused by a sinus infection, allergies, infection in your upper tooth, or in rare cases, it can be caused by a tumor (malignant or benign).

The pain can range from mild to severe and it can be on one side or on both sides. These headaches worsen when bending forward. They are more intense when it is morning. Sinus headaches can be also accompanied by other symptoms such as a sense of not feeling well, a mild to moderate fever, an achy feeling in your upper teeth, fatigue, and a stuffy nose.

9 Home remedies for sinus headache

Practice humming

You can try humming for 60 minutes because this will improve your sinus pain, including the sinus headache. This natural treatment may look strange but it can clear your sinuses and it can prevent sinus infection. There was one study in which is said that humming can increase the nasal nitric oxide which can improve the ventilation in your sinuses [1]. Proper ventilation is important for keeping your sinuses healthy and free from inflammation. There was another study in which is said that strong humming for one hour per day can lead to stimulation of endogenous nasal nitric oxide production [2]. You should keep humming a happy tune to rid of the sinus headache.

Massage the sinus regions

It is believed that massaging the sinus regions can help you to reduce the dampness or inflammation by strengthening points along with your spleen and stomach that influence your life. The massage will also help you to stimulate the blocked sinuses so they can drain properly which will help you to ease the sinus headache.

You should add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to two tablespoons of warm olive oil. You should apply this natural cure to your forehead and nose. You should use your index finger and thumb to apply gentle pressure on the sinus regions (cheekbones, bridge of the nose, and forehead). You should continue massaging for ten minutes. You should repeat this natural treatment two or three times per day.

Stay hydrated

When you suffer from any kind of headache, you need to stay hydrated because this will help you to reduce the pain. When you suffer from a sinus headache, then you should drink a lot of fluids [3]. This will help you to thin out the mucus in your sinuses which is making it easier to drain. When your body gets rid of the mucus, then your headache will vanish away very quickly. When you drink enough fluids, then this will also help you with your overall health. If you want to be sure if your body is hydrated, then you should check the color of your urine. When you have colorless urine, then this is an indication of proper hydration.

Also, you should not drink just a lot of water, but you can drink hot fluids because they will also help you to stay hydrated. You should drink a hot cup of herbal tea or you can drink broth to thin out the mucus.

Also, lemonades and warm soups can help you to clear up the mucus. Also when you sleep, you can elevate your head by using extra pillows.

You should keep your house free of dust mites and other similar allergens.

Use compress

One of the best natural cures which can help you to rid of sinus headaches is the hot and cold compresses. When you apply a warm and moist compress to the sinus regions, then this will help you to ease the pressure and loosen the thick mucus.

A cold compress will give you relief from the pain because it is constricting blood vessels in your sinus regions. You should fill one bowl with hot water and another bowl with cold water. You should put a washcloth in the hot water and then, wring out the excess moisture.

You should place the warm compress on the area where you feel pain as well as on your nose for about three minutes.

You should remove the warm compress and immediately then you should apply the cold compress to the same area for thirty to 45 seconds. You should repeat this process alternating compresses four or five times per day because this will help you to get relief from the sinus headaches.

sinus headache

Use a humidifier

You should breathe in moist air to fight against your sinus headaches [4]. Dry air can irritate your inflamed nasal passages even more. Moist air will thin the mucus and it will reduce the blockage. This will help you to ease the pain. It is a good option to use a humidifier for the moist air. You should buy some humidifiers from your market and then you should put them in your bedroom while you sleep. This will help you to get relief from the sinus headache.

Also, you can place a bowl of hot water on your bedroom floor. This will increase the moisture in the air. You should place this bowl in a safe place where you will not accidentally step on it or tip over it.

Inhale steam

Steam is one of the best natural treatments which you can use to get relief from a sinus headache. The steam inhalation will calm your mucous membranes and it will help you to clear the congestion in your nose [5]. This will help you to reduce the sinus pressure and it can give you relief from the headache. You should boil some water in a pan. You should add a few drops of essential oil. You should cover your head with a towel and lean forward over the bowl or pan which has water. You should inhale the steam as many times as possible. You should repeat this natural treatment every two hours as much as you need to get complete relief from the sinus headache. Also, you can take a steam bath because it will also help you to get relief from it.

Apple cider vinegar

This natural cure has anti-inflammatory properties which can help you to reduce the inflammation of the mucous membranes lining your sinuses. This can help you to thin out mucus which is making it easier to drain the congestion. Also, this natural cure is rich in many nutrients which can help you to have a healthy immune system. You should add two teaspoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar to one cup of warm water. You should mix one teaspoon of raw honey in it. You should drink this natural cure three times per day for a period of a few days. [6]

Use a saline nasal spray

You should use a saline solution for nasal irrigation because this is also one of the best natural cures which you can use to reduce the nasal pressure, which in turn will lessen your sinus headache. A saline solution will thin the mucus to flush out of the nasal passages and also it will keep your nasal passages moist. You should dissolve one teaspoon of sea salt in two cups of warm water. You should use previously boiled or distilled water. You should fill a neti pot with one cup of this natural cure. You should stand over a sink and then you should place the tip of the spout into one nostril. You should tilt your head to the side and you should allow the water to run out through your other nostril. You should repeat this process with the other nostril. You should do this natural treatment two or three times per week to get relief from the sinus headaches.

Use peppermint oil

This oil has menthol which can help you to get relief from the nasal congestion. Also, it has decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties which may come to your aid when you want to get rid of your sinus headache. You should add a few drops of peppermint oil to hot water and you should inhale the steam. You should repeat this natural treatment a few times per day until you get complete relief from your sinus headache.

Also, you can dilute a few drops of peppermint oil with some carrier oil such as jojoba oil or almond oil. You should rub this natural cure gently on the affected areas, around your cheeks, temples, forehead, and nose.

Also, you can do regular aerobic exercise because it will help you to reduce the tension and it can help you to prevent sinus headaches.


[1] Weitzberg E, Lundberg JON. Humming greatly increases nasal nitric oxide. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2002;166(2).

[2] Eby GA. Strong humming for one hour daily to terminate chronic rhinosinusitis in four days: a case report and hypothesis for action by stimulation of endogenous nasal nitric oxide production. Medical Hypotheses. 2006;66(4):851-4.

[3] Trotta K, Hyde J. Exercise-induced headaches: prevention, management, and treatment. US Pharmacist. 2017;42(1):33-36.

[4] Aribandi M, McCoy VA, Bazan C. Imaging features of invasive and noninvasive fungal sinusitis: A review. RadioGraphics. 2007;27(5).

[5] Little P, Stuart B, Mullee M, et al. Effectiveness of steam inhalation and nasal irrigation for chronic or recurrent sinus symptoms in primary care: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. CMAJ. 2016;188(13):940-949.

[6] Akanksha S, Mishra S. Study about the nutritional and medicinal properties of apple cider vinegar. Asian Journal of Science and Technology. 2017;8(12).

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]


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