The spikenard is also known as nard. It is a flowering plant of the Valerian family. It has the scientific name Nardostachys jatamansi. The spikenard grows in the Himalayas of Nepal, China, and India. The spikenard essential oil is obtained from the roots of the spikenard. It has shown anticonvulsant, antiarrhythmic, hypotensive, antifungal, antimicrobial, and toxic activity. The spikenard essential oil is used as herbal medicine to naturally treat infections, weak immune systems, digestive problems, stress, and insomnia.

In Ayurvedic medicine, the spikenard essential oil is used for a range of health conditions, from sleeping disorders and depression to chronic fatigue syndrome. It is used for aromatherapy, where are diffused 5 drops of the essential oil or you can inhale it directly from the bottle. It is safe to use spikenard essential oil topically and aromatically. When you use it internally then be sure to use 100% pure, high – quality and organic products only. Avoid the usage of spikenard essential oil when you are pregnant or breastfeeding because there are not enough studies to indicate if it is completely safe. Here are some health benefits of spikenard essential oil:
Protects uterus and ovaries:
The spikenard essential oil works to purify the uterus and ovaries and stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone. There are not any human studies to prove these benefits, but this essential oil of the spikenard has been used for centuries for reproductive health. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used as a uterus stimulant for promoting menstruation, reducing the inflammation of the uterus, treating painful menstruation, and cleansing the uterus. Also, it can help to keep your menstrual cycle regular and it serves as a natural remedy for PMS cramps and uncomfortable bloating. The spikenard essential oil is used as an aphrodisiac in naturally treating the impotence.
May relieve constipation
In some cases, the spikenard is used as a natural laxative that stimulates the digestive system. This may be possible due to the relaxing and calming properties of spikenard essential oil. The spikenard essential oil has relaxant components that can help to keep your waste moving through the colon and out of your body in the form of stool.
Relieves insomnia
Many people experience insomnia at some point in their lives, but some people have long–term insomnia. Insomnia can be the primary problem or it can be caused by other problems, like pain, alcohol, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, etc. If you cannot sleep, then the spikenard essential oil is a great natural remedy. It has sedative and laxative properties which can be helpful for people with insomnia. It will leave you relaxed and feelings of anxiety and restlessness fade away. If your indigestion is a result of a stomach issue or indigestion, then this can be helpful, because it improves the function of the digestive system.
Promotes hair growth
The spikenard essential oil is known for promoting the growth of hair, retaining its natural color, and slowing down the process of graying. One study was shown that spikenard essential oil showed a positive response in hair growth promotion activity. It is noticed that the crude spikenard extracts were more effective than the pure compounds.
Stimulates the immune system
The spikenard essential oil can boost the immune system. It can calm the body and allows it to function properly. It is a natural hypotensive, so it can naturally lower blood pressure. The long – term high blood pressure can increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. You can use spikenard essential oil as a natural remedy for high blood pressure because it dilates the arteries, acts as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress, and decrease emotional stress. Also, oils from this plant can help to relieve inflammation, which is the culprit for a host of illnesses and diseases. It has antioxidants, which can protect your body from inflammation and fight against free radical damage.