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Leucoderma (vitiligo) natural treatment – turmeric & coconut oil

Vitiligo is also known as leucoderma. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for the color of the skin. Leucoderma is a condition that causes destruction of the cells of this pigment which results in white spots or white patches appearing on your skin. This is a chronic condition. It starts on smaller areas of your body, but it spreads all over your body. The exact cause of the vitiligo is not known. There are some specific conditions and stress which can trigger leucoderma. The main symptom of vitiligo is the white patches on your skin, and they are most common in the areas which are usually exposed to the sun, such as lips, face, hands, and arms. But also, there are other symptoms of leucoderma which are not so common such as gray eyelashes, beard, and hair, loss of the color of the retina, and loss of the color of mucosal membranes. There are different treatments for leucoderma, such as herbal, pharmaceutical, homeopathic and surgical. But none of these home remedies have yet been scientifically supported, but there are many patients who have used them and said that they were effective. These home remedies cannot completely cure leucoderma. They can decrease the visible symptoms. Talk with your doctor about your best natural treatment for leucoderma.

11 Home remedies for leucoderma

Change your diet

There are many cases in which leucoderma is caused by nutritional deficiencies. What we have said is a reason why a proper diet should be your first choice, especially if your leucoderma is caused by a nutritional deficiency. There are many studies in which is said that Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B9 are very important to improve the health of patients who suffer from leucoderma [1]. People who suffer from this disease should avoid fruits such as berries because they have hydroquinone which works as a natural depigmenting agent.

Coconut oil

This home remedy heals chronic inflammation and soothes your skin. It can help with the treatment of leucoderma because it promotes repigmentation of the skin [2]. Also, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. You should apply extra–virgin coconut oil on the white patches 2 – 3 times per day, at least for a few weeks.

Gingko Biloba

There are some studies in which is said that Ginkgo Biloba can be a very effective natural treatment for leucoderma because it has immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties [3]. This natural cure can help reduce the progression of leucoderma, and also it induces repigmentation. The general dosage is 40 -80 mg of Ginkgo Biloba, 3 times per day. To help determine the proper dosage and suitability of the Ginkgo Biloba for you, you need to talk with your doctor.

leucoderma natural treatment


This ingredient can also be used as a natural cure to rid of the white patches on your skin. A mixture of mustard oil and turmeric is considered a very effective natural treatment. You should mix 5 teaspoons of turmeric powder with 250 milliliters or about one cup of mustard oil. You should apply this home remedy to the discolored areas of your skin. You should follow this natural treatment two times per day for a period of one year because, in this way, you will have the most effective outcome. Also, there is another option, and that is to make a paste of neem leaves and turmeric. You should apply this natural cure to the affected area. It has antiseptic properties, which is also a very good option if the leucoderma is caused by some kind of infection. [3]

Red clay

This natural cure is rich in copper, which makes it one of the best natural treatments that you can use for your vitiligo [4]. You should mix ginger juice with clay. You should apply this mixture to the affected areas once per day. The ginger juice will increase the blood flow to the skin, and the red clay will promote repigmentation.


This is also a very effective home remedy for treating skin problems. It is believed that it can help to restore skin pigmentation. When you take neem internally, then it works as a good blood purifier and immune booster [5]. You should mix some crushed neem leaves and enough buttermilk to make the paste. You should apply this paste to the white patches. You should let it stay there until it dries completely. Finally, you should wash it off. You should do this natural treatment every day for a period of a few weeks. Also, there is another option, and that is to apply neem oil on your skin after diluting it. You can mix a few drops of neem oil in one teaspoon of coconut oil or any other carrier oil, and then you should apply this home remedy to the affected skin. Also, you can drink neem juice, or you can take this herb in supplement form every day for a period of a few months. Also, there is another option, and that is to eat 4 neem leaves 3 times per day, preferably before your meals.

Radish seeds and vinegar

This is also a very popular Ayurvedic natural treatment for the white patches on your skin that are caused by leucoderma [6]. You should soak the radish seeds in vinegar, and you should leave it overnight. In the morning, you should apply this paste to affected areas, and you should let it stay on your areas for 2 hours to dry completely. Also, you can make another home remedy from radish seeds. You should grind 25 grams of radish seeds into a coarse powder. You should mix this powder with 2 teaspoons of vinegar to make a paste. You should apply this paste to the affected areas for thirty minutes. Then, you should rinse it off with lukewarm water. You should do this natural treatment once per day for a period of a few months.


This Ayurvedic remedy is an effective natural treatment for leucoderma [7]. Babchi is also known as Psoralea corylifolia. It has active components which can help to reduce the white patches on your skin. This natural cure has antipsoriatic properties that can help you to treat psoriasis. You should soak babchi seeds in ginger juice for 3 days. You should replace ginger juice every day. Then, you should remove the husks by rubbing these seeds between your hands. You should dry them in the sun. You should grind them to a fine powder. You should consume one gram or about 1/5 of a teaspoon of this powder with one glass of milk every day for a period of 40 days. Also, you can apply this powder topically. Also, there is another option to apply babchi oil to your affected skin areas and expose them to sunlight for about fifteen minutes. You should start with a short duration of sun exposure to check if this response is favorable for you. Also, you can use a combination of babchi oil and black seed oil.


Ginger can be used as an excellent natural cure for leucoderma. It was used in Chinese herbalism for this purpose. It helps with melanin production, and it improves blood circulation [8]. You should place a freshly cut slice of ginger root on the affected area. You should let it stay there until the ginger dries. You should do this natural treatment once or twice per day for a period of a few weeks or until you see improvements in your condition. Also, you can extract the juice from one larger ginger root and a handful of fresh mint leaves. You should drink this home remedy for a period of a few weeks.


This natural cure is believed to aid in the production of melanin. Also, it is believed that this element is required by the enzyme tyrosinase, which in turn is required for the synthesis of melanin pigment from tyrosine. You should pour drinking water into a copper pot or a copper vessel, and you should let it stay there throughout the night at room temperature. You should not put this water in a refrigerator because it can destroy the properties of copper, and this will make it less effective. In the morning, this water will be infused with copper ions which aid in the production of melanin. You should drink this water on an empty stomach every morning. [9]

Apple cider vinegar

This natural cure is antimicrobial properties that can destroy the fungi, which can cause white patches on your skin. Also, it can help with low stomach acid, which is associated with leucoderma. You should mix equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar. You should use this natural cure to wash your affected skin two times per day. You should do this natural treatment every day for a period of one month. Your white spots will start changing color, and you will notice that the problem will disappear soon. Also, you can drink a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day before you take your meals.


[1] Juhlin L, Olsson MJ. Improvement of vitiligo after oral treatment with vitamin B12 and folic acid and the importance of sun exposure. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 1997;77(6):460-2.

[2] Goddard AL, Lio PA. Alternative, complementary, and forgotten remedies for atopic dermatitis. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2015;2015:676897.

[3] Gianfaldoni S, Wollina U, Tirant M, et al. Herbal compounds for the treatment of vitiligo: A review. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018;6(1):203-207.

[4] Lakhani DM, Deshpande AS. Various treatments for vitiligo: Problems associated and solutions. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2014;4(11):101-105.

[5] Bhowmik D, Chiranjib JY, Tripathi KK, Sampath Kumar KP. Herbal remedies of Azadirachta indica and its medicinal application. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2010;2(1):62-72.

[6] Basha SK, Gopi Krishna S, Anjaneyulu E, et al. Plants used in the treatment of leucoderma by the tribals of Yerramalai forest of Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. 2014:761-766.

[7] Chishty S, Bissu M. A review on medicinal importance of babchi (Psoralea corylifolia). International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. 2016;7(6):11504-512.

[8] Ghafourian E, Ghafourian S, Sadeghifard N, et al. Vitiligo: Symptoms, pathogenesis and treatment. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. 2014;27(4):485-9.

[9] Shaffer B. The effect of copper in vitiligo. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 1938;225-34.

Hanan Marshal
Hanan Marshal
Hanan, a medical student (MBBS) having passion for writing and is very much interested in holistic living along with nature. He is very much interested in doing community service and watches anime and play PS4 during his free time. You can reach him through [email protected]


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