When you have an inflammation of the lining of the mucus membrane in your mouth, then you are suffering from a stomatitis. Usually when you suffer from a stomatitis you have a pain which is caused by infection in your mouth which in many cases has involved your cheeks, gums, lips, throat, floor or roof of your mouth and your tongue. In some cases when you suffer from a stomatitis, then this can lead to ulcers in your mouth and gums which means that you will have an ulcer between your teeth. This kind of disease can affect children and adults. In the most cases this kind of disease is caused by poor oral hygiene, organic disease such as leukemia, nutritional deficiencies, ill fitted dentures and indigestion. People who suffer from a stomatitis feel lot of pain and in many cases they cannot eat nothing even they are hungry. Semi solid foods and liquid foods can be consumed if you want to lessen the pain caused by a stomatitis. There are many natural stomatitis home remedy.
Also you can feel difficulties when you are talking. In this situation you can feel that your tongue is coated. Also your mouth can be bright red and you can feel that you have excessive saliva. Also there are other kinds of symptoms of a stomatitis such as loss of appetite, foul breath, slight fever, vomiting after meals and constipation. One of the most important things which you should do if you suffer from a stomatitis is to decrease the toxicity level of your body. Also you should improve your digestion. You should add fresh fruit juices in your diet such as apples, pineapples, grapes, papayas, pears and peaches. You should not consume tea, meats, pickles, white flour, coffee, processed foods, white sugar, sodas and condiments because they are not good for your health. Stomatits can have three types which are known as cold sores, canker sores and mouth irritation. Here are some natural stomatitis home remedy which can help you to improve your condition:
Natural cures and stomatitis home remedy
Lemon: If you are suffering from a stomatitis, then you should use lemon as your natural remedy. Before you take your meals you should consume one tablespoon of lemon juice because it can improve your digestion and also it can help you against this condition [1]. Also you can add one tablespoon of lemon juice in one glass of warm water. You should gargle this solution in your mouth several times per day. This stomatitis home remedy will help you to improve your condition.
Salt water and baking soda: This is also very effective natural remedy if you suffer from a stomatitis. You should mix baking soda with salt water and then gargle several times per day to improve your condition. If you have decided to use this stomatitis home remedy, then you should repeat it every two to three hours because in this way your mouth will be clean.
Lemon balm: If you suffer from cold sores, then you should use lemon balm as your natural remedy. This stomatitis home remedy is a part of the mint family. It can help you in the healing process and also it can prevent the future formation of this condition. There are many studies in which is shown that you should use a lip balm which has at least 1% lemon balm. Also you can use a compress made of lemon tea which can also help you to improve your condition.
Lysine: This stomatitis home remedy is an amino acid which you can find it in cream or supplement form. There are studies in which is shown that if you take lysine supplements, then you can help in the healing process of cold sores and you can prevent them to appear again [2]. Also if you take lysine supplements at regular base, then you can reduce the intensity of the cold sores.
Stress reduction: If you want to prevent the cold sores, then you should reduce the stress because it can spread the herpes virus. You should do regular exercises and meditation to help you against the stress. Also you should try to avoid all the stressful situations in your life.
Stomatitis treatment
Ice: When you are using an ice as your natural remedy, then you should know that this remedy will not reduce the duration period of the breakout. It can help you to ease the inflammation and discomfort which are caused by the cold sores. If you want to have a temporary relief, then you should apply this stomatitis home remedy directly on your cold sores.
Sage: If you have canker sores, then you should use sage as your natural remedy. It has calming properties which can help you to get a relief from the inflammation and pain which are caused by this condition [3]. In two cups of boiling water you should add 3 teaspoons of sage leaves. You should let this stomatitis home remedy to stay in this condition from ten to fifteen minutes. You should let this remedy to have the room temperature. Then, you should rinse your mouth with this remedy. You should repeat this treatment 3 – 4 times per day.
Aloe Vera: This stomatitis home remedy is one of the most used herbs which you can grow in your home. If you want to aid in the healing process of the lesions of HSV – 2, then you should apply the Aloe Vera topically on your cold sores. This statement is said by many medical experts. Aloe Vera is not just effective natural remedy for the cold sores, but also it will help you a lot if you have the canker sores which are another type of stomatitis [4]. It can help you to speed up the healing process and to ease the inflammation and pain which are caused by the canker sores because it has curative, anti- inflammatory properties and antibacterial properties. You will need to extract gel from fresh Aloe Vera leaf and then you should apply this gel directly on your canker sores. You should repeat this treatment several times per day. Also you can rinse your mouth with this herb. You will need a fresh Aloe Vera juice. Rinse your mouth with this kind of juice 3 – 4 times per day. Also you can consume 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel 3 times per day if you want to have a quick relief. If you do not grow Aloe Vera plant in your home, then you can buy the juice or gel from the Aloe Vera in your local markets.
Coriander: If you suffer from canker sores, then you can use coriander as your natural remedy. It can help you to reduce the discomfort and pain which are caused by the canker sores because this herb has antiseptic, anti – inflammatory and antifungal properties [5]. In a glass of water you should put one hand of coriander leaves and then you should boil them. Then, you should strain this mixture. You should allow this stomatitis home remedy to cool. When the water is lukewarm, then you should gargle with it. Do this method 3 – 4 times per day. In one cup of boiled water you should add one teaspoon of coriander seeds. You should let this mixture to stay in this condition for some period and then you should strain it. Then, you should rinse your mouth with this mixture. You should repeat this treatment 3 – 4 times per day if you want to reduce the canker sores. If you do not want to do some of the mentioned methods, then you should drink a juice from fresh coriander leaves. Drink this kind of juice several times per day. Do not drink the juice at once. You should let some juice to stay in your mouth for some period and in this way it can help you against this condition.
Honey: It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which can help you to soothe this condition. You will need to apply one teaspoon of honey on your canker sores [6]. You should apply it carefully. In the first few minutes you will feel a pain from this remedy. But after this pain is passed, then you will feel a relief from the inflammation and pain which are caused by the crank sores. You should repeat this stomatitis home remedy several times per day. You should make a fine paste from ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of honey. Then, you should apply this paste on your affected areas and you should let it stay in a period of few minutes. Then, you should rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. You should repeat this process two times per day.
Zinc oxide: In the drug stores you can find the zinc oxide creams. When you apply the zinc oxide cream on your affected areas, then this cream will help you to reduce the soreness, blistering and itching. You should apply this stomatitis home remedy in the first 24 hours because in this way this cream will help you to shorten the length of the outbreak of the cold sores. [7]
[1] Kusuma SAF, Rusmiati D, Ardini I. Anti-apthous stomatitis screening of fresh fruit juice. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2018;10(12):3031-35.
[2] Mailoo VJ, Rampes S. Lysine for herpes simplex prophylaxis: A review of the evidence. Integrative Medicine. 2017;16(3):42-46.
[3] Fawzi M, Kamel Z. Anti-inflammatory effect of sage ( Salvia Officinalis ) extracts on oral health. 2017. Retrieved from www.semanticscholar.org
[4] Nair GR, Naidu GS, Jain S, et al. Clinical effectiveness of aloe vera in the management of oral mucosal diseases- A systematic review. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2016;10(8):ZE01-ZE07.
[5] Pathak Nimish L, Kasture Sanjay B, Bhatt Nayna M, Rathod Jaimik D. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2011;1(4):20-25.
[6] Bahramnezhad F, Nayeri ND, Bassampour SS. Honey and radiation-induced stomatitis in patients With head and neck cancer. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2015;17(10):e19256.
[7] Slebioda Z, Krawiecka E, Szponar E, Dorocka-Bobkowska B. Evaluation of serum zinc levels in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS). BMC Oral Health. 2017;17(158).