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Acid taste in mouth: Symptoms & Causes

When we are eating pungent or sour foods, then it is expected to have acid taste in mouth. But when this taste lasts for a long time or it happens unexpectedly, then this is a reason to be concerned about. We know that the taste is complex sense and it can be affected by many factors, such as pregnancy, dry mouth and poor dental hygiene. The treatment of permanent acid taste in mouth is involving treatment of any underlying condition but in meantime, people can manage the unpleasant taste with some simple home remedies.

Acid taste in mouth symptoms

The medical term for the persistent altered taste in the mouth is dysgeusia. This is an unpleasant taste and it can last for a long time until the underlying cause is treated. Those people who have dysgeusia can experience an unpleasant taste and it can last for a long time until the underlying cause is treated. Those people who have dysguesia can experience a constant taste which they often describe as one of the following:

  • Salty
  • Rancid or foul
  • Metallic
  • Bitter

This taste can be distracting and it can be hard for you to taste other things while you are eating or drinking. Also, the affected person can still have the taste even after brushing their teeth. Also, people can experience other symptoms which depend on the cause.

how to get rid of acid taste in mouth

Acid taste in mouth causes

Most of the causes for acid taste in mouth are not serious. The symptoms can be irritating and they can interfere with the person’s regular diet or their enjoyment of daily life. Here are some conditions which can lead to acid taste in the mouth:

Dental issues: Poor dental hygiene can lead to a bitter taste in the mouth. It can cause an increase in the gingivitis, gum disease, infections and cavities. By regularly brushing and flossing the teeth, you can avoid many common dental problems. Some people say that using tongue scraper can help them to get a relief from some symptoms. When you are using antibacterial mouthwash in between brushing, then it can help to keep the foul – tasting bacteria to a minimum.

Dry mouth: This condition is known as xerostomia. It happens when the mouth does not produce enough saliva. Saliva can help to reduce the bacteria in the mouth so when you have less saliva, then it means that more bacteria can survive. People who suffer from xerostomia can have a sticky and dry feeling in their mouth. Tobacco use, pre – existing disorders and medications can lead to xerostomia.

Pine nut syndrome: When some people eat pine nuts, then it can cause a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. This can happen one to three days after eating pine nuts. This syndrome does not cause other symptoms and it goes away after a couple of weeks.

Burning mouth syndrome: This is a condition which is causing a burning sensation in the mouth. The feeling can vary but many people have described it as eating spicy peppers. But some people can experience a bitter or rancid taste in their mouth. The symptoms of this condition can appear sporadically but also, it can be chronic and it can last for a long time. Some people can have problems with eating or drinking while others can find that eating and drinking gives them a relief from the symptoms.

Pregnancy: During the first trimester of pregnancy is very common to have a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth. Hormones fluctuate in the body during the pregnancy. This variation can affect the senses which can cause specific cravings and it makes some foods or smells seem disgusting. Many women who are pregnant can have metallic, bitter or tinny taste in their mouths. This can be annoying but usually it goes away later in the pregnancy or after giving a birth.

Menopause: Those women who are in menopause can experience a acid taste in their mouths. This may be happening due to the lower levels of estrogen in the body and this can lead to a secondary condition, such as burning mouth syndrome. Also, this can happen due to a persistent dry mouth.

Oral thrush: The yeast infection in the mouth can cause white spots or blotches to appear on the throat, mouth and tongue. Also, this can cause an unpleasant or bitter taste which can persist until the infection is treated.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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