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10 Home Remedies To Stop Sensitive Teeth Pain

There are some cases when sour, sweet, hot, or cold foods can trigger a sharp and sudden pain that shoots deep into the nerve endings of your teeth. This is known as tooth sensitivity. The roots of our teeth have thousands of tiny tubules (called channels) which are leading to the tooth’s nerve center or pulp.

It is known that cold, hot, or sweet tastes can travel through the tubules to reach the nerve in the tooth when your dentin becomes exposed by receding gum tissue. There are many causes that could lead to tooth sensitivity, such as exposed roots, worn tooth enamel, gum disease, worn fillings, a fractured tooth, and tooth decay (cavities). Also, consuming a lot of acidic foods and using the wrong oral products can lead to tooth sensitivity.

The tooth sensitivity is quite treatable, whatever the cause is. Home remedies will help you to manage the condition and reduce the pain.

Talk with your doctor if you have sensitive teeth before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies for this condition.

11 home remedies for sensitive teeth

Raw onion helps in sensitive teeth

Onion has quercetin flavonoids which possess anti-inflammatory properties. They can give you relief from the pain that is caused by tooth sensitivity. Onion has antimicrobial properties, which can kill the harmful bacteria in the mouth that cause oral infections [1].

You need to cut a piece of onion to a small size. This size should fit comfortably in your mouth. You should put this slice on the affected tooth. Let it stay there for five to ten minutes. You should thoroughly rinse your mouth using salt water because this can prevent the onion breath. You should repeat this natural treatment two to three times per day for a period of a few days.

sensitive teeth symptoms

Garlic cure sensitive teeth

This natural cure can help you to deal with tooth sensitivity. It is rich in allicin which is making it a powerful antibacterial agent and a natural anesthetic. This can help to reduce the pain which is resulting from tooth sensitivity as well as an abscess infection [2].

This can kill the germs which are caused by cavities and oral infections. You should make a paste by mixing together one crushed garlic clove, some table salt, and two or three drops of water. You should apply this home remedy directly on the affected tooth. You should let it stay there for several minutes before you rinse it off using warm salt water. You should repeat this natural treatment two times per day for a period of a few days.

Also, you can cut a garlic clove in half, and you should gently rub this slice against the affected tooth for a period of seven to ten minutes. You should rinse it off using lukewarm water. You should repeat this natural treatment two or three times per day to alleviate the pain.


This natural cure can help in reducing the demineralization of the tooth enamel, and also it is very effective in combating tooth sensitivity and its symptoms. You should consume ½ bowl of plain yogurt. You should do this natural treatment once per day.


You should get enough Vitamin E and Vitamin B because they can help to combat the inflammation in the affected area, and they can promote the health of teeth and gums [3]. You can get these vitamins from the consumption of foods rich in them, such as dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, fish, turnip, kale, spinach, and almonds.

Guava leaves

In Ayurvedic medicine is recommended guava leaves as a natural treatment for toothaches. If you suffer from sharp pain caused by tooth sensitivity, then you can use this home remedy to get relief. Guava leaves have flavonoids, such as kaempferol and quercetin, possessing free–radical scavenging activities and analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it can give you relief from toothache and tooth sensitivity.

You should chew one or two tenders and fresh guava leaves in a period of a few minutes and then spit it out. You should do this natural treatment 2 or 3 times per day. Also, you can put four to five guava leaves in one cup of water and boil it for five minutes. You should let it cool down, add some salt to it, and then use this home remedy as a mouthwash. [4]

Peppermint essential oil

This natural cure has antiseptic properties, which can kill the anaerobic bacteria to prevent gum disease [5]. Also, this natural cure will ensure that the dentin’s protective covering remains intact. You should add a drop of peppermint essential oil to your usual toothpaste. Also, you can make a homemade paste by mixing equal amounts of coconut oil and baking soda and then adding 10 – 15 drops of pure peppermint oil.

Cloves and clove oil

In dentistry, cloves have been used for a long time because they have antibacterial, anesthetic, and anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce tooth pain and will fight against oral infections. There was one study in 2013 in which it was found that the extracts of clove have analgesic effects [6]. This natural cure can be a useful home remedy for reducing toothaches and tooth sensitivity.

You should grind two whole cloves, mix them in a little olive oil and then apply it to your affected tooth for at least thirty minutes. You should repeat this natural treatment two times per day for a period of a few days. You can dab a cotton ball in clove oil and then put it directly on your affected tooth for twenty to thirty minutes. You should use this natural cure two times per day for a period of a few days. Also, you can mix five or six drops of clove oil in ½ glass of lukewarm water. You should rinse your mouth with this home remedy two to three times per day for a period of a few days.

Saltwater helps sensitive teeth

This home remedy can help you to get relief from tooth sensitivity in a fast way. It can improve the pH balance of your mouth, and also it can create an alkaline environment in which harmful bacteria cannot survive. This natural cure can reduce dental pain, and it can help in the treatment of gum sores and side effects of recent dental procedures.

You should mix ½ teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water. You should rinse your mouth with this home remedy. If you have noticed that moving this home remedy to all parts of your mouth is painful, then you should hold it for a few minutes. You should spit out this home remedy and then rinse your mouth using plain water.

Oil pulling with coconut oil

It is known that the oil pulling with coconut oil can help to reduce the Streptococcus mutans bacteria in the mouth, and also, it can diminish tooth sensitivity. It is a natural antibacterial agent that can help to reduce the plaque that is present in your teeth.

The oil pulling can help improve oral health and prevent problems like gum disease, bad breath, and toothaches. You should put one tablespoon of extra–virgin coconut oil in your mouth. You should swish it around for twenty minutes. You should spit out this oil and then rinse your mouth well using warm water. After you have rinsed your mouth, you should brush your teeth gently as usual. You should do this natural treatment on daily basis in the morning before you eat or brush your teeth.

Also, you can do the oil pulling using sesame oil. You should not swallow or gargle with the oil because it has harmful bacteria in your mouth. [7]

Limit consumption of acidic foods

The frequent consumption of foods and drinks which have high acid content can dissolve the tooth enamel, which leads to dentin exposure. You should avoid or limit acidic foods and drinks, such as wine, citrus fruits, and carbonated drinks. After you have eaten or drunk some acidic food or beverage, you should drink water to balance the acidic levels in your mouth. You need to avoid brushing your teeth right after drinking or eating acidic substances because they can damage your tooth enamel. You should wait for thirty minutes for sensitive teeth symptoms before you brush your teeth.

Oregano oil helps sensitive teeth

Oregano oil can help you to rid of tooth sensitivity because it possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. You should put two to three drops of oregano oil in your clean finger and then apply it gently on the affected tooth. You should allow it to stay there for ten to fifteen minutes before you rinse it off using lukewarm water. You should repeat this natural treatment two times per day for a period of a few days. Also, there is another option, and that is to mix four or five drops of oregano oil in ¼ cup of lukewarm water. You should use this home remedy as a mouthwash two or three times per day over a period of a few days.


[1] Ahmed M, Kabrah M, Faidah H, et al. Antibacterial effect of onion. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS). 2016;4(11D):4128-33.

[2] Shetty S, Thomas B, Shetty V, et al. An in-vitro evaluation of the efficacy of garlic extract as an antimicrobial agent on periodontal pathogens: A microbiological study. Ayu. 2013;34(4):445–51.

[3] Cagetti MG, Wolf TG, Tennert C, et al. The role of vitamins in oral health. A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020;17(3):938.

[4] Jayakumari S, Anbu J, Velayutham R, et al. Evaluation of toothache activity of methanolic extract and its various fractions from the leaves Psidium guajava Linn. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2012;3(2).

[5] Haghgoo R, Abbasi F. Evaluation of the use of a peppermint mouth rinse for halitosis by girls studying in Tehran high schools. Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry. 2013;3(1):29–31.

[6] Asl MK, Nazariborun A, Hosseini M. Analgesic effect of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of clove. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine. 2013;3(2):186–92.

[7] Shanbhag VKL. Oil pulling for maintaining oral hygiene – A review. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2017;7(1):106–9.

Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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