This is a rapidly growing condition that is affecting millions of people, and they even do not know that they have it. When we talk about this term, you may think that it affects only the digestive system, but in the reality, it could lead to many health problems. Slow metabolism, autoimmune conditions, thyroid disease, joint pain, low energy, and food allergies can be symptoms that leaky gut syndrome is progressing.
People who suffer from leaky gut syndrome can experience multiple food sensitivities. The partially digested fat and protein can seep through the intestinal lining, which is making its way into the bloodstream, and this causes an allergic response. It does not mean that this allergic response will break out in a rash all over your body, but it can lead to many different symptoms, such as weight gain; digestive problems; skin issues like rosacea and acne; headaches; joint pain; fatigue; thyroid conditions; food sensitivities; bloating.
If you leave the leaky gut syndrome untreated, then it can lead to more severe health issues, such as chronic fatigue, muscle pain, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, psoriasis, eczema, arthritis, IBS, and inflammatory bowel disease. The leaky gut syndrome is a major cause of autoimmune diseases in which type 1 diabetes is also included. You need to talk with your doctor if you suffer from leaky gut syndrome before you start using some of the below-mentioned home remedies.
20 Home remedies for leaky gut syndrome
- 1 20 Home remedies for leaky gut syndrome
- 1.1 Quercetin
- 1.2 Licorice root
- 1.3 L–Glutamine
- 1.4 Digestive enzymes
- 1.5 Probiotics
- 1.6 Fruit
- 1.7 Omega–3 fatty acids
- 1.8 Healthy fats
- 1.9 Sprouted seeds
- 1.10 Coconut products
- 1.11 Fermented vegetables
- 1.12 Multivitamins
- 1.13 Cat’s claw
- 1.14 Raw cultured dairy
- 1.15 Bone broth
- 1.16 Remove some foods and factors which can damage your gut
- 1.17 Zinc
- 1.18 Water
- 1.19 Turmeric
This plant pigment is found in many plants and foods such as American elder, St. John’s wort, Gingko Biloba, berries, apples, green tea, onions, red wine, and others. There are some studies which are shown that quercetin can improve gut barrier functioning by sealing the gut because it supports the creation of tight junction proteins.[1]
It is recommended to take 500 mg of quercetin 3 times per day with your meals. Also, this natural cure can stabilize the mast cells and reduce the release of histamine, which is common in food intolerance.
Licorice root
This is an adaptogenic herb that can balance cortisol levels and improves acid production in the stomach. It is recommended to take 500 mg of this herb 3 times per day with your meals but talk with your doctor before you start using it. It is a known fact that the DGL licorice root can support the body’s natural processes for maintaining the mucosal lining of the stomach and duodenum. If the leaky gut syndrome is caused by emotional stress, then this herb is especially beneficial.
It is recommended to take 5 grams of L–Glutamine two times per day. This natural cure is critical for any program designed to heal the leaky gut syndrome. Glutamine powder is a very important amino acid supplement that has anti-inflammatory properties that are needed for the repair and growth of the intestinal lining. This natural cure will coat your cell walls, and also it acts as a repellent to irritants.[2]
Digestive enzymes
You should take one to two capsules at the beginning of each meal. They can ensure that the food is fully digested, which can decrease the chances of partially digested food particles and proteins that can damage your gut wall.
This is the most important supplement which you should take because it can help to replenish the good bacteria and crowd out the bad bacteria. Doctors are recommending 50–100 billion units on daily basis. Also, doctors are recommending getting probiotics in both forms – food and supplements. There are many people who suffer from leaky gut syndrome and who remove the damaging irritants in their diets, but they do not repair their gut with good bacteria, which will help to keep the bad bacteria at bay. This is a reason why you should include probiotics in your diet.[3]
It is recommended to consume one to two servings of fruit on a daily basis because it is very effective in the natural treatment of leaky gut syndrome. Also, you can steam pears and apples to make homemade fruit sauce or apple sauce. It is recommended to consume fruit in the morning and not later on in the day, and you should keep your fruit intake in moderation if you suffer from the leaky gut syndrome.
Omega–3 fatty acids
It is recommended to consume foods that have Omega–3 fatty acids, such as lamb, grass-fed beef, and wild-caught fish like salmon because they can benefit the damaged gut due to their anti-inflammatory properties. When you include Omega–3 fatty acids in your diet, then it can help to combat the inflammation. Also, it can help to alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. You can take Omega–3 fatty acids in supplement form but talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage.[4]
Healthy fats
You should consume healthy fats in moderation, such as coconut oil, ghee, avocados, and egg yolks because they are easy on the gut and they can promote healing.
Sprouted seeds
You should consume sprouted seeds, such as hemp seeds, flaxseeds, and chia seeds because they are rich in fiber and they can help to support the growth of beneficial bacteria. If you suffer from the severe leaky gut syndrome, then you may need to start out getting your fiber from steamed vegetables and fruit.
Coconut products
It is a known fact that all coconut products are good for the health of the gut. Coconut has MCFAs (medium–chain fatty acids), which are easier to digest compared to other fats, and they work well for the natural treatment of leaky gut syndrome. Also, in the coconut kefir, there are probiotics which are supporting the digestive system.
Fermented vegetables
These vegetables have organic acids which can balance the intestinal pH, and also they have probiotics that can support the gut. You should consume fermented vegetables, such as kvass, kimchi, and sauerkraut, as part of your diet.
It is very important to consume good multivitamins without additives because this will make up for any nutritional deficiencies. Talk with your doctor about the best way to consume multivitamins and their recommended dosage of them.
Cat’s claw
This is a healing herb that can heal the leaky intestinal lining [5]. Talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage for this natural cure. Those people who are taking medications that thin their blood, people who have high blood pressure, and those people who have an autoimmune condition should talk with their doctor if they should consume cat’s claw as their natural treatment for leaky gut syndrome.
Raw cultured dairy
In this type of food, there are probiotics and short–chain fatty acids which can help to heal the gut. Some of the best probiotic foods which you can add to your diet are raw cheese, butter, amasai, yogurt, and kefir.
Bone broth
It has collagen and amino acids proline and glycine, which can help to heal the damaged cell walls. There are many doctors who recommend taking bone broth for a period of 3 days because this will help in the treatment of leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disease.
Remove some foods and factors which can damage your gut
It is very important to remove inflammatory and allergen foods, such as conventional dairy products, synthetic food additives, refined oils, GMOs, added sugar, and unsprouted grains. The top toxic exposures which you should eliminate are antibiotics, NSAIDS, pesticides, and tap water. You should always talk with your doctor or physician if these products were described to you.
It is very common for people who suffer from leaky gut syndrome to have a zinc deficiency. This mineral supports the immune system and healthy intestinal walls. When there is excessive Candida in the body, then it sends organisms out to pull away and destroy the zinc in the body, and also it worsens the ability of the body to heal. You can take 30 mg of zinc on daily basis.
It is very important to stay hydrated if you suffer from leaky gut syndrome. It is a known fact that chronic dehydration can lead to constipation. This will allow bacteria to linger and inflame the intestinal lining, and this leads to leaky gut syndrome.
Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory herb that can help to heal the intestinal lining by decreasing inflammation [6]. You can use the turmeric in powder or capsule form, 250 – 500 mg, on daily basis but talk with your doctor about the recommended dosage.
[1] Amasheh M, Schlichter S, Amasheh S, Mankertz J. Quercetin enhances epithelial barrier function and increases claudin-4 expression in caco-2 cells. Journal of Nutrition. 2008;138(6):1067-73.
[2] Rao R, Samak G. Role of glutamine in protection of intestinal epithelial tight junctions. Journal of Epithelial Biology & Pharmacology. 2012;5(Suppl 1-M7):47–54.
[3] Rao RK, Samak G. Protection and restitution of gut barrier by probiotics: Nutritional and clinical implications. Current Nutrition & Food Science. 2013;9(2):99-107.
[4] Costantini L, Molinari R, Farinon B, Merendino N. Impact of omega-3 fatty acids on the gut microbiota. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017;18(12):2645.
[5] Presser A. Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa). Literature Education Series On Dietary Supplements: Huntington College of Health Sciences. 2009.
[6] Wang J, Ghosh SS, Ghosh S. Curcumin improves intestinal barrier function: modulation of intracellular signaling, and organization of tight junctions. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology. 2017;312(4):C438-C445.