Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Treat tick bites naturally through Cinnamon oil & Eucalyptus oil

In most cases, ticks do not carry any kind of disease, and in most cases, tick bites do not cause any kind of serious health problem. The sooner these bugs are removed, the less likely to spread any kind of disease. There are some ticks that are so small that it is very hard to see them. This makes it so hard to tell if you have removed the tick’s head.

If you do not notice any obvious parts of the tick’s head in the bite site, then you can assume that you have removed the entire head, but you should be careful with the signs and symptoms of a skin infection. If you have been bitten by a tick, then you need to talk with your doctor about the best home treatment for you because, in that way, you will be sure that you are not a risk of getting a skin infection.

If you have noticed some of the mentioned symptoms (symptoms become more severe or more frequent, symptoms of a skin infection develop, a rash or sore develops, or flu-like symptoms develop) and they are happening during the home treatment, then you should call your doctor.

16 Home remedies for tick bites

Ice pack

You should apply an ice pack to your bite for fifteen to twenty minutes once an hour for the first six hours. If you do not have this home remedy in your home at that moment, then you should keep a cool and wet cloth on the tick bites for up to six hours.

Warm washcloth

After six hours have passed from the tick bites, and if you have noticed no swelling, you should try to put a warm washcloth on the bite for comfort.

Aromatherapy oil

You can use aromatherapy oils as your natural treatment for tick bites. You can use aromatherapy oil such as pennyroyal oil, lavender oil, cedar oil, cinnamon oil, lemon oil, and basil oil because they are naturally repellent for ticks [1].

You should prepare a mixture of any 3 oils from the mentioned. This is an effective home remedy for removing ticks. You should mix one drop of each of the 3 oils which you have chosen and pure almond oil. You should stir this home remedy well. Then, you should soak a cloth in this natural cure. You should wrap this cloth on your pet, but you can also use this home remedy because it can help remove ticks from your skin. Just apply this tick bites natural treatment on the skin.

Cinnamon oil

This type of oil is one of the most used natural treatments for getting rid of ticks. You should apply some cinnamon oil directly to the affected area. This natural cure works as a natural repellent against fleas and ticks [2].

Also, you can add 80 drops of cinnamon oil to one ounce of water. You should fill this home remedy with a hose sprayer. You should gently spray this home remedy on the lawn. This is a very effective home remedy against tick bites.

Also, this oil acts as a protective shield against ticks on human skin. You should rub cinnamon oil on your skin.

Natural cures for tick bites

Turpentine or gasoline

Alcohol fuels such as gasoline are also very effective home treatments for ticks. In a container, you should pour 2 tablespoons of gasoline. You should dip a cotton ball in it and place this cotton ball on the tick. You should let it stay there for three minutes. With this home remedy, ticks will suffocate, and they can be easily removed with the help of tweezers.


You can use mouthwash as your home remedy to pull out fleas and ticks. You should put some mouthwash on a cotton ball or tissue paper and place it on the affected area. You will notice positive results. This is a proven home remedy.


This fruit is rich in citric acid, which will help you to remove ticks. You should squeeze out some fresh juice from one to two oranges. You should apply this home remedy to your pet’s body with the help of a cotton ball. Also, you can apply some orange oil to the affected areas. This natural cure is also a natural tick repellent.

B Vitamins

When your diet is rich in vitamins from the Vitamin B family, then ticks can be repelled. You can add some foods that are rich in Vitamin B, such as brown rice, fish, Brewer’s yeast, etc. Foods that are rich in this vitamin help repel sweat, estrogen, carbon dioxide, and all other bodily secretions which attract parasites and insects like fleas and ticks. [3]

Herbal insect repellents

There are some herbal insect repellents that are very effective against fleas and ticks. Many of these herbal insect repellents are available in oil, lotion, or spray form, and they include tea tree oil, calendula oil, eucalyptus oil, and cedar oil. Tea tree oil and goldenseal oil also can be applied to affected parts of your skin as a natural treatment for tick bites.

Avoid walking through long grass

You should avoid walking through long grass. If you are hiking, then you should stick to the middle of the trails. When you get to your home, then you should wash all your clothes in hot water. You should run your washer and dryer on the highest heat setting to kill the ticks. Also, you should wear full-sleeved shirts and long trousers because in this way you will be sure that ticks will not bite you.

You should teach your children the safety rules of being around domesticated and wild animals. You should treat your home with insect repellents that are nontoxic and which are safe. You should wash the tick bite area with a lot of clean and warm water. You should not try to burn the tick while it is attached to your skin.

Also, you should not try to smother a tick that is attached to your skin with rubbing alcohol, gasoline, nail polish, or petroleum jelly because this will increase your risk of getting an infection. You should apply some soothing calamine lotion to reduce inflammation and pain to treat tick bites.

When you have removed the tick from your skin, then you should save it in a container of alcohol to show your doctor, and in this way, he or she will tell you which is the best way to treat tick bites.

Liquid dish detergent

You can use liquid dish detergent as your natural treatment for ticks because it effectively kills ticks. You should pour a small amount of liquid dish detergent into a bowl. You should use a cotton ball to apply this home remedy on your pet’s body and cover the infected area. If you have a pet that is allergic to soap, then you should not apply this home treatment to his body.


This is also a very effective home remedy for treating tick bites. You should rub onion on the bite site. This induces a powerful antioxidant action that helps you to heal the bite in a faster way.

Meat tenderizer poultice

When you apply meat tenderizer poultice, then this is also one of the best home remedies for treating tick bites. You should apply some of this home remedy on your skin by making a little paste with water. The poultice has enzymes that will help you to reduce pain and swelling, and also it will draw out the tick’s saliva. You should keep the poultice on for at least thirty minutes before you wash it off the affected area.

Eucalyptus oil

This is also a very effective home remedy against ticks. In approximately one liter of water, you should boil 15 – 20 leaves of eucalyptus oil. You should let this home remedy boil for ten minutes. After the boiling, you should let this home remedy cool down at room temperature. You should strain this home remedy in a spray bottle. You should use the eucalyptus spray to kill ticks.

Also, you can make eucalyptus spray by using eucalyptus oil. You should fill a spray bottle with 4 ounces of distilled water. You should put ten drops of eucalyptus oil in the spray bottle. You should shake this spray well before you use it. [4]


This toxic substance is used as a natural treatment for killing ticks. You should spray this toxic substance on mattresses, clothes, and curtains. When ticks get in contact with this substance, then they get killed. There are many Permethrin formulas that are registered for use on dogs and cats. [5]

Baking soda

This is also a very effective home remedy for removing ticks from your pet’s body. You should mix one-half teaspoon of salt and one-half teaspoon of baking soda to use this home remedy against ticks. You should add the mixture mentioned to 4 ounces of apple cider vinegar. You should pour this home remedy into a spray bottle filled with four ounces of warm water. You should spray this home remedy on your pets.

When spraying this natural treatment on your pets, you should be sure that it will not reach their eyes for tick bites.


[1] Ghavami MB, Poorrastgoo F, Taghiloo B, Mohammadi J. Repellency effect of essential oils of some native plants and synthetic repellents against human flea, Pulex irritans (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases. 2017;11(1):105-15.

[2] Feng J, Zhang S, Shi W, et al. Selective essential oils from spice or culinary herbs have high activity against stationary phase and biofilm Borrelia burgdorferi. Frontiers in Medicine. 2017;4:169.

[3] Ives AR, Paskewitz SM, Inter-L&S 101, et al. Testing vitamin B as a home remedy against mosquitoes. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 2005;21(2):213-7.

[4] Lee MY. Essential oils as repellents against arthropods. BioMed Research International. 2018;2018:6860271.

[5] Richards SL, Balanay JAG, Harris JW. Effectiveness of permethrin-treated clothing to prevent tick exposure in foresters in the central Appalachian region of the USA. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2015;4:453-62.

Dr. Emil Sarsath (aka) Vijila, a licensed naturopathic doctor (BSMS) who always ensures his patients receive compassionate, and individualized care. He has extensive experience in primary care, digestive health, mental health, nervous system disorder and more.Area of Expertise – Naturopathic Medicine, Whole Foods-based Nutrition, Siddha, Panchakarma.She is always available through [email protected]



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