The blue vervain is also known as Simpler’s Joy. This is an exotic herb which has many health benefits. It belongs to the Verbenaceae family with other 250 members. It is popularly known as Vervain. It has violet flowers. It can be seen across Europe and America. In the past, vervain was used as an aphrodisiac but nowadays it is well known as antidepressant and tranquilizing agent. It has many health benefits for women. It is known that vervain has many health benefits but it should be used in restricted amounts. If you consume it excess amounts, then it can trigger vomiting and leads to dehydration. It is known that vervain can induce the uterine contractions and lactations so pregnant women need to talk with their doctors if they can use the vervain in their diets. Also if you are taking prescription medications, talk with your doctor before you start using vervain in your diet. There are many forms of vervain in which can be used, such as flower essence, tea, capsules, tincture and powder.
Health benefits of vervain
Natural detoxifying agent: It is known that the vervain is inducing the sweating and it can eliminate toxins from your body via sweet. This can help your skin to look young and fresh.
Good for kidney stones: You should prepare an infusion by steeping one tablespoon of dry blue vervain leaves in one pint of boiling water for ten minutes. You should consume about six tablespoons on daily basis and spread over six doses to rid of the kidney stones and urinary bladder infections.
Beneficial for skin: It has strong anti – inflammatory and astringent properties which can make it a useful home remedy for many skin infections. There are some studies in which are said that vervain can be used as a natural treatment from safeguarding wounds from infections. Also it can help you to rid of the toxins which are inflicted from insect bites.
Functions as antidote for malaria: It is known that in the ancient Chinese medicine the roots of blue vervain were used as a natural cure for malaria.
Natural tonic for your liver: It is known that vervain has many health benefits for the liver. It has anti – spasmodic and anti – inflammatory properties which are making it a very effective home remedy for jaundice by cleansing the liver.
Benefits and uses of vervain
Good for women’s health: Vervain is packed with mood improving properties. [1] It can help to ease the anxiety and mood swings which are experienced by women during the premenstrual period. Also this natural cure is used to induce the menstrual cycle in women whose periods have been delayed. [2] Vervain has the potential to trigger the uterine contractions and this is a reason why it can be used to induce labor and hasten child birth. There are some studies in which are said that using vervain aids in improving the lactation levels naturally after delivery.
Natural antispasmodic agent: It is known that vervain has antispasmodic properties. This is a reason why it is recommended by traditional physicians as a natural treatment for muscle spasms, pains and cramps. Also it can be used as a poultice to ease the pain which is associated with medical conditions, such as rheumatism and ear neuralgia.
Natural analgesic and anti – inflammatory agent: It is known that this herb has analgesic and anti – inflammatory properties. These properties are making it a very effective home remedy for cold and fever. It can ease the body pain and also it lowers the temperature levels during episodes of fever. It can provide an immense relief from migraine and sinusitis. Vervain is a natural stimulant and revitalizing agent and it can be used as a tonic to overcome the weakness that is experienced after a severe bout of fever. Vervain can eliminate the phlegm from your throat which will offer you a relief from the continuous bouts of cough. [3, 4]
For better oral health: You should chew vervain regularly because it will give your gums and teeth a dose of goodness. This is a very effective home remedy for bleeding gums. It is known that it can ease the pain and redness experienced due to mouth ulcers. [5]
[1] Khan AW, Khan A, Ahmed T. Anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, and sedative activities of Verbena officinalis. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2016;7:499.
[2] Cock IE. The safe usage of herbal medicines: counter-indications, cross-reactivity, and toxicity. Pharmacognosy Communications. 2015;5(1):2-38.
[3] Yates B. Blue vervain (Verbena officianalis): An overview of the research and clinical indications. Plant Intelligence: Professional Resources. Retrieved from
[4] Miraj S, Kiani S. Study of pharmacological effect of Verbena officianalis Linn: A review. 2016;8:321-325.
[5] Grawish M, Elsabaa H, Zedan W, Anees M. Short-term effects of Verbena officianalis Linn decoction on patients suffering from chronic generalized gingivitis: Double-blind randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial. Quintessence international. 2016;47(6):491-8.