Thursday, July 25, 2024

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Egg Protein for Building Muscles

Bodybuilders know that protein is critical in the muscle – building process. Every tissue in our bodies, including muscle tissue, consists of proteins, which are constantly being broken down, and they need to be replaced. Eggs are one of the healthiest foods that you can every ear. Eggs have the status as a first – line fitness good. The egg protein as a supplement can be used by anyone who needs a high – quality protein to meet his daily needs and goose along muscle growth. Also, the egg protein works for people who are allergic to dairy or soy.

The egg protein is may be just what you need to reach your physique goals. Eggs are known as complete protein, which means that they have all the essential amino acids necessary for muscle building. In one egg, there are 6 grams of protein, so this makes eggs the cheapest protein source on the market. Eggs have all eight essential amino acids needed for the optimal muscle recovery, but also, they are rich in vitamins and minerals. The egg protein is an extremely high – quality protein, and it has an affordable price for all bodybuilders.

Egg Protein for Building Muscles
Egg Protein for Building Muscles

Vitamins in eggs:

Eggs have the next vitamins:

Vitamin A: It is very important for the skin and growth.

Vitamin D: It can strengthen bones by raising calcium absorption.

Vitamin E: It protects cells from oxidation.

Vitamin B1: It helps properly to release energy from carbohydrates.

Vitamin B2: It helps to release energy from protein and fat.

Vitamin B6: It can help to promote the metabolism of protein.

Vitamin B12: It is an essential vitamin in the formation of nerve fibers and blood cells.

Minerals in eggs:

Eggs have the next minerals:

  • Iron: It is essential in creation of red blood cells.
  • Zinc: It is good for enzyme stability and essential in sexual maturation.
  • Calcium: It is the most important mineral in the strengthening of bones and teeth.
  • Iodine: It controls thyroid hormones.
  • Selenium: It protects cells from oxidation.

Unscrambling the science:

The typical way to make an egg protein supplement is isolating the egg white, pulverizing it and drying the remains into a powder. In some cases, the egg yolk is also included, but most egg protein supplements rely solely on the egg whites, which is also called egg albumen. When you see the term “albumen“, then this means that the majority of the fat should be removed via filtration. The process of egg – white pasteurization is a surgical strike. Like the dairy, it is an ultra – high heat process of short duration which kills microbiological organisms.

But, it leaves the protein, which is your muscle – building ammunition. Bodybuilders are paying attention to the egg protein. But, nowadays, the egg protein is also used in baking and confection. The egg white is needed wherever you need high – whipping effects in foods. When you see how much foam is created and how long it sticks around, then you will know if the protein powder is high in egg albumen and low in carbs, fat and gelling agents (such as gums).

Thumbs up for egg protein:

It is known that the egg protein can stimulate the muscle growth. In University studies, it has been demonstrated to increase the muscle protein synthesis. These effects are happening due to the high concentration of the amino acid leucine – approximately 9%. Leucine is the most important amino acid, which is responsible for the stimulation of synthesis of muscle protein after a meal. The whey protein is the only protein source that has more leucine than egg protein. Eggs have 10 – 20% more leucine than other protein sources.

The egg protein is more anabolic than both soy and whey protein. Also, it increased the lean – body mass more than both of these protein sources, even at equal intakes. Our bodies are digesting the egg protein at a rate similar to the muscle – building speed demon whey protein. After the consumption, this rapid digestion is leading to a large increase in plasma amino acids after. The muscles cells are sensitive to changes in the blood amino acid levels, and the rapid increase can cause a correspondingly large muscle – building response.

In one study it was shown that consuming egg protein can promote the satiety, while at the same time, it will reduce the short – term food intake. Eggs can be beneficial for people who want to lose fat, but who do not want to feel like they are starving in the process. But, the benefits of egg protein do not end with the muscle growth. The egg protein is also rich in micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Also, there are other benefits with consuming eggs beyond its muscle – supporting effects, which are substantial.

Cracks in the shell game:

As we have said previously, egg protein is a rich source of leucine, but the whey protein has greater leucine density. In percentage, 9% has egg protein, compared to 11% of whey protein. WHO has reported that the dairy allergies are present in 1 – 4% of adults. Also, the dairy – milk sensitivity (this is not an allergy to dairy) has almost the same prevalence. These people can avoid problems by adding egg protein in their diets.

It is a small difference in leucine content, but it is very important for them. Also, people who are lactose intolerant can opt for egg protein. But, it is unlikely that they will have issues with the whey protein, because it has minor amounts of carbohydrates due to whey protein is filtered form.

Egg protein in your diet:

There are different factors which can tell you how much egg protein you should consume, including your body weight, total protein intake and whether you consume it alone or with other protein sources. The egg protein is rich in leucine compared to other protein sources, so you do not need to consume it nearly as much to maximize the muscle growth. Let imagine that you have 200 pounds, and you are consuming only egg protein. You should consume 30 – 40 grams to maximize your muscle growth response the resulting time.

If you want to get the same effect using soy, then you will probably need to consume 50 grams. You can consume the egg protein anytime of the day, and you will get great effect. Many bodybuilders want to consume the egg protein before and after working out. In one study, it was said that consuming egg protein even at a dose as small as 5 grams post – workout can help to improve the protein synthesis and recovery. But, the best responses were seen at dosages of 20 – 40 grams.

The egg is digested relatively quickly; so many supplements companies have combined egg protein with the whey protein with a slower – digesting protein, such as casein. Their goal is to create a blend of protein which offers a steadier and sustained release of amino acids in the bloodstream. But, if this is offering other benefits, it is a debatable.

Benefits of eggs in your diet:

If you eat six egg whites and 2 yolks in the morning, then they will provide your body with:

  • 153 calories
  • 5 grams of protein
  • 23 grams of fat and 2.7 grams of that is unsaturated fat (these are good fats)
  • Zero carbohydrates

Ways of cooking your eggs:

Many bodybuilders cook their eggs for better absorption by the human body and to avoid the risk of getting sick through salmonella. So, prepare your eggs if you want to avoid getting sick. You can put all your eggs in a microwave safe bowl. Chuck them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Then, add a little bit of barbecue sauce, and they are ready for eating in less than five minutes. You can prepare eggs in the next ways: scrambled, steamed, baked, fried, boiled and microwaved.

If you cannot stand the taste of eggs, then you should experiment with ways they can fit into your diet. You can try adding herbs and spices or a little bit of sauce. Also, you can cook them in the microwave and then mix them in a blender with some milk, oats, yogurt, flaxseed oil, natural peanut butter and a scoop of protein powder, so you will not taste them. When the fat and cholesterol content of eggs is consumed in excess amounts, then it can be harmful.

Egg whites do not have saturated fat, while egg yolks have. You can consume more egg whites than egg yolks, so in this way, you will limit your saturated fat and dietary cholesterol intake. Eggs are rich in protein, but you do not need just to consume eggs. You need to combine them with your workout, so you will build your muscles. In this way, you will get the physique that you desire.



Neem Mayur
Neem Mayur
Mayur Neem, a certified dietician having more than 5 years of experience in the field of diet practice. He is working as a diet expert and offering services to body builders, sports persons, celebrities, etc. He is lover of natural remedies and loves to spend most of his free time in his organic farm and offers expert advice on organic farming to local farmers. He is available through [email protected]


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