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Health benefits of guava leaves – Incredible Health benefits of guava leave

Many of us know that guava leaves have many health benefits but not many of us know that guava leaves have health benefits. In the Hindi medicine these leaves were used for many different medicinal properties. They are rich in anti – inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Also they have tannins so the fresh guava leaves are known as natural pain relievers.

Guava leaves have chemicals, such as tannins, flavonoids, carotenoids and polyphenols which are very beneficial in the treatment of many different diseases. Medicines and drugs have many side effects so this is a reason why the usage of herbs is increased so guava leaves are one of them. Nowadays, you can find guava leaves in a form of capsules and guava leaf tea.

Health benefits of guava leaves

Health benefits of guava leaves

Natural remedy for hair loss: You should boil a handful of guava leaves in a liter of water for around twenty minutes. You should apply this home remedy on your scalp and massage it rigorously. This is one of the best home remedies to stop hair loss.

Relieves itching: The skin itching can lead to serious problems if it is not treated immediately. These leaves can help you to rid of the itchiness because they have allergy blocking compounds.

Anti – aging benefits: Guava leaves have antioxidants which can destroy the free radicals that are causing damage to the skin and also they can protect your skin from aging as well as improving the skin tone and texture. You can apply a decoction of guava leaves on your skin to tighten it.

Removal of blackheads: You should blend these leaves with little water and use this home remedy as a scrub on your nose to remove the blackheads.

Treatment of acne and black spots: Acne and black spots can affect the self – esteem. Guava leaves can help to eliminate acne and black spots from the skin. They have antiseptic which can kill acne that is causing bacteria. This is a reason why you should mash some leaves and apply it on the dark spots and acne. You should rinse it water after some period has passed. You should do this natural treatment on daily basis until your skin is clear.

Treatment of wounds and infections: These leaves have great healing properties which can help in the treatment of wounds, such as impact abrasion, cuts, etc. Guava leaves have antibacterial properties which can prevent infection and also they reduce the inflammation of the uterus to accelerate the healing of wounds. You can use guava leaf tea as your natural treatment if you suffer from ear infections.

Sperm production: It has been proven that the consumption of guava leaf tea can increase the sperm production and also it can help with conception.

Reduction of allergies: These leaves can prevent the release of histamine. Guava leaves have compounds which are effective in blocking all allergic reactions.

Prostate cancer: These leaves can be beneficial in cases of prostate cancer and enlargement.

Beneficial in dengue fever: Guava leaves are effective home remedies for dengue fever. The guava leaf extract can increase the number of platelets in the blood and it is not toxic at all. You should boil nine pieces of guava leaves in five cups of water until three cups of water is left. After you have strain it and cool it, you should take one cup of this home remedy 3 times per day.

Treatment of toothaches, sore throats and gum disease: Fresh guava leaves have anti – inflammatory properties so they can be used in the treatment of mouth sores, gum sores and tooth ache. It has antibacterial properties which can protect the teeth and gums so this is a reason why guava leaves are often used as an ingredient in the toothpastes and mouth fresheners. These leaves can be made into a natural paste at home for brushing your teeth and gums.

Treatment of bronchitis: You can drink guava leaf tea for the treatment of bronchitis because it can open your lungs, soothe coughs and loose mucus.

Lower cholesterol: It was found that drinking guava leaf tea in a period of three months can reduce the bad cholesterol and triglycerides without causing side effects on the good cholesterol.

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
Dr. Ramesh kumar, BAMS is naturopathy doctor who is well versed with health benefits of all fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants


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