Thunder god vine has many health benefits, such as preventing certain colorectal diseases, managing hormonal irregularities, inhibiting the spread of cancer, protecting the skin, helping lose weight, acting as a contraceptive, reducing inflammation, and it can regulate the immune system.
This is an ancient type of vine. Its names are associated with strength and power, but many people in the west or other parts of the world have never heard about this vine. This vine is native to Korea, Japan, and China.
It has many health benefits that can help you improve your condition. But also, there are some cases when this vine can cause side effects which means that you should not use it without talking with your doctor or herbalist.
This vine often interacts with other medications, which can lead to intense side effects. Some parts of this plant are extremely toxic, so you should take the extracts from people working with natural remedies. If you have noticed side effects from this vine, you should not consume it anymore.
7 Health benefits of thunder god vine
Weight loss
People with weight problems should use the thunder god vine as their natural remedy. There are many laboratory studies which are shown that this herb has an active component which is known as celastrol, which has anti–obesity effects. This is a very positive fact for all people who have excess fat in their bodies because they can have increased oxidative stress, which leads to increased chances of getting diabetes, higher rates of cancer, and heart health complications.
When we are talking about contraceptives, then most people think about how women should stay protected. But there are many cases in which it is shown that there is a direct connection between male infertility and the thunder god vine (at least this is a temporary problem). This herb should be studied because they are trying to develop an oral contraceptive.
Crohn’s disease
When we suffer from Crohn’s disease, we have an inflammation of the stomach lining which can decrease our oral health and worsen our life. This is one of the best home remedies which can soothe your stomach. It can minimize the effect of this chronic disease and help you heal the stomach lining.
Anti-inflammatory activity
Many forms of inflammation can have serious effects on the body. If you suffer from gastrointestinal inflammation, respiratory conditions, gout, or arthritis, you should use thunder god vine as your natural remedy. One of the biggest causes of oxidative stress throughout our body is inflammation. This means that you have increased chances of getting chronic disease due to the buildup of free radicals.
Immune health
This kind of vine will help you to have good immune system health. It is not boosting your immune system. This vine regulates the immune system, which is very important for all people who suffer from autoimmune diseases. If you have multiple sclerosis, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, you should use an extract from thunder god vine.
Anticancer activity
This kind of vine has positive effects on many types of cancers. Celastrol and triptolide are active compounds found in this kind of vine. There are studies in which is shown that these components have anti–tumor effects in the body. But most of these cases were tested in laboratories and not in human cases, so more studies should be done on this topic. More studies should be done about how this plant can eliminate some cancers, such as colorectal, pancreatic, and ovarian.
Hormonal regulation
In many cases, hormonal imbalances come from the quality of life, which differs from person to person. If you suffer from diagnosed hormonal imbalance, then you should add thunder god vine to your diet because it can help your body to function normally and also it can diminish the intensity of menstruation.